Alan's pet

It was as if my whole world had collapsed from under me. I had gone from being a happy 18 year old girl who was loved and cared for by her parents to being alone[…]

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Phoenix: halloween

Techno music blared from the massive speakers and several fog machines spewed out foul smelling white smoke but the teens danced anyway in the heat of their store-bought costumes despite the lack of oxygen and[…]

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Veronica's fantasy

Veronica’s Fantasy by Veronica The three of us sat together one night, as the best of friends do, drinking, smoking, discussing our lives and eventually turning to my favorite subject, sex. More drinks arrived and[…]

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Pickup mystery

A warm spring day and you are standing at the road side looking like you missed someone. I pull up and ask if you need help or a ride somewhere. You say you missed the[…]

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A beautiful wish

Prologue  Beyond the Cliffs of Torment there was nothing. The sunset cast its dying glow on the seas, crashing against the black volcanic rocks of the cliffs. Large curtains of steam blasted off the[…]

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