Gloria’s shapely body clad in her favorite short hot pink robe stood in the doorway to his bedroom. As her sultry green-eye scanned the room she saw Arnie, lying naked on the bed. She ogled his tall muscular body, tanned skin, blue eyes and blond hair. As their eyes met his seemed to pierce right though her and made her skin quiver with desire. Gloria couldn’t wait to feel his mouth covering every inch of her body. She puckered her lips, blowing him a kiss and seductively strutting forward.
Arnie’s love for her radiated between them as he reached out as if catching her kiss and placed it on his lips. When he first met Gloria, it was love at first sight. She seemed to walk out of his dreams and right into his heart. It was exciting to be with her and when it came to sex, she loved it. Gloria always wanted to act out her fantasies and try something new.
One of Arnie’s favorite fantasies was the one which involved her using a cock-like black vibrator. She would fuck her hot pussy with it while pretending that it was a black man’s cock. Tonight, he had a surprise for her. He’d bought Gloria a similar big black vibrator. His mouth watered and he licked his lips while watching her luscious full-figured body promenade toward him.
His gaze shifted and with a sultry voice he spoke, “Oh God, you’re beautiful! But wait a minute, stay right where you are, I have something to show you.”
As a sly grin crossed his face he reached behind his back and brought out a long red velvet bag. He slowly opened the bag, watching her reaction as he took out the big black cock-like vibrator, laying it on the bed.
Gloria’s eyed lit up and her face turned red. For a moment, it looked as if she was going to pass out from excitement. She attempted to say something, but all she could do was gasping and mumble.
Arnie got up off the bed quickly and placed his arm around Gloria and led her over to the bed.
He then sat down with her and asked, “Hey baby, are you okay?”
She looked at him with lusty eyes, “Yes, I’m okay. You just got me so excited for a moment that I couldn’t speak. Oh my God, what are you doing with a black />
“Well, you’re always telling me how much you love to use yours, so I thought I’d get you one to use here at my house. Besides, I would like to see how much fun we can have with it.”
Gloria snickered as she scooted up on the bed and lay down. Taking a hold of her big tits she jiggled them, “How do you like my twin beauties baby?”
Arnie climbed up on the bed next to her, slid his tongue hungrily across his lips as he rearranged his genitals. “Oh fuck, you know I can’t resist those big jugs of yours!” He grasped them with his hands and began covering them with kisses.
Unable to contain her enthusiasm Gloria squealed, “Oh fuck, I love what you do to me. You want to know something, I missed you today. I was so fucking horny that I couldn’t wait until tonight. I hope you do not mind me getting out my black toy and using it. Ooooh God, I wish I’d made a video because you would go crazy seeing how much it makes me cum.”
Arnie pulled her closer and ran his fingers down Gloria’s back with a light feathery touch. Then his hands moved across her shoulders then down to the swells of her breasts.
He cupped the mounds and lovingly caressed them. “No I do not mind. I think it’s rather exciting. I have my favorite fantasy too. Want to hear about it?”
Gloria kissed his cheek and squirmed with excitement. “Sure baby, I want to hear about all your />
Arnie then told her, “My fantasy is about you having sex with another woman. Fuck, my cock gets so hard when I envision the thought of her eating your pussy. Gloria, would you eat her too?”
Gloria’s flashed him a seductive look and said, “Yes, I would do the same to her as she did to me. However, honey do you know what I would really love to try sometime? I would love to have another man join us in bed. I get so excited at the thought of him fucking my mouth as you do my cunt.” Pausing, she watched for his reaction.
Arnie’s face lit up like a 100 watt light bulb and he trembled uncontrollably. “Oh fuck Gloria I’d love to see you sucking another man’s cock, better yet see him fuck you as I watch.”
Gloria took his hand and placed it on her dripping pussy. As his fingers caressed the slit and protruding clit she squealed, “Oooh God Arnie, fuck me!”
He grinned, licked his lips and exclaimed, “Your wish is my command!” He positioned himself between her legs, slid his cock into her and spread her legs as wide as they could go and began fucking her with long, deep, hard thrusts.
Gloria shoved her hips into Arnie’s throbbing member. Her body quivered from head to toe, slowly at first, then building momentum as she neared climax.
A bubbly shriek that was enough to shatter crystal came from her lips. “Ooooh God, I wish another man was here now ramming his cock into my cunt! Mmmmmmm! Aarrgggghhh! Yessss! Fuck me harder, deeper, just like that.” Gloria’s body was climaxing so hard it caused a big wet spot on the bed.
Arnie felt her pussy clamping around his cock like a vice grip as it began milking him hard. Oh God Gloria knew how to fuck! He leaned down, took a nipple into his mouth, and began sucking and biting it. Then the wheels in his mind begin moving in hyper drive and Arnie stopped abruptly and asked, “Do you have any black male friends online that would do a MFM />
A naughty grin crossed Gloria’s face and she purred, “Well, I do have this one black friend that would. He’s wanted to fuck me for a long time now. Would you like me to email him later and talk to him about it?”
Arnie replied with a breathless voice, “Oh yes, I’d like that.”
He couldn’t hold back much longer as he envisioned the images of the threesome running through his mind. He threw his head back, shoved his cock into Gloria once more and exploded deep inside her.
Exhausted, they both lay back on the bed. Gloria snuggled up close to Arnie basking in the afterglow of there lovemaking. Oh God, she couldn’t wait to see what unfolded next when Robert, her black friend enter the scenario.
Gloria’s mind wandered to the events that lead up to her receiving an email from Robert.
About six months ago, Gloria was updating one of her online profiles. She changed her status from, pen pal to friends with benefits. In addition to that she placed some hot sexy pictures of herself on her blog.
About a day later, she received an email from a black man named Robert. He told her that he admired BBW’s and complimented her on the sexy photos. He then gave her his email address asking if he could email her.
Gloria decided to read his profile first, before she emailed Robert back. His summary made him sound like he was the answer to every woman’s dream; open, honest, sexy, and humorous. He wanted to have sexual encounters with single women, married women and couples, preferring that the women be BBW’s. In addition, he lived just fifty miles from her. She decided to email him and see what might happen.
Gloria told Robert that meeting him one on one was out of the question, because she was in a committed relationship. At the time she had no idea how Arnie felt about threesomes. Nevertheless, she intended to find out and would email Robert later on.
So here was the chance they were looking for; Gloria, Arnie, and Robert could take things to the next level.
As they lay on the bed, Gloria watched anxiously as Arnie spread her puffy lips and placed the black toy at the entrance to her pussy.
All she could think about was a real huge black cock sliding in her.
Unable to hold back his eagerness Arnie spoke, “Gloria, pretend this toy is Robert’s big-black dick. Think about how good it would feel to have his shaft inside of your steamy cunt right now! Show me what you’d do if this was real!"
Gloria shook uncontrollably as she visualized Robert fucking her. Beads of sweat covered her forehead and she screamed, "Oh Robert, slide that cock into my lily white pussy! Oh, Baby, that feels so good! Fuck me harder, oh yes just like that,
Gloria closed her eyes as Arnie slammed the black toy into her and climaxed like a freight train out of control.
Arnie laid the toy on the bed, took Gloria in his arms and kissed her. “Wow, honey you’re fantastic. Guess you’d better send Robert a hot email inviting him to a threesome.”
Gloria couldn’t wait to see Robert’s reaction. She emailed him later on that night and told him of their decision. Then she gave him their phone number. Telling him to call her soon so they could make arrangements to meet, if they were compatible, they would have a threesome.
A couple of days later, Robert phoned Gloria. “Hiya sexy,” he chirped. “So you both want to meet me and maybe try some of my black magic.”
Gloria’s pussy twitched when she heard Robert’s sexy baritone voice. “Yes, we both are excited about meeting you. This will be our first />
Robert almost dropped the phone. God, Gloria had the voice of an angel making him quiver clear to his toes. He wondered if Gloria was as beautiful as she sounded.
“How does 7 p.m. Friday night sound to you? We could meet a Ruby Tuesday’s. I’ll email you the directions and give you my cell phone number just in case you need it.”
Gloria paused and turned her head toward Arnie while conveying the message. Arnie looked at his Palm pilot and responded, “We have nothing planned that day, so tell Robert we can meet him then.” Adding that if everything went as planned; they could split the hotel bill.
“Robert, Arnie said Friday is okay. If we decide to have sex, we can divide the cost of the room between us.”
Robert responded, "Sounds sensible to me. See you both Friday.”
Arnie then told Gloria, “Honey, if it’s okay with you, I want to take our digital video camera with us. That way I can take some hot pictures of you having your first black cock and threesome.”
Gloria’s mouth expanded into a sly grin and her eyes lit up in delight. She threw her arms around Arnie and planted a kiss on him that was guaranteed to go straight to his cock. “Oh fuck, Arnie, the mere thought of you taking pictures makes my clit throb!”
They gave each other a long hug, enjoying the warmth of the loving embrace. After a few moments Arnie released her and looked her straight in the eye, “Gloria, are you sure you want to go through with this? I would understand if you had second thoughts.”
An excited look crossed Gloria’s face. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a threesome. The mere thought of maybe having one for real makes me want to jump your bones again. There is no hesitation on my part. Arnie, be honest with me; are you really okay with me doing this?”
“Gloria, I have no problems with that idea at all. As I told you before I wanted to see another man having sex with you. God, all this talking is making me hard again. When we are done talking, I’m going to ravish that body of yours.”
Gloria snickered, flashing him a steamy look and chirped, “Enough talking big boy, let’s fuck!”
They fucked well into the night, telling each other things they would try on Friday night.
The next few days dragged by slower than molasses and Gloria thought Friday would never arrive. That morning she packed a small overnight bag and included her sex toy, some lube, the camera, her sexy hot pink sheer nightie and a change of clothes for the two of them.
About an hour before the big meeting, Gloria had a million thought running through her mind and was really feeling anxious. She walked into the living room where Arnie was and said, “Arnie I’m a nervous wreck. I don’t know if I can really go through with this. What if Robert doesn’t like me? ”
Arnie looked at her with love in his eyes and pulled her into his arms. He knew she was nervous about meeting Robert. “Honey, why are you so worried, to me you’re sexy and beautiful. I think Robert will faint when he looks into those gorgeous green-eyes of yours. I think you’re just nervous because it’s something you have never done. I tell you what, why don’t we take a shower together and I will help you calm down. Afterwards, we can talk about it. Then if you really don’t want to, we won’t do it, okay?”
They entered the shower and let the warm water caress every inch of their bodies. Arnie picked up the soap and began massaging her body, resisting the urge to fuck. “Oh God, I love the feel of your sexy skin in my hands. Does that feel good baby?”
Gloria loved the way Arnie’s hands caressed her nervous body. Slowly she began to relax and realized that with him by her side she really had nothing to worry about. She leaned into him, fighting back the urge to grab his cock and uttered, “Oh honey, what would I do with you and those wonderful hands. You know something; I can’t wait until we meet Robert.”
“I’m glad I helped you relax baby. I can’t wait until later either. God, I’d like to fuck you right now!”
“Uh-uh big boy, not now, save your strength for />
So they stepped out of the shower and dried each other off, then proceeded into the bedroom to get dressed. Arnie decided to wear something casual. Under everything he put on his new sexy silvery boxers, because he hated to change into something when he wouldn’t be wearing them long.
Gloria decided to wear a low cut dress, along with a thong, garter belt and heels. She them applied just enough make-up to be alluring and dabbed her favorite cologne in all the right places.
Arnie looked Gloria over and whistled. “Hot-damn, you’re a knockout. Of course I’m biased I think you’re that way when you’re just wearing one of my t-shirts. Are you still />
“Oh just a little, but I am dying to see what Robert looks like nude.”
Arnie put the bag in the trunk, helped Gloria into the car and then drove off toward the restaurant. All he could think about was the other man’s cock in her cunt. He almost swallowed his tongue when Gloria’s voice broke the silence. “If everything goes as planned love, I’m going to ask Robert if he wants me for />
Arnie took a deep breath and replied, “Shall I order whipped cream and a cherry with the />
Gloria laughed, />
When they pulled up to the restaurant there stood a black man by the entrance. From the picture he’d given her she told Arnie that it looked like Robert.
Arnie parked the car and the two of them walked arm in arm to the door. When they got near Robert, Arnie extended his toward him asking, “Hello, you must be Robert?”
Robert looked first at Arnie then at Gloria. Her red-hair and green-eyes made her breathtakingly beautiful and he felt his cock swelling.
“Robert Townson is my name, and you must be Arnie?”
“Yes, and this is Gloria, my girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you, Robert.”
I’m happy to meet the two of you. I might add that I am both nervous and excited about />
Gloria swallowed hard and gasped. Oh God, he was handsome. She wanted to feel his lips on hers as his cock plunged into her pussy. She walked over to Robert and hugged him whispering, “Honey, you’re not the only one jumpy.”
Arnie spoke up, not worry about anything. We’re all here to have fun no matter what happens. Is anyone hungry besides me?”
Robert responded, “Well let’s go inside and eat, I’m hungry.”
All through out the meal they chatted as if they were old friends. The relaxed atmosphere calmed Gloria’s nerves. She could not keep her eyes off of Robert, he was better looking than his picture and it made her clit throb. She wondered if he was as good in bed as he said he was.
When the waiter came over to the table to ask if anyone wanted dessert, Robert replied, “No, I don’t think I have room for dessert.” He then looked at them and winked, “How about you two?”
They both declined and when the waiter left Gloria leaned over and whispered, “Robert, I was wondering if you wanted me for />
Robert’s eyes lit up. “Doll, I thought you’d never ask. I hope you don’t mind it, but I took the liberty of getting a hotel room near by.”
Arnie picked up the check and said, “If you don’t mind Robert dinner is on me. I like a man who plans ahead. As for me, I decided that we’d have the threesome the minute you said hello.”
Gloria blushed, “Robert, I’ll have to admit it that I wanted you from the moment you touched me.”
Robert then said, “Ok, well then let me pay for the hotel room and we’ll call it even.”
Arnie nodded in agreement and the three of them walked out of the restaurant with Gloria sandwiched between them.
The touch of both men against her was making Gloria’s skin crawl with desire. She grabbed both their arms as she felt dizzy from the hot thoughts running through her mind. Oh God, she wondered what she would do first, as she felt the juices soaking her panties.
Robert could smell her arousal in the air and his cock throbbed for release. When they got near his car he turned and gave Gloria a kiss while feeling fluid ooze from the tip of his cock. “Now, follow me to the hotel, it’s time to get these balls /> Arnie responded, “You got that right.”
They drove in silence following Robert to the hotel. Before they got out of the car Arnie turned to Gloria and said, “Now you’re sure about doing this baby?”
Gloria just took Arnie’s hand and placed it under her dress against her crotch. “Does that answer your />
Arnie was so excited that it felt like his heart was in his throat. He got out of the car, got the bag from the trunk, and walked with Gloria following Robert to the hotel room.
Robert unlocked the door and let the two of them in first, then entered and locked the door behind him.
He turned to them and asked, “I want to make sure that the two of you are quite certain that you want this threesome. I don’t want any insecure feelings here.”
Gloria walked over to Robert and planted a kiss on him that curled his toes. “Does that answer your />
Oh fuck, her kiss made Robert go weak in the knees and he had to sit down.
He then looked at her and said, “If you don’t mind me saying so, you’re so fucking sexy!”
Gloria winked, took the bag from Arnie and excused herself. She then entered the bathroom to change into something alluring.
As she changed the men took their clothing off and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her. Arnie was clad in only his boxers. Robert was completely naked.
Arnie noticed that Robert’s cock was not as long as his but thicker, with a large mushroom head. “Robert, Gloria is going to love that cock of yours. She’s been dying to try something besides her big black />
Robert responded, “I know, she told me about her black toy. I have been trying to convince her that the real thing is so much better. Oh fuck, I can’t wait for her to try both of our cocks at the same time.”
About that time Gloria came around the corner wearing her hot pink nightie. Both men whistled and felt their cocks standing at attention.
Gloria’s heart was in her throat and she felt like both men could hear it beating. Every inch of her tingled and she could not wait for both men to touch her.
She looked at Arnie and smirked. “Drop the shorts baby, its fucking time.”
Arnie dropped his shorts and sat down on the bed. Both of their cocks were saluting Gloria.
She then looked at the two men, comparing their cocks. Robert’s was definitely longer and thicker than Arnie’s. She couldn’t wait to try it on for size.
Gloria licked her lips, walked up to Arnie and kissed him deeply. She then whispered in his ear, right, I am enjoying myself.”
She then walked over to Robert and kissed him. “Robert, I can’t wait to feel you member inside me. However, I want to touch and taste it first.”
Arnie got the camera, toys and lube out of the bag and laid them on the table by the bed. Oh God, he loved it. He shifted his balls and sat back down on the bed to watch her entice Robert.
Gloria climbed onto the bed, making sure both men saw her naked pussy. Sitting down, she spread her legs wide and watched them both as she ran her fingers through her slit then brought them to her mouth and sucked them clean.
Her sweet face beamed with excitement as she looked at Robert, back at Arnie, then at Robert. Arnie nodded and she pointed her finger at Robert and wiggled it. “Come here Robert, I’m so fucking hot and ready for you.”
Robert climbed onto the bed next to her. Leaning over he began kissing her lips as his fingers toyed her drenched pussy. “Damn baby, I’d say you’re more than ready.”
Gloria returned Robert kiss as her hands reached down in search of his cock. She grabbed it and began stroking it slowly. God, it was huge. As it pulsated a lightning bolt went straight from his dick to her clit.
Robert quivered and rolled his eyes. “How do you like my cock baby? I hope you’re satisfied with it.”
Gloria stopped kissing him and moved down lying on the bed with her face inches from his cock. “Oh my God, I love it. It’s so big. Please be careful with me, I have never had a cock this big inside me.”
Robert licked his lips and lay on his back so Gloria could see how hard he was. “Baby, I’ll be careful. Fuck I can’t wait to have all ten inches of my thick black beauty sliding into you. Now tell me how bad you want this big cock in your tight pussy.”
Gloria leaned over; licking her lips, then darted out her tongue and tasted the pearly drop of pre-cum at the tip of his cock. “Mmmm you taste yummy.”
Arnie could not believe his eyes. He loved the way Gloria went after Robert’s cock.
He picked up the camera off the table and said. “Keep going guys, I’m going to take some pictures. That’s it baby lick his dick,” while snapping another photo.
He snapped many photos of Gloria and Robert until he couldn’t stand it any longer. “To hell with taking pictures doll, daddy needs some sugar. Spread your legs!” Arnie dove into her pussy like a starving cat at a bowl of milk.
In her wildest dreams, Gloria never imagined it would feel so good to have both men doing her. When Arnie flicked the slippery folds of her pussy she sucked Robert deeper as she squeezed his balls in her hand.
Robert grabbed her head, fucking her mouth hard as he watched the hot fuck session. He felt his balls tighten and knew he was about to cum. He looked down at her and bellowed, “Oh God, please stop, you’re going to make me blow my load.”
Gloria reached up and grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed, she knew this would prevent ejaculation. Panting heavily, she told Robert to do her nipples as she was approaching her first orgasm.
Robert pulled his cock from her mouth and sat beside Gloria on the bed watching Arnie eat her. He then slowly moved up to her nipples. He encircled her right nipple with his tongue before sucking it deeply it into his mouth. After awhile he held it between his teeth and began flicking it.
Arnie got so excited watching Gloria with another man that he almost blew his cum all over the bed. When he heard Gloria say she was about to climax, he shoved three fingers into her and began finger-fucking her hard as his tongue tantalized her clit. As he watched Robert hold her nipple in his teeth, Arnie bit her clit gently.
Gloria threw back her head, shaking all over and shrieked, “Oooooooh fuck, yesssss,” cumming like a freight train out of control.
Robert then exclaimed, “Oh fuck, you’re so hot! Gloria, tell me how much do you want my cock in your cunt?”
Gloria glanced at Arnie then back at Robert and shouted, “Fuck my lily white cunt with your black cock baby!”
Arnie’s eyes lit up and he shouted, “Oh God, I can’t wait to see you fucking Gloria. Keep going Robert, I’m getting the camera again because I want to video tape you fucking her.”
As he got the camera, Robert positioned himself between Gloria’s legs. He slid his cock slowly into her tight pussy When its head entered he held it there for a moment letting her adjust to the size.
Arnie had never seen his girlfriend this fucking hot. He began taping every move the two of them made. He could wait for the two of them to watch it afterwards as he knew it would fuel some hot fucking sessions.
She couldn’t believe she was getting what she has fantasized about, a real black cock in her pussy.
As she watched Arnie video taping her, she realized it turned her on even more. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and she quivered clear to the center of her womanhood.
Turning her attention back to Robert, she could see his black cock against her white pussy. As he plunged his cock deeper into her, she began to meet his thrusts with her hips. She loved the way he was using his cock to open up her pussy. When his balls hit her ass, she was so full that she could feel the outline of every vein against the walls of her pussy.
Robert leaned down and kissed her then looked into her sparkling green-eyes and said, “Show me how much you love my cock inside you baby!”
Gloria was oblivious to what Arnie was doing. She began bucking her hips about the bed wildly and exclaimed, “Oh my God, you are so fucking good! Slam your big black cock into my white cunt. Fill my pussy with you cum.
God, Arnie has never seen Gloria talk so dirty. He loved it. His hands began to shaking so bad that he couldn’t hold the camera any longer. He laid it down and climbed on the bed to join in the fun. He moved up to Gloria’s head and ran his dripping cock across her lips. “Suck my dick as he fucks your cunt!”
Robert watched as Arnie drove his cock into Gloria’s mouth as he was fucking her cunt.
God, it was such a turn on to fuck another man’s woman. He reached down and pulled her ass cheeks apart, ramming his cock harder into her milking pussy. He knew it would not be long until he blew his load. He asked, “Can I cum inside you baby?”
Gloria with a breathless voice that was barely audible said, />
Robert looked down at her pussy noticing his cock was all the way inside her now. He threw his head back and bellowed, “Here it cums,” filling every crevice with his hot seed.
That triggered Gloria to climax again and she shook so hard Arnie’s cock almost fell out of her mouth.
Arnie watching Robert cum inside her, grabbed her head and began fucking it with gusto. It wasn’t long till he was shooting his load down her throat.
They all lay back exhausted on the bed with Robert on one side and Arnie on the other. Gloria kissed Arnie then turned and kissed Robert, boys, I don’t know about you but I really enjoyed the />
The three of them still meet every now and then at Arnie’s place. Where they sit naked on the couch and the review the fuck film Arnie made.
Gloria was home alone one Saturday evening and chatting online with Robert. They were talking about there recent hot encounter and were discussing when they all could get together again.
Robert asked, “Hey sexy baby, when can we all get together again? I cannot forget that last encounter out of my head and I just have to have your lily white cunt again.”
Gloria blushed and quivered as she recalled the events of their last meeting. “I don’t know Robert. I have been busy these past two weeks getting ready to go to Jamaica with Arnie for two weeks. We’re leaving Sunday. I know that doesn’t give us enough time to meet before we leave. Ooooh, I just had a delicious idea, I wish you were coming with us that would indeed be a />
Robert’s slid his shorts off and ran his fingers down his stiff cock and replied. “Oh God, that would be hot. I can picture the three of us fucking on the private beach or in one of those secluded bungalows! Oooh baby, my cock is so fucking hard right now! Is Arnie home?”
Gloria felt her clit and nipples swell with excitement. “No, Arnie had to work tonight and won’t be home for a couple of hours. Oh baby, I love talking to you, lets type dirty messages and have fun She didn’t say anything else for a moment because the thought of play with Robert again made her cunt throb with desire. She slid her hands down inside her panties and ran her finger through her drenched wanting pussy. The she wrote him a message, with trembling hands she typed, “Robert, I have an idea, why don’t you call me. I’d love to hear that sexy voice of yours as I />
Robert felt the pre-cum slide down his shaft and with shaky fingers replied, “Ooooooh I love to hear a woman breathe heavy, while she talks dirty and cum while I were on the phone. I bet Arnie would love to be watching and listening. Give me your number honey.”
Gloria’s body trembled as her body responded by building an approaching climax. Her whole body quivered so hard she could hardly type and give him her number. “Hers my phone number, 961-288-6284. Mmmm baby, I cannot wait to hear your sultry sexy voice. Call me in five minutes that will give me time to go lie on the bed and get completely naked.” She logged of the computer and headed toward the bedroom.
She had just stripped and climbed on the bed when the phone rang. Gloria reached over and pressed the speaker phone button. />
Robert’s deep sexy voice spoke, “Hi you sexy slut. Are you ready for me?”
Gloria licked her lips and purred, “Oh God yes my sexy black stud, and I’m on speaker phone so my hands are free to play. By the way, I love your hot cum filled emails they make me want to be with you for real once more. Mmmmmmm baby, I wish you could see my nipples and throbbing clit right now. I’m so fucking wet I had to lie on a towel to keep my juices from saturating the bed.”
Robert felt his cock pulsate with creamy droplets of cum at its tip. He replied, “Oh fuck, honey I love your sexy voice. It makes me wish I were there with you right now. The next thing I want my lily white slut to do is spread your legs wide and slide two fingers deep in your cunt. Then bring them to your lips. I want to know how sweet your cunt juices are. Baby while we are talking, I’m stroking my hot hard black cock slowly.”
Gloria loved it, when Robert talked dirty to her it made her shudder all over. She did as instructed and nearly climaxed when her fingers slid into her hot hole. She picked up the phone and laid it near her cunt making sure Robert could hear the sloshing noise and her moaning. After finger-fucking herself a few times she brought her sweet honey laden digits to her mouth. Mmmm baby, I love your sexy voice. It makes my cunt throb and my juices flow down my ass.”
She paused and slurped at her fingers so he could hear it. “Mmmm, yummy, my cunt juice tastes like sweet honey. I wish you were here eating me my big black stud!”
Robert nearly dropped his phone and replied, “I do too baby! Fuck, my cock is so hard. The head is purple and leaking pre-cum like crazy. Oooh baby I wish your sweet lips were sucking me.” He paused and could tell by her heavy breathing that Gloria was ready to get down and dirty and climax. He then suggested, “Baby, rub your clit for me. That’s it, now take your other hand, and slide the first two fingers inside your cunt. Harder baby, let me hear you finger-fuck yourself hard!” Robert listened intensely and felt his balls burning for release.
Gloria purred, “Stroke that cock hard baby! Do you feel my tongue flicking the head and teasing your pee-hole? Now feel my lips and sliding down your shaft, deeper, harder, until my sweet white lips come in contact with your pubic hairs. I know this is turning you on, Jack that cock sugar, that’s it baby! Now, let me hear my black baby, cum for me!
Gloria was on the verge of climaxing when she heard his breathing increase. “Oh fuck, I love the way you talk. Rub your clit hard. Now bite your left nipple. Aaarrrggghhhh, yesssssss, oooooooooooh fuck I’m going to cum!”
There was silence for a brief moment except for the sound of their hard breathing and the movement of hands. Gloria spoke first, fuck, I wish your cock was ramming my hot cunt!”
“Me too baby, now cum with me, ooooh Oh honey I wish I could see you right now.”
Gloria blurted out, “I do too baby. Oooooooooooh fuck, Robert, I am cumming hard, oooooooh yes cum />
Robert shrieked, “Ooooooooh fuck, baby here it cums, aaarrrggghhh! Damn, I have cum everywhere, even on my chin!”
With a quivering voice Gloria exclaimed, “WOW! Robert you are so hot on the phone, we will definitely have to do this more often.”
Robert was breathing hard and with a quiver in his voice said, “We will baby, when we cannot be together, we can call each other. I want you to do this when Arnie is there too. I know he’d love it.”
She replied, “I know he would! Now I have to go baby. Arnie is due home soon and you can bet I will give him all the details. Love yahs, good-bye baby.”
Robert replied, “I love you too my lily white slut. I want you to email me what Arnie thinks of our phone sex. Good-night baby.”
When Arnie got home, Gloria told him about her conversation with Robert on the phone. She then watched the reaction on his face as she asked, “Well what do you think baby?”
He flashed Gloria a seductive grin and pulled his pants down to show her his rock hard dick. “Does that answer your question doll?”
Gloria squealed, “I think we should discuss things further in the />
Arnie replied, not waste time talking; I need to fuck you hot cunt!”
There was a flurry of fingers, mouths, and clothing once they entered the bedroom. Arnie kissed her deep as he laid Gloria on the bed. Next, he moved down and got between her legs spread her legs wide and rammed his cock, balls deep into her pussy.
He stopped for a moment and looked seriously into her eyes and said, “Next time you decide to talk to Robert on the phone, I want to be here.”
Gloria purred, “Does this mean you like he idea of him calling me so we both can get off?”
Arnie began fucking her harder and responded, “Hell yes, I love the idea. I can picture it now, me doing everything he suggests as you talk dirty to Robert. Oooooh fuck, I’m going to cum!”
Gloria wrapped her legs around Arnie’s waist and bellowed, “Fuck me darling. Oooooh God yes, deeper darling, yesssssss! Oh />
Arnie follow, climaxing so hard it dribbled out of her cunt and down the crack of her ass. “Wow baby, you sure know how to push my />
They snuggled for awhile on the bed. All of a sudden, Arnie moved then propped himself up on one elbow, “You know, I just had a thought. Wouldn’t it be hot if Robert went with us on our trip to Jamaica?”
Gloria’s eyes widened with excitement then her smile turned into a pout. “I know, I already asked is he was able to go with us. Unfortunately, he has to work.”
Arnie frowned, “Yeah, it would have been hot if he could join us. We’d all have one hell of a time! I think I will call him sometime this week and see if we can figure something out.”
Arnie decided to make it a point to call Robert sometime later in the week. He wanted to see if it was because he couldn’t afford the trip or if he really was working. If it were because he couldn’t afford the trip, he would assure Robert, that his company would pay for all the expenses. Or if he had to work, maybe be he could join them for just the weekend.
For now, he turned his attention back to Gloria. They made love for an hour and only stopped because they both needed to eat.
The next day, Arnie was too busy to call Robert. However, Friday afternoon he called him. “Hey buddy, I called to talk to you about figuring out a way to have you join us on our trip to the />
Robert replied, “Yeah, I wish I could go, but I just don’t have the funds. I didn’t tell that to Gloria, because she would have insisted I let you guys buy my ticket and that’s not fair.”
Arnie suggested, “What would you say if I told you the expenditure is all paid for by my company?”
Robert was so excited he nearly dropped the phone and replied, “I’d say, “I’m packing my bags this />
Arnie then said, “Alright! However, let’s keep this between ourselves for now. I’ll take care of all the arrangements and have the tickets delivered to your office by />
Robert was so excited that he would be going on the trip that he almost swallowed his tongue. He exclaimed, “Oh man, really. I don’t know how to thank you Arnie?”
Arnie replied, “Robert, you can do that when you get to Jamaica. I want to watch you nail Gloria again. I have to go, talk to you soon. />
Robert sat there with a big grin on his face contemplating the ways he could tease, eat, and fuck Gloria. He had to adjust his swelling cock and whispered, “Down boy, you’ll get a chance to slide into her hot love tunnel soon.”
Arnie decided to play it cool that night. When Gloria asked if he’d spoken to Robert, he hid his smirk and lied, “Yeah, but he cannot go with us to the islands, because he has to work.”
Gloria bowed her head and frowned, “Oh poo! It would have been fun, just the three of us, fucking the time away in Jamaica.”
Arnie took her into his arms, stroked her hair, and gazed into her sultry green-eyes. “I know baby. Have I told you lately how much I love you doll. I cannot wait to make love to you on the beach under the starry lit sky.”
She snuggled up to him and purred, “I love you too honey. I cannot wait either. I also want to get a golden tan without a suit. Now that ought to turn a few heads”
Arnie pulled he closer and said, “You know, when I think about seeing you nude on the sand it makes my cock hard as steel.”
They fucked well into the night then fell asleep with dreams of sunny tropical beaches, dinners by candle light, and making love in their own private bungalow.
Arnie since the tickets to Robert with a note that said he was scheduled to take an earlier flight out to Jamaica and got settled into the hotel a couple hours ahead of Arnie and Gloria.
When the day arrived, Robert could hardly hide his excitement as they drove to the airport. However, he needed to, because it was a surprise for Gloria, that the run into Robert in Jamaica. They checked in at the airline desk, made it through customs, and boarded the plane at noon.
The chatted excitedly all the way to Jamaica about things they could do and places they would go. After a good flight they arrived in Jamaica. Once they went through customs they hailed a taxi and drove off to their destination.
The hotel had ten floors, as well as beach bungalows, along a private beach. Arnie loved it because the area was off the main road and not too busy at this time.
Once they settled into their room they decided to take a walk on the beach before dinner. Arnie changed and put on a flowered shirt, Bermuda short’s and sandals. Gloria put on a white sundress and flip flop sandals. The outfit accentuated all her curves, and its light fabric didn’t hide much of her vivacious body either.
Soon they were strolling along the sandy beach with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on their backs. The beach was everything the brochure stated it would be.
They had walked about fifty feet when Arnie pulled her off the main trail into an area secluded by palm trees. As he pulled Gloria into his arms he uttered, “It’s a shame Robert isn’t here. I love what happened in our last />
Gloria flashed him a sultry look and purred, "Oooh yeah. You really got turned on by watching me getting fucked by the big black stud. Darling, which part turned you on most?”
Arnie’s cock was now swelling and throbbing for Gloria’s touch. He readjusted it in his shorts and said, "Doll, everything that Robert did to you turned me on!”
She reached down and caressed the outline of Arnie’s cock and purred, “Looks like someone wants to come out and play.”
Before he could react Gloria knelt, unzipped his shorts, and took his cock into her mouth. She sucked it gently while rolling his balls in her hand. Oh God, he loved what she was doing to him, and at that moment didn’t care who was looking. However, Arnie knew Robert would be around there somewhere, because the talked about meeting on the beach at that specific time.
Gloria was busy tantalizing Arnie’s cock and didn’t hear Robert sneak up. When Arnie saw Robert, he stopped her from sucking him for the moment, because he was afraid when she heard Robert’s voice she’d bite it off.
Gloria was about to protest when she heard, "Can you direct me to bungalow eight?"
She turned around and shrieked, “Robert! What in the world are you doing here? I thought. . ”
Before she could finish Arnie nodded at Robert and both men yelled, />
Robert then in his best Jamaican accent said, “Welcome to the />
All of them took turns greeting the other and then Arnie spoke up. go to the bungalow for some hot sexy fun.”
Robert replied, “I’m more then ready.”
Gloria chirped, “Well than, let’s get going. My cunt needs fucked!”
Once inside the bungalow the three of them stripped. As the two men gently laid Gloria on the bed, Robert knelt between Gloria's legs and began eating her. Arnie moved up to her hear and turned it toward his awaiting cock. He began tracing her lips with the head of his cock.
Gloria engulfed Arnie and continued the blowjob she had started on the beach. With both men tantalizing her she felt her climax building and trembled from head to toe.
Arnie felt her quivering and looked at Robert and suggested, “It’s time you slid that cock of yours into her hot cunt. She’s primed for />
Robert rose up and pushed his cock into Gloria. He then looked up at Arnie fucking her mouth hard and deep. In turn, he began hammering her cunt as her muscles milked his pulsating member.
Arnie watched intensely and told himself that Robert wouldn’t last long. Gloria stopped sucking him long enough to squeal, “Oooooh fuck, I’m going to cum! Arnie, fuck my mouth hard baby and fill it with your cum. Robert, drive that big black dick into me and empty your balls in my hot cunt!”
Arnie resumed fucking her mouth and soon emptied his load down her throat. Afterwards, Gloria started to quiver all over as she climaxed hard. Robert then fucked her about a dozen strokes before empting his balls into her.
Robert then looked at Arnie and mumbled, “Thanks man. God, she is one hot fuck."
Arnie looked at them both and said, “Yeah she is.” He then moved down to Gloria’s legs and took a deep whiff. The smell of sex was a natural aphrodisiac to him. As Arnie knelt between her legs he said, "I love the taste of a used cunt."
Robert watched in amazement as he’d never seen a man eat what he called sloppy seconds.
Gloria shifted her body so she could watch Arnie. She loved the way he ate her pussy, especially after another man filled it with his spunk.
She then turned to Robert and watched his reaction as she spoke, "I could get used to being used like this!”
Shortly after there Jamaican encounter with Robert Gloria had decided to move in with Arnie. After all, since she was at his place more than hers, and it would be a waste to spend her hard earned money on traveling back and forth between the two apartments. Since then, things had worked out well and the Christmas season was approaching. The two of them were making plans, on what to get give each other.
Arnie was sitting in his favorite chair by the fireplace in the living room. Gloria was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on dinner. As he watched the burning embers his mind was searching for something special to do for Gloria this Christmas. After all it was only a week away and he hadn’t bought her anything yet. At first he thought about getting her some jewelry that she liked as she had hinted about a few things. However, Arnie wanted something extraordinary that she’d remember every holiday.
It was then that a sexy thought crossed his mind. “What would Gloria do if he gave her a special night, in a posh hotel room, with Robert, their new black friend?”
His cock was hard and erect as his body trembled with sexual excitement and he told himself, ‘She would sure love that. My white tigress would fuck his black cock so many times that he’d be begging her for mercy.’
Arnie glanced at his watch, then toward the kitchen. He wanted to make sure she was busy before he called Robert. He wanted to see if he was available for lunch tomorrow, they could work out the plans then.
He walked over to the phone and headed to the bathroom in their bedroom, where he knew she couldn’t overhear the conversation.
He dialed Robert’s number, and then spoke in a low tone. “Hi Robert, I have to talk in a low tone because I don’t want Gloria to overhear me. Are you free for lunch tomorrow, I have something to talk to you about?”
Robert replied, “Sure man, what do you have in mind, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Arnie quivered, as the beads of sweat covered his brow and replied, just say, I want to talk to you about Gloria’s Christmas present. I will fill you in on the details when we talk.”
Robert felt his cock harden, as the mere thought of her lily white cunt made him tremble with desire. “Oh God, I cannot wait to hear what you have in mind Arnie. I’m free tomorrow, what time shall I meet you and where?”
Arnie then said, “Meet me at Ruby Tuesday’s around one p.m.”
Robert tried to sound calm, but exclaimed, “Okay, see you tomorrow, God I cannot wait to hear the details, because I know it will involve me!”
Arnie chuckled and closed the conversation, “See you tomorrow then, goodbye Robert.”
Arnie carefully opened the bathroom door, then after making sure the coast was clear hurried back into the living room and placed the phone back on it cradle.
He had just sat down when Gloria came into the room and said, “Dinner is ready />
All through dinner a million thoughts ran through his head. Gloria must have noticed his excitement, “You look preoccupied, what’s up?”
Arnie looked up and her, tried his best to hide his emotions and lied, “Oh sorry love, I was just thinking about a business meeting I have to go to />
Gloria took a sip of coffee and giggled a replied, “Okay, I thought maybe I had overcooked the steak?”
Arnie took a sip of his coffee and replied, “Once again doll, you have cooked a marvelous meal.” His eyes twinkled with excitement as a mischievous grin crossed his face, “Can I have the cook for desert?”
Gloria blushed and flashed him a seductive look, “Do you want whipped cream with your desert baby?”
Arnie laughed and said, “No, I like her />
After the dinner dishes were done, the two headed toward the bedroom for some hot love making.
As they lay on the bed making love to Arnie stared into Gloria’s sexy green eyes and asked, “What would you do if Robert was fucking you right now?”
Gloria’s eyes went wild with lust and with a throaty voice she said, “Ooooh, my precious black stud, fuck me hard and fill my lily white cunt with your cum, now!”
Arnie knew this kind of talk put Gloria into a high gear and she would soon climax. When he thought of Robert ramming his dick into her hot cunt, he thrust his cock deep and shot his load.
Gloria became silent for a moment, and he knew she was fantasizing about it. All of a sudden her vaginal muscles gripped his cock like a vice grip and she shrieked, “Ooooooh fuck, Climaxing so hard she dribbled there mixed juices onto the bed linen.
She then gazed into Arnie’s eyes and asked, “Why did you bring up Robert’s name just now?”
Arnie blushed and lied just a bit when he gave his reply, “Oh I just wondered if my precious baby was still thinking about fucking him again.”
Gloria quivered all over as she envisioned Robert there in bed with them and explained, “I wish he was right in bed with us, fucking me tonight. I miss his black hard tool fucking me.”
Arnie got off her, lay down on the bed, and pulled her into his arms. As he ran his fingers down her back and suggested, “Honey. I must admit the thought of Robert fucking you makes me horny as hell. I also think the whole idea has added some zest to our sex lives. When do you want to have sex with him again?”
Gloria batted her eyes and kissed Arnie deep and then flashed him a seductive look and purred, “Yes love, the thought of him fucking me again is very stimulating to me.”
As she paused to watch his reaction she asked, “Would you consider letting me do a one on one with Robert privately? I know you like being with me, not only to watch, but to join in the fun.”
Arnie tried his best to hide his excitement and said, “Have you been reading my mind again. I’ve been thinking about letting you do a one on one, but didn’t know how you would react to the idea?”
She placed her arms around his neck and rubbed her hardened nipples into his chest. Gloria knew he too was aroused by the suggestion, because his swelling cock was pressing against her thigh. She revealed an exciting look on her beaming face. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she placed her lips on Arnie’s and kissed him hard.
A bubbly shrieked that was enough to shatter the crystal came from her lips, “I have wanted to ask you that question all week. I’ve been wondering what Robert would do if we were alone just the two of us. Oooooh God, I am so excited! Make love to me again Arnie! I need to feel your throbbing cock inside my cunt!”
Arnie brushed the fingers of his right hand through a full head, then moved from down to the swells of her breasts. He cupped the mounds and lovingly caressed them with his fingers. A wide grin crossed his face, it was apparent that he‘d wanted to make love to her again.
He then sucked one nipple into his lips and then the other one and uttered, "Gloria, you’re so beautiful. I love the feel of your skin against my lips it taste sweeter than cotton candy.”
They made love for another hour then fell asleep in each others arms. As Arnie slept he dreamt of what would unfold as Gloria met Robert for a hot private sexual encounter. When he awoke his dick was hard and throbbing again, so he moved down between Gloria’s legs to wake her up his way, with his mouth in her pussy.
Gloria awake with the sensations of Robert’s magical tongue tantalizing her pussy. She didn’t know why he was so aroused this morning, but didn’t care. She gazed lustfully at him and purred, “Ooooh I see you like pussy pie for />
He just moaned and continued eating her pussy. God her pussy was delectable and its aroma intoxicated him setting every inch of him alive with desire. He couldn’t get enough of her hot luscious body.
It wasn’t long until Gloria shrieked, “Ooooooooh Arnie! You can wake me up this way anytime!”
After she climaxed, Arnie moved up, kissed Gloria hard, and let her taste her sex on his lips.
She broke the kiss and squealed, “My turn baby, I need some tube steak for breakfast!”
She moved down and took his hardened member into her luscious lips and began sucking him like a pro. As her tongue tantalized his shaft her fingers cupped and caressed his balls. She increased the tempo when she felt his balls tighten and before long she reaped the rewards of her efforts.
As Gloria hungrily slurped his sweet cum down her throat he bellowed, “Oooooh fuck doll, you sure know how to give one mean blowjob! I have an idea, maybe next time you’ll wake me up this way, your mouth to my dick!”
She licked her lips not wanting to miss any drops of his nectar and purred, “You bet, I will. However, I’m not telling you when I will do it. I’ll just surprise you on morning. Now, I’d better cook you some real food, so you can go to work.”
All through breakfast, Gloria eyed Arnie, he looked awfully excited. She was going to ask him why but decided to wait, because she had some secret planning of her own to do, which involved going shopping for his Christmas present.
She was doing dishes when Arnie came into the room, “Well baby, I had to bring an end to a glorious morning you sexy thing, but I need to go to work. What are your plans for today?”
Gloria dried her hands and turned to kiss him goodbye then replied, “Not much baby, just some last minute Christmas shopping. Why what’s on your mind?”
He gazed into her eyes, tried to maintain his excitement and chose his words carefully when he replied, “Not much doll. I just wanted to remind you that I won’t be able to meet you for lunch today, I’m having a business meeting with a />
Gloria giggled and said, okay, because I plan to meet Ginger around ten a.m., the two of us are going to the mall. Hopefully I can finish my Christmas shopping. Have a good day darling, I talk see you tonight when you get home from work.”
Arnie left for work. All morning he was too excited to concentrate and it seemed like lunchtime would never arrive. He was daydreaming when his secretary buzzed and he nearly fell out of his chair.
With shaky hands Arnie picked up the phone and said, />
His secretary replied, “Sir, do you mind if I go to lunch early, I need to pick up something from />
With a sigh of relief, and said, “Sure, take all your time. By the way, I may not be here when you return I’m meeting a college for lunch.”
She answered, “Okay, I’ll just finish typing up the letters you dictated this />
He left work around twelve-thirty because his office was just five blocks from the restaurant. Once there, he took his seat, ordered a martini and informed the waiter that he was expecting a Mr. Townson to join him.
When the waiter returned with his drink he noticed Robert was with him. He looked at him and said, “Nice to meet you again Robert. What’s your poison?”
Robert took his seat and replied, “Hello Arnie.” Then looked over at the waiter and ordered, “I’ll have a /> He then turned his attention back to Arnie and excitedly said, “I cannot wait to hear why you ask me to lunch today.”
Arnie took a drink of his martini and answered, “What are you doing next />
Robert’s eyes lit up with excitement as his cock began to swell and he said, “Nothing, why what is on your mind Arnie? I hope it’s something hot-sexy and exciting that involves the three of us again. I’ve been itching to have a threesome again.”
Arnie’s eyes went wide with lust and he cock throbbed as it swelled in his pants. He readjusted himself then leaned over toward Robert and whispered, “You could say that. What would you say if I ask you to fuck Gloria privately just the two of you? I want it to be my Christmas present to her.”
Robert almost dropped his drink his hand was shaking so badly. With a shaky voice he responded, “Are you serious man? God I’d love too.”
Arnie than told Robert of the details, “Robert, I plan to hand Gloria a package this coming Saturday and tell her it’s an early Christmas present. Inside she will find something sexy and red, along with a reservation at the Hilton for one night with you, privately. I think she will faint when she reads the card.” When she talks to me about it, I will tell her she can only do it if she fills me in on all the graphic details.
Robert’s jaw dropped with surprise and he swallowed hard. For a moment he was at a loss for words then reacted with a quivering voice, “Count me in on the secret. I love the idea. I wish I could see the expression on her face when she reads the card and you’re right, she will faint!”
Robert then took a large gulp of his drink and asked, “What time shall I go to the Hilton?”
Arnie looked at him with excitement in his eyes and said, “I think it’d be best if you get there around six p.m… That way, you can have them send up some red rose petals to cover the bed with, as well as some candles to illuminate the sensuous />
Robert and Arnie then ordered dinner and talked about the things that would inspire that night.
Arnie then made a joke about how hard his dick was and how he had to wait for them to subside before he could leave the restaurant.
Robert laughed and said he had the same problem. When he was sure his dick was not noticeably hard her bid Arnie goodbye.
When Robert left the restaurant and got into his car. He mulled over the conversation he had with Arnie. The whole idea of him being Gloria’s Christmas present made his cock throb with excitement again and he couldn’t return to work.
He called his office and lied asking to take the rest of the day off to finish his Christmas shopping. They informed him that was alright. He hurried home, hoping no one would notice his hard cock.
The moment he was inside his apartment he stripped his clothes off grasp his cock and jacked off, with thought of what he would be doing to Gloria.
Arnie left the restaurant and got into his vehicle. He was elated that Robert agreed to be Gloria’s Christmas present. The more he thought about it, the more his cock hardened. Oh God, he couldn’t return to work with a hard on. So he drove to a secluded spot that he knew of, looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Afterward he dropped his pants, picked up the Styrofoam coffee he’s had coffee in that morning, and jacked off. He loved doing that and the thought of someone actually catching him doing it, made him cum harder.
Once relieved, he returned to work. He left early that day to go by Frederick’s of Hollywood, to buy red lingerie for Gloria to wear that night.
He chose red bikini panties with a matching lace bra. He knew she would love it and probably wear it underneath a sheer while blouse. He had the salesperson wrap it. He then hurried home, made sure Gloria wasn’t home yet and hid the package in the spare room in a cedar chest underneath some blankets.
He then left and returned around the usual time that he came home from work. He tired his best to hide his excitement when he walked into the door and kissed Gloria.
After greeting each other, Gloria spoke and asked, “How was your luncheon dear?”
Arnie calmly replied, “Boring as usual. How’d your shopping go baby?”
She smirked and replied, “You know the mall was more crowded than usual, but I did finish getting all my Christmas presents, including yours />
Arnie’s eyes lit up and a devilish smile crossed his face, “Care to give me a hint doll?”
Gloria batted her eyes and squealed, “Only if you give me a hint of what mine is.”
Arnie kissed her cheek and told a white lie, “All I can tell you are that I’ll give it to you Saturday so you can enjoy it on Christmas day.”
Gloria pouted, “Spoil sport, then I’m keeping my mouth closed.”
The rest of the week went by slower than molasses running off a stack of pancakes.
Saturday morning finally arrived and Arnie awoke at five a.m. He looked over at Gloria and noticed she was still asleep. He slowly crept out of bed and went to retrieve the package. He then got an index card and penned on it these words, “Open this today Gloria, and love Arnie!” He then placed it on the kitchen table making sure she would see it. Then tiptoed back to bed hoping she was still asleep.
He looked carefully at Gloria when he climbed back into bed and sure enough she was still asleep. He then laid there so excited he could hardly stand it, nor could he hide his erection. He rolled over on his side and pretended to be asleep and waited for her to wake up.
Gloria awoke around seven o’clock, glanced over Arnie, and noticed he was still asleep. She then decided to get out of bed and fix him his favorite breakfast. After all it was the least she could do today, as if she remembered right, he was giving her a present today. She sat up, shook the sleep from her eyes, put on her robe and slippers, and then walked toward the kitchen.
Arnie tried his best to keep quiet as he listened to her getting up. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction when she opened the package. When she was out of sight he slid carefully out of bed and tiptoed behind her to the kitchen, making sure she didn’t see him.
He stood where he could see the table and waited for her to open his present to her. His cock grew hard and throbbed with droplets of pre-cum at its tip. God, he wanted to touch is, and stroke it slowly, but decide not to, until after she read the card. He knew that after that, Gloria would fuck his socks off.
Gloria spotted the present and the note. “Oh-my-God, what’s this!”
She read the note and then looked around the room. She half expected Arnie to bounce into the room and yell surprise, but when she didn’t see him, proceeded to unwrap it.
All of a sudden her eyes went wild and she shook all over when she saw the red bikini panties with matching bra. When she pictured herself wearing it on Christmas day she uttered, “Ooooh Arnie, I love it.”
She picked the items up to examine them and noticed a card beneath the outfit. Gloria picked it up opened it and began reading, then screamed, />
It was then that Arnie stepped out of his hiding place and walked toward her saying, “Good morning baby.”
Gloria looked at him then fainted, and he reached out to catch her saying, “I gotcha doll.” He then waited for her to open her eyes and asked, “Are you okay? Let me help you sit down”
All Gloria could do was sit down and stare at him excitedly, when she tried to reply no words came out so she just nodded her head yes.
Arnie grinned and said, “I take that as a yes, that you like your Christmas present!”
Once she regained her composure, she squealed, “I love it. You really surprised me though as I was certain you wouldn’t let me do this.”
Arnie kissed Gloria’s cheek and then sat down in the chair beside her. After taking her hands in his, and confessed, “Last week I didn’t go to a business luncheon, I was meeting Robert to finalize the plans as I wasn’t sure he could do this.”
Gloria’s mouth stretched into a wide grin and her sweet face beamed with excitement. She threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on Arnie that would curl his toes. She then took his hand and placed it on her drenched pussy.
Arnie took her hand and placed in on his hard cock and said, go back to bed and fuck, I’m not a bit hungry—for food that is!”
Gloria stood up dropped her robe and nightie right there in the kitchen and exclaimed, “Why go to the bedroom, you can fuck me right here on the table!”
Arnie stood, discarded his shorts, and ran his hand up his throbbing dick and shouted, “He wants some hot pussy doll!”
Gloria climbed on the table, scooted her ass toward the edge, spread her legs wide, and slide her fingers inside her. She brought them to her lips and yelled, “See how wet I am baby. Ooooh Arnie, fuck me, deep and hard!”
He moved between her legs, licked his lips. Afterwards he grabbed each ankle spreading her legs wide and rammed his dick into her balls deep. As he fucked her, she rubbed her clit and soon each one of them bellowed with an earth-shattering climax.
When they were done, they sat down and started discussing her rendezvous with Robert. Arnie spoke first and told her that after supper she should prepare for a night of ecstasy as he told Robert she’d be there around seven p.m.
Gloria, started to tremble as she replied, “Ooooh God, I cannot wait. I have the perfect outfit too. I’m not telling you what it is until I’m dressed as I’m sure it will make more than your mouth drool darling.”
Arnie replied, “Everything you wear makes more than my head drool and you’re one hot sexy baby!”
Following the discussion, Gloria fixed breakfast and then went to their room to pack a small overnight bag. She wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for her private encounter with Robert.
In the bag she included, her make-up and toiletries, along with her pink vibrator, some lubricant, and a sheer white nightie that she could wear over the red lingerie.
Then she set about trying to busy herself until time to go. However she couldn’t focus on anything.
Arnie watched Gloria all day and noticed she was more excited than usual. His dick was in a constant state of arousal too, he just couldn’t get the thought of Robert and Gloria’s hot night out of his mind.
Around four p.m. Arnie unexpectedly walked up to her and scooped her up into his arms. They gave each other a long hug and enjoyed the warm, loving embrace. After a few moments he asked, “How you doing baby? Are you nervous yet?”
Gloria jumped when he touched her shoulder and shrieked, “Yikes, I wish you wouldn’t scare me like that! Yes, I’m excited, but a little />
Arnie looked lovingly into her sweet face and said, “Ah there is nothing to be nervous about. With your hot body and sexual appetite, Robert will be putty in your hands. I just know before the night is over he will be begging for mercy.”
Gloria laughed and said, “Yeah you’re right, I noticed the last time, Robert just couldn’t get enough of my hot body. God, my cunt has been drooling all day when I think of what he might do to me!”
Arnie flashed her a sultry grin, chuckled and asked, “Want me to clean up that slow leak doll?”
She flashed him a frown and replied, “As much as I would love some sex right now, I going to save my energy for tonight. Don’t you think I should honey?”
Arnie pulled her tighter into his arms around her, and responded with a frown on his face saying, “Oooh alright! However, I’m not letting go of you right now, unless you promise to fill me in on the details later!”
Gloria kissed him passionately and purred, “I wouldn’t agree to this unless I could tell you all the hot />
He then patted her ass and said, “Why don’t you take a relaxing shower, while I fix us a bite to eat.”
Gloria hugged him and replies, “Thanks baby, that’s a good idea, it will help me calm down, or at least part of me />
Arnie headed for the kitchen as Gloria made certain she had everything she wanted packed.
She then took everything off, put on her robe and walked toward the bathroom. After adjusting the shower she stepped under it relaxing spray. The droplets felt like millions of fingers tantalizing her body, she fought the urge to rub her clit and made sure that every nook and cranny was clean.
She then put on her robe and walked into the kitchen to ask Arnie is supper was ready. To her surprise he had the table all set for them to enjoy supper.
They didn’t talk much while eating as Arnie knew Gloria was already nervous enough. After the meal, he volunteered to do the dishes as she prepared for her evening out.
Gloria walked to the bedroom to get the out the perfect outfit she had in mind for her night with Robert. She had selected a sheer white blouse, which would reveal her red bra, a black knee length skirt slit clear up the side to her hip, four inch red heel nylons, with a red garter to match the sexy undergarments that Arnie had bought her. She knew that outfit would get an immediate stir in both Arnie and Robert’s pants.
An hour later, she walked into the living room and when their eyes met, Arnie whistled and shouted, “Hot-damn baby, you’re a knock out, and I see all the men at the hotel ogling you as you you’re your way to Robert’s room. Now, we’d better be going, you’re supposed to meet him in thirty />
Gloria walked up to Arnie and said, not leaving until I give you a decent good-bye.”
She put her arms around Arnie and gave him a kiss that made his dick hard. She then patted it gently and said, “Make sure you save some of that for tomorrow, as I will want you to fuck me after my encounter with Robert!”
Arnie smiled and said, “You bet yah, but I’m sure you won’t mind me jacking off tonight, as the thought of Robert fucking you has me already leaking /> Gloria giggled as she suggested, “Honey, I expect you to jack off, after all, it would be torture if I told you that you />
Arnie drove Gloria to the hotel and they spoke very little. After parking the car, he escorted her inside, and then reminded her Robert would be waiting in room one eighteen.
He then pulled her close, whispered before kissing her good-bye, “Merry Christmas. Good-bye darling and have a great time.”
When Gloria’s lips touched Arnie’s, she could feel all the love they had for each other surging through her whole body. After the kiss she replied, “I love you baby. Good-night my love, I know you’ll have some hot-sexy dreams.”
Gloria waved at him until he was out of sight then headed for room number 118. As she went up the elevator her heart began pounding with excitement, her mouth went dry, and her panties became more saturated.
On the long walk down the hallway to the room Gloria wondered if Robert was excited as her. All of a sudden she was there, room one eighteen.
She had barely knocked on the door when Robert opened it and pulled her into the room. He quickly turned, locked the door, put his arms around her, and pulled into him.
Robert gazed into her seductive green-eye and exclaimed, “Merry Christmas honey, I’m your />
Arnie knew it would be a long night as he lay there thinking about what was happening to Gloria at that very moment. Nevertheless, seeing her eyes light up when she read the card that said Robert was her Christmas present was worth it. He fell asleep as he envisioned Gloria and Robert fucking.
He awoke the next morning just after eight a.m. with his dick hard as steel. He wanted so badly to jack off again, but decided to take a shower, get dressed, and drive over to the hotel to wait for Gloria.
He was just about out the door when the phone rang. He quickly answered it saying, />
Gloria’s voice replied, “Well good morning you sexy thing. Did you sleep well? I sure hope so, because your baby is ready to come home.” There was then a long pause, before she said, “Are you ready for sloppy />
He couldn’t hurry any faster to the hotel. Arnie’s dick was throbbing and the front of his pants was drenched with pre-cum. He was wondering how he’d be able to go get her when he pulled up in front of the place.
However he didn’t have to get out, because when he looked at the door he spotted Gloria waving at him. There she stood, smiling like the cat that ate the canary with Robert next to her. He pulled up next to them and she climbed in the front seat.
As she did, Robert came around to the driver’s side and he rolled the window down so they could talk.
Robert reached his hand into the car and said, Arnie.” When he looked down at Arnie, he noticed his hard cock and wet trousers. He then winked and said, “Well I won’t keep the two of you long. I just wanted to say that gal of yours sure one hot baby in bed. We didn’t sleep much last night! Thanks for letting me be her Christmas />
Arnie blushed, as his eyes lit up with lust, bead of sweat ran down his back and his cock throbbed to be played with. With a quivering voice he replied, “Your welcome Robert. I’m glad you were able to be her />
Robert then bade the two good-bye telling Arnie he’d call him later in the week.
Gloria looked over at Arnie eyeing him up and down then squealed, “Oooooooh Arnie thanks for a great Christmas present! Hum, I see you’re still excited, let go home and fuck!”
Arnie just winked and replied, “I cannot wait to sample sloppy />
They were barely in the house when they discarded there clothing and jumped into bed. As her naked body slid up next to his, he pulled her into his arms and their lips met in a passionate kiss.
Afterwards, Arnie was so excited that he immediately positioned himself between Gloria’s thighs. As she grabbed his dick he slid his cock deep inside her slippery hole in on thrust clean up to his balls. He fucked her deep and hard and was so aroused he shot his load in six strokes, mixing his cum with that of the two black studs.
Gloria threw back her head, wiggled her hips wildly as she climaxed with him. Afterwards she screamed, “Oooooh Arnie eat my cunt!”
Arnie positioned himself between her leg and started using his lips and tongue on hot cum filled hole. Soon she began to shake again filling mouth with the delicious cum mixture.
Arnie ate to his hearts content then slide up and let Gloria taste the juices on his lips and tongue. Afterwards he lay down beside her.
Gloria lay back on her pillow, yawned, stretched and then suggested, “Baby, I’m dog-tired. Would it be okay if I went to sleep right now and told you everything later?”
Arnie winked and replied, “Sure doll, and get some rest.”
Gloria fell asleep basking in seventh heaven as this was one Christmas she will remember all her life
story by: Kountrygal
Author: Kountrygal
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