black candles in the night
soft flicking light
casting our shadows on the wall
not much talking, bedroom eyes say it all
cheap wine drank from a jelly glass
she's no Lady and she has no class
she turns up the radio
to drown out our little rodeo
with a grin on her face
she moves with grace
this woman all in black
leaving marks on my back
tomorrow I'll have to pay
for this night of play
I know the cost will be great
this woman loves with all the passion of hate
when she's through, all her charm is gone
then once more, I'll be alone
but some day she will return
with her black candles to burn
then again, somewhere in the night
I'll miss her parting flight.
story by: hippiepoet69
Tags: consensual sex erotica poem gothic sex story
Author: hippiepoet69
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