by ubiquit2s
Nina worked for me, part of the team in the outer office. I inherited her from my predecessor, and at first I found her work to be proficient, if a little perfunctory, as if she always had something better to do. But the standard of her work had less and less interest for me, as I steadily fell for the insidious spell of her sensuality. She’s twenty-six, with a sturdy, but undeniably shapely figure, Wide shoulders, magnificent, but not over-large firm full breasts that are hard to ignore at the best of times, but when she’s excited, or there’s a cool breeze from the window near her desk, her nipples pop out like organ-stops, and drag men’s eyes towards them. Her hips are a little wider than she’d like, but in fact her arse is a perfectly proportioned counterpart to her tits. A small bulge of belly, on her, just adds to the sexiness of the package. She’s always tanned, a sun-bed aficionado, and when she wears low-cut tops, or low-rider trousers, lines are visible. Then there’s her face, with its vivid blue eyes with dark strong eyebrows, cute nose, and a teasing, cupid mouth, all set in a broad heart-shape, with a hint of a double chin when she laughs. It all has a cumulative effect, and becomes stronger and stronger with repeated exposure. Her thick, straight, shoulder length brown hair is sometimes a curtain through which she peers at the world, or at me, challengingly. To begin with, I ignored her pretty much; incredibly, I thought she was just another cute-ish woman in the office, one of several in the team. I often heard her chatter above the others… her voice higher than you’d expect, girlish compared to her womanly appearance. I decided from too little evidence that her mind really didn’t attract me, too shallow, too unaware of the world around her, and that’s very important for me.
However, as the weeks passed, I caught occasional revealing glimpses of another Nina. I discovered that she read proper novels, often with a strong sexual or psychological content, as well as the airport blockbusters and gossip magazines that the other girls ploughed through endlessly. I found out that she spoke fluent French, passable Italian, that she had lived abroad for a couple of years in her early twenties, and that she’d been engaged, and broken it off fairly recently. I knew there was a new boyfriend. And all the while her beauty grew on me, steadily, sinking into the deeper layers of my psyche. When I dreamed of her intensely one night, and woke up with a raging hard on which I had to unleash in an explosive wank, I realised I might eventually have to do something about it.
One day, I came back to the office in the evening after an hour in the pub with a contact. I wasn’t surprised that the office was still open, because that was when the cleaners were usually around, working their way down from top floor. I wasn’t expecting to see Nina at her desk, staring intently at the computer screen. She didn’t hear me because she had earpieces in. I was briefly puzzled by the way that she was typing with one hand, while her other arm moved, rhythmically, at an angle that I quickly guessed meant her hand was on or in her crotch. I coughed loudly, and she heard me. The image on the screen changed immediately to a spreadsheet. I wasn’t sure what I’d seen. Flesh, just an impression, was all I glimpsed before it turned into columns of figures. She was deeply embarrassed, of course, and in a nervous machine-gunning of words turned it round so that I was accused of sneaking up on her. She was guilty as hell, of something. I let her rant, and kept my cool. When she stuttered to a halt, I just shrugged, said the first thing I could think of, in an ironic voice, which was something about not thinking it was an appropriate use of company I picked up my mobile phone, which was the reason I had returned, and while she continued to blush deep scarlet, I ushered her out of the building.
It set off a tension between us that led to minor friction, and on her part a kind of aggression, like she wanted to push me into reacting, or confronting her properly. We stayed that way for a couple of months. Niggling, sniping, flashing annoyed glances across the office. The dreams got worse, not helped by my conjecture as to what she had been doing when I caught her that evening. I was convinced she’d been indulging in what I had always thought of as a fairly exclusively male activity, masturbating over net porn, which was one of my own vices at that time. I hadn’t had much relationship luck lately. Not satisfied either physically of intellectually with recent girlfriends, I’d been marking time while I reassessed my life. I was just thirty-eight, and realised that I’d become rather choosy. I wanted quality, not quantity. I wanted someone who was closer to my own tastes, beliefs and ideals. The harder I looked, the less I found.
Nina’s truculent but sensual image played on my all too available libido, and I indulged myself in increasingly lurid fantasies of the two of us, the sex as hard core as my limits and tastes allowed me to go, and shamefully, I allowed them to go further than ever before, into S&M fantasies, where I would taunt her, chastise her, and then convince her that our needs were shared…
One Friday evening, not long ago, it all came to a head. After what I guessed were several glasses of wine at lunchtime, she had been slacking through the afternoon, chatting too much to the girls, distracting them from their work. And I surely wasn’t imagining the looks she kept on casting in my direction. It had been like this for a while; she knew my eyes were often on her when I looked up from my keyboard. Again, I could swear she was testing me, teasing me subtly to make sure I had really noticed her. The level of office discipline was crumbling, and she was the one instigating it. Around five o’clock, as my staff became more raucous towards home time, she looked up and caught me frowning at her, and gazed straight back into my eyes, as if to say ‘what are you going to do about it then?’ I felt a hot flare of anger, and with it, an incredible wave of desire. She looked so damned sexy like that… lips slightly parted, eyes flashing, and her nipples, I couldn’t help but notice, were so tumescent they were almost burning through her bra and white top. She seemed to lag behind a little as the girls prepared to leave the office. She was rummaging in the depths of her capacious handbag, as if looking for something vital.
“I’ll catch you up,” she told Louise, Katie, and the others as they left.
It was now or never.
“Nina, I need speak to you for a moment.” The words were off my tongue before I could even think. I had no idea what I really wanted to say. I knew I should reprimand her severely for pissing me about.
She looked at me obstinately, but obeyed. She swayed her hips noticeably as she walked into my office.
been up to your games again, Nina,” I began. “This is a place of work, not a not a kiddies /> Nina’s nipples were starkly at attention. I couldn’t force my eyes away from them.
“I know which playground you’d like to be in,” she retorted.
For a moment I didn’t get it.
“What do you mean?” I asked, even then realising what she meant.
looking at my tits, you’re always looking at my tits.” Nina looked fierce, and even more beautiful.
not true,” I said.
“Yes it fucking well is; you’re always at it! You’re doing it now!”
The devil seized my tongue.
“It’s not true, sometimes I look at your arse.”
We glared at each other, while the corners of our mouths began to twitch. We knew that we’d crossed the line. Nina snorted with laughter, and I followed suit. And I was still staring at her fantastic tits.
I stood up, and was suddenly aware that my cock was straining the front of my trousers.
“I suppose its fair enough actually, Alan, after all I do look at your package whenever you walk by.” And her eyes drifted to my groin, widening, as did her grin.
“I want to fuck you Nina… I want to fuck you right now, right her!” I blurted.
I was never usually this blunt.
“About sodding time too!” Nina exclaimed. We laughed again. It was easy. We knew that were going to do just what we wanted. It was instantaneous, simultaneous. Blood was pounding through me. I felt incredibly alive.
Nina crossed her arms, and scooped her tight tee shirt over her head. I could clearly see her bullet nipples and their aureolae through her thin white bra. She had just the right amount of flesh to be the trim side of voluptuous. Her belly curved a little over the hip-hugging waistband of her jeans. Mmmmmm… I twisted the rods and closed the Venetian blinds, and then I did something I’ve always longed to do. I swept everything from my desk onto the floor. Except for the monitor and keyboard, of course. There’s reality and fantasy! Nina took her cue. She tugged down her jeans, and unable to wait, I dropped to my knees, and helped her, dragging the stiff fabric over her ripe arse, exposing her thong, the neatly trimmed triangle of brown pubic hair, and the frondy moistness of it at the lips of her cunt, just visible through black lace.
As she stepped out of her jeans, I grasped her buttocks, pulled her me, and inhaled the scent of her feminine arousal. Hooking her thong to one side, and playfully smacking her thighs apart, I buried my face in her groin, my nose rubbing against a sizeable clit. Her labia were fleshy, almost rubbery… I rolled and held them back with my thumbs, exposing a slick, coral cunt of exquisite beauty, and incredible promise! Pointing my tongue, I delved into her for the first time, and heard her moan of pleasure. She edged back until she was sitting on the edge of the desk, she opened her thighs wider and her fingers began to massage my closely cropped scalp. I tongue-fucked her deliciously, savouring her taste, the silky surfaces of her cunt.
“Oh yes… that’s soooo fucking good!” She groaned. I looked up at her, and saw a devilish smile on her face. I rubbed my thumb over her clit, and she shuddered. She liked sex. She loved sex. Maybe she’d enjoy having me teach her some more.
And at that moment a small miracle occurred. She had dropped her bag when she took her top off, and the contents were spilling over the carpet. When I glanced down at what my hand was touching, it was a small flat tin of Vaseline… My imagination soared in several directions, and in the end, I couldn’t resist the temptation. I picked up the tin, and with my tongue still thrusting rapidly in her slit, I fumbled it open, and scooped some lube up on my fingers. Sliding my tongue out, I slipped two fingers straight in. I felt the heat, the tightness, and swirled my fingers to spread the lube around inside.
“Oh fuck Nina hissed. She lifted herself onto the desk, until she could get her bare feet braced on the edge. Almost as an afterthought, she shucked of her thong, and then splayed her legs wide. She looked incredibly sexy, laying back on her elbows, tits lolling just a little to the sides, nipples pointing skywards, my fingers pinioning her, digging deeper, feeling her meeting my thrusts… Soon I pulled out, took some more lube, anointed her labia, and then tried her with a third finger. She edged back a little further, her eyes taking on a hypnotic intensity. I had to go on. She lifted her hips a little as I thrust, and I felt her cunt relax, tighten, and relax, letting me in steadily.
I had fist-fucked a few women before, usually after long persuasion and patient weeks of stretching, but something I can’t explain but felt deep inside, told me that Nina had been there before. From a brisk fingering, my caresses became something else. For the moment she seemed content to let me proceed as I wished. I smiled at her reassuringly, and added yet more Vaseline. When I added my fourth finger, her grin widened too. Her hips wound out a sexy slow dance of welcome. Her flesh felt so good, so warm and slippery from the lube and her ever-increasing flow of juice. I worked my fingers in the tightness, stretching her walls apart, twisting and turning my hand until the base of my thumb was hard against her clitoris, the side to side swooshing making her gasp and shake.
Without even thinking about it, I made a decision. I pulled back, and stared into her eyes as I lubed up my whole hand. She was panting, lips parted and expectant, her excitement was palpable. Mine was almost overwhelming. I had made the right choice. We didn’t say anything, not daring to break the spell. I couldn’t believe it. I had found a woman who actually wanted to be fisted!
This time my fingers formed a cone, my thumb tucked in neatly. I was glad I always paid attention to my nails, and Nina would be too. She actually licked her lips as I parted her swollen labia with my fingertips! I thrust firmly, with a long, steady twist, and buried half my hand in her first time. It felt glorious.
My fantasies about Nina had been more or less like this, but I couldn’t have imagined that they would come true quite so quickly, or so graphically!
“I’m going to push my big fist right up inside your cunt, Nina.” I gasped thickly, relishing each word as I began to screw my hand from side to side, leaning into her at the same time.
Yeeeeeeessssssss duh… do it! FIST ME!!”
It was the first time I had heard a woman say that. At that moment I understood that part of the challenge in Nina’s eyes had been because we had unconsciously recognised something in each other, a knowledge, a need. She leaned forwards, grabbing my arm in a vicelike grip.
“GGNnnnhhh She cried, jamming my fist hard into the painful tightness, on the third pull, assisted by my shove, I felt the magic moment. Her vulva spread right around the full thickness of my hand, and then slid, slowly, stunningly down the other side. Her cunt was swallowing my hand! I could feel her milking it in with a slow peristaltic action. She knew exactly what she was doing, even better than I! The sensation around my knuckles was incredible. So tight, so hot… each ripple and whorl of her inner flesh clearly transmitted through my skin. We didn’t stop until I was wrist deep inside her. She let go of my arm, rested on her elbows again, threw back her head, and juddered rapturously, her hips jacking against the naturally curling, folding fingers that caressed her cervix as I made a fist.
yeaaa… oh why the hell did we wait so long!!!” She growled, and I could only agree. I began to fist-fuck her, pushing hard into her because she obviously liked that, pulling back until I stretched her vulva, and she liked that too. I couldn’t stop smiling, I was exultant! For as long as I had known about fisting I’d been craving a partner who loved the noble art as much as I do.
“I can’t believe I panted, amazed at the way my hand was plunging ever more easily into Nina’s horny body. My knuckles rubbed hard on her cervix, on her g-spot as I twirled and rotated my fist. Her fingers splayed and trembled. Her eyes rolled back.
“YESSSSS THAT’S ITTTT!! RIGHT THEREEEE!” She wailed. I speeded up, and my cock drooled pre-cum as Nina began to orgasm. She grunted, and fluid spat from her cunt, right into my face! I reeled back, spluttering, laughing, licking my lips as soon as I could. Nina’s teeth were clenched, eyes blazing, body jerking with each spasm, spasms that I felt on my fist, clamping it hard, squeezing my wrist until I yelped, but not forcing it out as usually happened in my previous fisting experiences.
It took quite a while for Nina to come down, and I kept my fist in her all the while, clenching and unclenching my fingers in slow pulsations that triggered off many delicious after-shocks. It was barely ten minutes since I had locked the door of the office, and I had just fisted one of my staff to a mind-blowing orgasm!
The twinges eventually stopped, and I began to ease my hand from Nina’s cunt. She grasped my wrist and shook her head.
“Uh uh… I’ve wanted this too much to stop after just one!” She husked. What a slut. What a gorgeous, uninhibited slut!
So I told her she was a slut.
using me… you just want my fist… well, you perverted little slut, that’s what you’ll get!” I said. I had never spoken to a woman like that before. I had never met a woman like Nina before!
/> /> We laughed as I jerked my hand in her cunt, pulling it back over the rim, and then thrusting it in hard. She gasped, eyes flying open. I did it again. Over the rim, and in. her hands slammed down on the surface of the desk in approval. My eyes were glued to her cunt, and the way it revealed and hid my hand. yes, soon her cunt was slithering over the back of my hand, the flesh gliding on my skin like searing hot, oiled silk. I made a fist once more, and pushed it right into her, spreading those willing walls wide again.
She resumed her grip on my wrist, and began to work my fist inside her like a huge dildo, showing me where she like to be stretched, where it hurt, where it felt too good to bear for long. It was quite a change to be the pupil instead of the teacher! When I leaned hard into her, I found that she was deeper now, an inch or more past my wrist, and I could feel her womb bearing down on me. She pushed me back… until I was in the grip of her vulva, and then a hard, teeth-clenching pull as she took me deep again. Fabulous. I knew what I needed to know now, and pushing her hand away, I began to gore her cunt with my fist, thrusting it long, hard, bending my arm, this way and that to reach her special places, opening her cunt wide around the tight ball of my large fist, and ramming it through… I had reached heaven, I decided. This was all I had ever dreamed fisting should be, and had so fleetingly attained in the past. Nina’s hoarse cries of happy greed were the sweetest symphony to my ears. The feel of her amazing flesh surrendering with such eagerness was inspiring in a way I had only dared yearn for. I pulled back even further, and as she held her thighs wide, piecing blue eyes maddened with desire, I forced my clenched fist into her, pulled it out, forced it in, again and again while she uttered guttural cries of ecstasy.
After the first few times, I didn’t have to force it so hard, and I was almost punch-fucking her cunt, the wet slurping slap of it so wickedly rude, the outside/inside contrast another fine sensation to add to the list of firsts. It was so astonishing I couldn’t hold onto myself. I crouched over her, pumping my fist in and out of her cunt, jerking my cock with my spare hand. I could tell she was close to orgasm again too, her movements were fractured, uncontrolled, her voice querulous as the pleasure doubled and re-doubled. In an orgiastic frenzy, I thrashed my pulsing cock. I felt an exploding sun in my loins, and as I rammed my fist, jiggling it hard and deep, I came, all over her, feeling her spasms matching mine. Cum rocketed from my cock in long white streamers, splattering her belly, her swaying tits, painting her nipples giving her a a flowing string of pearls, one massive spurt striping neatly across her face, bisecting it with a long silvery line of semen. I shook my fist inside her and she yowled, clawing at her nipples as her insides convulsed a final time, forcing my fist out at last with a wet, rude fart of air and cunt-juice.
“You bastard!! You’ve cum all over me!! I’m supposed to be going out with the girls tonight!!” Nina swore, her voice croaky from her cries of rapture. I stroked out the last drops from my softening cock, and shook them onto her belly. Her smile belied her words, as did her hands. They were rubbing my cum into her skin, stroking it into her breasts. She scooped up a clotting dribble and sucked her fingers like a naughty child.
not going anywhere tonight without me,” I told her.
Her eyes softened, and I fell on Nina, my mouth meeting hers in our very first kiss. I had fisted her before I even kissed her! What a way to begin a love affair!
chapter 2
“What about your boyfriend?” I asked her as we cleared up the mess we’d made. My office looked like bomb had hit it, and it smelled richly of sex.
“Oh that… it’s over.” She said firmly.
“When did you finish with him? I asked, curiously.
“The moment you pushed your hand into my cunt,” she said, and despite the fact that I’d orgasmed just a few minutes ago, my cock pulsed back to life at her words.
I shook my head in wonder.
She was frighteningly direct. I loved it. This was one of the things I’d been looking for. A woman to whom I could say anything, especially about sex, a woman who wouldn’t hide her desires behind coyness, and feminine games. And most of all, a woman whose desires matched my own.
On the tube, on the way home, she held my hand, lifting it sometimes to her lips and kissing it. It was the hand that had been inside her. I was glad I was wearing a long, loose shirt. Something had clicked so resoundingly between us that we were speechless from this bolt from the blue. On the walk from the station, her tongue loosened, and she teased me.
“You could have cum in my mouth,” she said, conversationally.
I tingled all over.
“Or in my /> My cock twitched excitedly.
“You know one of the things I like about you Alan?”
I shook my head.
“You didn’t go straight for my tits. It gets so boring sometimes. Most men spend an hour nuzzling me like horse, sucking my nipples until they’re sore… when what I want is for them to go further, to experiment a bit. I get tired of leading men by the hand, teaching them how to please me. But you… you followed your line, you read me… you fisted me because you knew I wanted it. It was a first, Alan. It’s scary, isn’t it?”
I nodded. I felt like I was bursting. Emotions and sensations were firing off like roman candles in my brain.
When Nina found the enema bag in the bathroom cupboard, the tone of the evening was set. We made it very beautiful in my bedroom, with candles and drapes. I brought out the huge pearly latex sheet that completely covered my King size bed .
kinky!” Nina giggled, feeling the silky texture with her cheek.
We spread the sheet, smoothing it out and tucking it in neatly.
“What about the cushions?” She asked, as she piled them back onto the bed.
“The covers are washable,” I said, succinctly. We both wanted it to be right. We’d fucked out our initial frenzy in the office. Now it was time to be intimate.
“Are you going to give me the enema, or shall I do it for myself?” She asked. Challenging me again. How far would I go? What would I find acceptable. She didn’t trust me yet.
“I’m going to roll us a joint, and fix us something to drink. You can prepare the enema, and give me a shout when you’re ready,” I replied. Time and motion; efficiency would get us to bed sooner.
When I answered her call, Nina was on her knees, on the rubber-tiled bathroom floor. She had rigged the bag onto the telescopic arm of the shaving mirror, and was holding out the tube for me.
“All yours,” she said, and bent over until she was resting on her arms, her plump, peachy bottom angled into the air. Her anus was pretty pinky-brown crinkled eye, winking at me knowingly.
“I know it’s a wee bit late to ask,” she said, turning her head, “but have you been tested for all the usuals? It’s just /> “Yes, I have, about a nine months ago, and there’s no chance I could have had any… um contact… with a new partner… since then”
“Good. I just got tested with my er… ex-boyfriend. I don’t like the constraints of safe sex… but… aahhhhh… Who wants to die from… mmmmm… a shag?”
I distracted her with my tongue, poking it rudely into her rosebud. I lubed her a little with my spit, and then oiled the tube with Eros. I loved the way her arsehole clenched and relaxed as I fed the pipe into her bowels. I could feel the pull on the tube, helping it to go deeper. I’d noticed that her cunt could do that too. I sensed she worked out more internally than externally. By divine chance I had stumbled on the woman of my dreams!
The tube slid deeper and deeper. At one point Nina reached back, and guided it for a moment, sighing as her alterations enabled it to enter her for several more inches. It had reached its destination. I turned the little tap, and began to gently squeeze the bag. The warm water and baby oil blend coursed into her body, trickling and tickling its way into her bowels. I could tell she enjoyed it. She played restlessly with her cunt and clit as I squeezed more and more of the liquid into her, I saw her shudder and heard a soft moan… it would be seeping into her colon… up into her belly. More… she raised herself on one hand, back arching, fingers plucking at an erect nipples. A little more… over a litre… I felt her stomach. It was bulging. I eased the last of the enema into her, and turned off the tap. She tensed her anus tightly, and seemed to hold her breath for a long moment, finger blurring on her clit. She began to tremble and whine. I read her. Yes, I can always read Nina. I smoothly eased the tube from her bowels, and guided her to the toilet bowl.
With an ecstatic cry of pain and pleasure, Nina let it all leave her, in an explosive rush. She shuddered, shook, went limp for a moment, and pulled herself together, then calmly got on with it, and cleaned up. In the shower, we made ourselves be patient, though soaping her, and being soaped was a sore trial.
She led me by my cock into the bedroom, sat down on the edge of the bed, and took me in her mouth so naturally, so sexy matter of factly that I had to laugh. She looked up, grinning through a mouthful of cock.
“Last Tuesday, I imagined you just like that when I had a wank, after work.” I told her. It wouldn’t shock her.
“So did I,” Nina spluttered, and a muffled giggle set us off again.
“Just out of curiosity, when I found you in the office that evening… what were you really doing?”
“I… I was having cybersex… and looking at porn… I was… getting… fisted… online!” She said between sucks.
“I thought as much.”
“I don’t think… I’ve ever been… so embarrassed! I was so close… to cumming… when you… appeared!” She laughed onto my cock. I felt her mouth around me, so warm and skilful. I closed my yes for a few moments and luxuriated.
“I want you to play with my ass, Alan. Do whatever you want with it.” She purred when she came up for air again.
I was teetering on the brink of orgasm… I clenched hard to save myself. At last, I realty had something worth saving myself for! I recovered myself by pushing her away from my cock. I pulled her up, and then we both clambered onto the big bed. A wide-open space of sexual intent.
not rush this… we’ve got plenty of time,” I said.
I brought out a wooden box from under the bed, and gave it too her. It was about two feet long, six inches deep, like a specimen case. She unsnapped the clasps, and lifted the lid. Her smile widened, and her eyes burned happily as she looked at the contents. Several dildos, a couple of butt plugs, and a rubber fist, clenched, the size of a woman’s hand brought little cries and wows of surprise from Nina’s mouth. There was also a fresh bottle of lube. Nina bit her lip, and ran her fingers over the collection, pausing at the fist. She looked up at me, and I could see an expression that I would soon come to know so clearly. She wanted to be fisted. And with Nina, I quickly learned that if no one else was available, she was quite happy to service herself!
“God, I’d love one of those!” She said, picking it up, sniffing it… “It’s a problem when I’m fisting myself… I can’t get as far in as I’d like… one of these… I could steer it! She wobbled it. The fist rocking on its flexible wrist.
I had bought it for my last girlfriend, but she left it with me when she returned to Holland and her husband.
“Well, why don’t you two get I picked up one of the joints I had rolled while she was alone in the bathroom. “And while you’re doing that, let’s gild the lily,” I said, flicking the lighter.
What heaven, to smoke a joint while the woman who turns you on more than any other living creature lays back against the pillows, spreads her thighs, and starts to trickle lube over her pubis. I lit up, and took a long drag. My free hand lightly stroked my prick, which was hard, but comfortable. I moved over, and shared puffs of the spliff with Nina, while she played with herself, pulling her fleshy outer lips apart, fingering deep with fingers from both hands, then pulling her inner lips open… A few moments later she was clasping the rubber arm, holding the fist to her open-blossomed vulva, and rubbing its knuckles over the slippery membranes. She let go a long held lungful of grass smoke, and lifted one leg. The clenched fist was suddenly swallowed. Her leg dropped, trapping the fist, and a wicked smile played over her lips. Phenomenal!
It was all I could do not to tear out the simulacrum, and replace it with the real thing, but I was deliciously conscious that we had prepared for anal pleasure, new ground, and this was just a prelude, a delicious little display that obviously felt as good for her as it looked to me.
it’s a lovely toy, but I still prefer the real thing,” she purred, lightly fucking herself while inhaling more grass. She passed the last centimetre of the joint back to me. I took one more hit, and crushed it.
a I said, suddenly inspired. “Roll over… squat down onto the fist… I want to try /> Would Nina take directions?
No problem, she rolled over, keeping the fist inside, and braced the end of it on the bed. It wiggled and squished a bit, but it looked great.
I lubed up my cock, and crouched behind Nina’s round, slippery ass. Oil had spilled from her cunt in quantity. I pressed my rigid glans into the soft, tightness of the rosebud, and thrust, with steady, constant strength.
“Milk my cock into your ass, Nina.”
ahhh… mmmm… ahhh… like that?”
Just like that… Jesus… where did you learn that?!”
She was sucking my cock in, first in millimetres, then the heat in their was delicious. I held her hips and thrust. In one awesome swoop, the last three inches of my seven inch cock entered the her arse, which then clamped tightly around it. She was getting even hotter, and I could feel the hard, shifting shape of the rubber fist, which she was still working a little in her cunt.
“I want to use my own fist… I want my fingers to feel your cock inside me…” Nina husked, upping the temperature another couple of degrees. We were both pretty stoned now, sensual waves sloshing between us; our utter freedom with each other’s desires was like a drug in its own right. I pulled my cock slowly out, Nina clasping it rhythmically as it departed. She eased out the rubber fist, rolled over to get comfortable, and then fed her own hand into her cunt. To do so, she sat up on one elbow, tucked her other arm in front of her cocked back leg, and lightly closing her fingers, slid them into her still slightly gaping vulva. A little twist to set the lips right, and then a loose, graceful thrust took her hand halfway in. A lift of her left leg – this seemed to be a special movement with her, a little key I would remember it – another thrust, and it was all the way in, to the bend of her wrist.
Below it, her arsehole pouted lewdly, shiny and red… I shuffled up on the bed, pushed her up against the bed head, and lifted her hips as I lined up my cock again. I could feel her wrist rocking back and forth as I thrust. My cock sank into her heavenly bowels in three hot swoops. I felt the back of her hand against my shaft. It felt wicked, bizarre, intense… and Nina and I had truly embarked on our great sexual odyssey. I buggered her happily for a couple of minutes while she rubbed and caressed me from within. We kept on smiling at each other, chuckling at the rudeness of our position. She was shiny with lube from her waist to halfway down her inner thighs. My cock moved slickly, shafting deep, but we became uncomfortable, and instead of the usual awkwardness about saying it wasn’t working, and could we move, Nina spoke up first.
“Why don’t I kneel on the floor, and you can just get to the main /> “What makes you such a wonderful slut?” I asked, shaking my head.
“Experience I suppose… I know the difference between good sex and bad sex, and I won’t accept second best.”
I couldn’t add anything to that.
Nina drew out her hand, clambered onto the floor, and knelt so that she could brace herself on the edge of the bed. Her tits were hanging down temptingly, nipples distended, the heavy swing of them as she spread her legs and settled made me want to feel them around my cock.
“And I know that what I want is to feel your fist in my cunt while you fuck my She added as if it was a harmless afterthought.
“Working your way up to that feeling a size at a I commented, seeing through her little game.
She gave dirty giggle, and waggled her buttocks at me enticingly.
“I have to remember that I don’t need to play those games with you, do I?” Nina asked, with a new note of tenderness in her voice.
“Only if you want to carry on giving me pleasant surprises,” I replied.
I took the bottle of lube, and squirted it liberally on and in her cunt, added some more to her ass, and with a sigh of happy satisfaction, a gave her four fingers, straight in. She felt so soft and easy… her hips swaying back and forth onto my thrusts. I twisted and turned my hand, spreading the lube, so that her cunt was making lovely sticky sloppy little sounds, and widening her for the bigger stretch to come.
Nina was cooing and ooing with pleasure. I tucked in my thumb.
“Oh yesssss… oh Nina hissed, and I felt that now familiar gulping motion on my fingers… I let her open for me, until we got the widest stretch, and then I gave a firm twisting push, and moaned along with her as my hand sank smoothly in. Now I could really learn her cunt… I remembered my own words; there was no hurry. She was so comfortable with my fist. I wouldn’t have to move quickly, like I was often forced to do, keeping one step ahead of my partner’s pain threshold.
“God made you for fisting, Nina,” I said, and began pulling my fist right back to the rim, and sinking it deep, again and again. The sheer elasticity of the woman was awesome! I loved the way her cunt-lips expanded. When I drew back so that my fist was almost out, my knuckles were clearly delineated as they slid from side to side beneath the skin. I had the luxury of gazing on this utterly wanton sight for as long as I wanted, until I thrust in once more, a glistening line creeping further and further down my wrist as I dug under Nina’s cervix , pushing it, reaching into the softness, making her groan and arch, breasts as taut as her nipples.
It was time to bugger my beautiful Nina. I turned my hand palm up, and nuzzled my glans into the slippery eye of her anus. Resting her tits on the bed, she reached back, and guided me, pulling my cock into herself. It was nice to be wanted like that! I felt the heat of her like a jungle mist, smelling her cunt, her sweat; the perfume she wore that always gave me what I knew now were premonitory shivers. I groaned as I felt my cock rubbing over my hand, inside her, stretching the membranes until it was as if I was fucking my flesh-mittened palm! I could actually fondle my own cock through her inner walls! It was the most outrageous sensation I had ever encountered!
With a hoarse cry of abandon, I began to fuck her ass and fist her cunt simultaneously. The enema and the lube made her bowels a slippery, clinging, stretching sheath for my pumping cock. Nina began to shudder every few seconds, I realised she seemed to go into a kind of trance when we reached the extremes. Her breathing was harsh, almost rattling, her face when she turned it me was a mask of concentrated desire.
yes… oh god Alan… I… I dreamed and hoped… I wished… oh God… and… mmmmm… my wish came She gasped, as I rode her mercilessly.
I felt nature wanting to speed me up, and let the pace quicken, pushing Nina before the rising tide of my lust. My hand was almost wanking my plunging cock, fingers clutching at it through her rectum… and that made Nina yowl like a cat and cum.
Her orgasm was a magnificent thing, a construction of dazzling concept. She tore at her clit yammering with ecstasy, her cunt and ass muscles milking me until I felt the beginnings of bruises on cock and wrist. I had the promise of her luscious mouth before me, and it was beyond my strength to ignore that whim! I rode her through her spasms, clenching and unclenching my fist, trying to grip my cock through her. She squealed, froze, and then jolted, hard, three times, gutteral cries of rapture torn from her lungs. I eased her down gently, my cock aching with denial. I withdrew my shaft slowly, hearing her sigh, and then loving the last, helpless cry as my fist then passed through her vulva. She clutched herself, moaning loudly, rocking almost epileptically. I was in torment. I HAD to cum!
As soon as she had recovered a semblance of sanity, I threw her on her back on the bed, and straddled her. Her luscious breasts swayed and invited me. She saw my eyes on them, and held them up, then pressed them temptingly together. My cock was slick with lube from her ass… With a groan of delight, I felt her soft warm globes enclose me. Nina’s wonderful tits held me in a floating sea of pleasure. She pressed me tight and I fucked, hard… jamming my cock between the softly bulging globes. In seconds I felt my scrotum tightening. Bliss flooded my senses, and with a rapturous roar, I let go. Nina tilted her head, and her mouth opened as I unleashed the first jet. It straight up her neck and splattered hard under her chin. She grabbed my cock like lightning, and jerked the next spurt out, all over her face. Then she found her aim, and as I jolted and wailed in the glory of orgasm, she stroked and sucked a stupendous load from my balls. Our eyes met, and I saw into the soul of a woman who loved what she was doing, what I was giving her… My hoarse cries quietened as my streams of cum diminished. She rubbed my still dribbling cock all over her sperm-wet face, siphoned out a few final drops, sucking so hard it made me moan and shudder convulsively, then swallowed with a moan of satisfaction.
For the second time in three hours, Nina was painted with my cum. Just to see my essence spilling from the corners of her mouth… the trickle down her strong chin… was pure heaven. I rubbed my cock over her breasts, and drank in her beauty to the full.
chapter 3
We needed to eat, we needed to take a few moments where we weren’t having sex or preparing for sex.
“I’ve said it before, but this is scary… I’ve never had sex… quite like this,” said Nina, a warm throb in her voice. “I mean, I’ve done all that stuff before… though not necessarily in the same order… but its never felt so… well… good… I mean inside… oh crap… in my… my soul, is what I mean.”
I took Nina’s hand as she spoke, and rubbed her fingers gently.
“It all fits, doesn’t it? Like a jigsaw you’ve had all the pieces to for ages, but one, the one that completes the /> the way you fit into me…” Purred Nina, bringing it back to sex, but for all the right reasons. “Strictly speaking, there are a couple more bits of the jigsaw still missing, though I think I can see the whole picture /> “Missing? What’s that?” I asked, slightly alarmed. I was in such a delicious haze of happiness that any hint of dissatisfaction concerned me.
“You haven’t fisted my ass… and I haven’t fisted yours.” Her eyes looked into mine, candidly, searching for repulsion, fear, or shock. She found only the latter. I blushed scarlet. It wasn’t so much the idea of fistingher ass that made me blush, it was the intimation that she wanted to fist mine!
I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it to cover my confusion. I looked at that hand… average size, strong fingers, short nails… I moaned as I suddenly had the image of her hand entering my body through the back door. I had never dared confess this desire to any woman for fear of rejection and disgust. I had always wanted to know, to feel what they felt, or at least, in its masculine version. That was why I had hung on to the rubber fist, to the dildos and butt-plugs. They weren’t just for my girlfriends.
An overwhelming wave of emotion made me sob in my throat. I took Nina in my arms.
“Is it too soon to say that I love you?” I husked.
“Not even by a Nina whispered, and our mouths met in a true lovers kiss.
“How did you guess I want to try it too?” I asked, a while later.
“The kind of man you are… I can tell that you’re in touch with your feminine side… the way you use your fist inside me tells me that you’re thinking of how it feels for me, not just for you. You’re thinking of where your fist really is, what it is really doing… Not just ramming it in to satisfy some violent male dominant urge. And if thinking that way gives you pleasure, the next step is natural, really. But of course you have just the one option of where a woman’s fist would go. I’m the lucky one… and as I’ve been prepared, and so wonderfully warmed up by your lovely cock, I think, in a little while… I’d like you to be… the very first man to fist my arse!”
“But I /> “You thought I would’ve done that already… well, true, I’ve fisted my own arse often enough, but I’ve never trusted a man… or met a man I could trust… to do it. It’s not something you just do on the spur of the moment, with any old lover. I mean nor is the other fisting, but I feel more in control of that.”
“I think I understand you.” I said, so pleased that Nina could express herself to me in this way.
We finished snacking on the deli I luckily had in the fridge, and I rolled us more spliffs while Nina cleared the debris, and returning, snuggled down against me on the sofa. We were still naked, and Nina had had another quick shower to wash away the crusted cum.
After the better part of a year with only my hand and the toys for sexual relief, having a real live, vibrant sexy woman in closest proximity was like a complete aphrodisiac. Just seeing the way Nina’s legs shifted, exposing her dark pubic triangle, the way her breasts swung, lolled, and bobbed… was enough to send a third wave of blood flooding into my groin. Nina was my ultimate playground, the perfect expression of my kinkiest desires. Whatever uncertainties the future might hold, I would remember this night, when everything came together, when as Nina said… fitted.
I was feeling deliciously stoned and sensual again, one of Nina’s warm breasts in my hand, my thumb flicking back and forth over her India rubber nipple, when she smiled at me and taking my semi-erect cock in her hand, she slipped to the floor between my legs, and looking at me conspiratorially, she lowered her mouth over my cock. I felt it stiffen in heavy pulses as she sucked me sweetly in, her tongue caressing my glans almost dreamily. I put my hands either side of her head, and with a ragged sigh of pleasure, I pulled her head down onto myself, my cock pressing the roof of her mouth, sliding back to the entrance to her throat… I would have stopped the moment she resisted, but instead, I felt a gulping sensation against my cock-head, and the Nina’s throat opened to me. My inspiration had proved to be true. Of course a woman like Nina would be able to deep throat! How silly of me to even begin to doubt it! I groaned with heartfelt satisfaction as I writhed my hips, while her lips clamped tight around the base of my cock, I could feel hot breath expelling slowly from her nose, tingling in my pubes. I closed my eyes for a few moments, and thrust luxuriously, reaming out Nina’s gulping throat. After a minute or two, she pulled back a little, and I felt her rhythm change. When I looked, I saw that she was reaching behind herself with one hand, angling her hips so that she was able to finger her own arse. Three were already steadily pumping in and out. I reached for the lube, and leaning forwards, I dribbled a stream between her buttocks. I heard the sticky slippy sounds of penetration increasing in volume.
She divided her duties successfully between my cock and her own arse for a couple of minutes, the pace intensifying gradually. And then I saw her arm tense up. Her head lifted from my cock, face in a tight grimace as she thrust hard.
She exclaimed. Her eyes flew open, a glistening smile replaced the grimace, and her arm moved suddenly downwards as her whole hand slid in! She was anally fisting herself! Her eyes caught mine in a headlight beam. I read her pleasure, and the secrets of that pleasure, which I yearned to share. I slid from the sofa, leaving her on her knees, working her arse. I wanted to watch from close up. I wanted to enjoy it in pornographic detail. Nina understood, and with little sighs and moans of self-inflicted gratification, she fisted her arse for me, arching to gain a better angle, digging her hand in until her anus was around her wrist. She let out little grunts of desire asshe jerked the hand hard into herself, as far as she body would let her. It looked so incredibly perverse, so beautiful… my cock was achingly erect, but all I could do was watch, and know that my turn would come. I caressed Nina all over as she sent herself into her now familiar fisting trance. I fondled her breasts, tugged on her swollen teats like I was trying to gently milk them. She began to shudder and groan louder. Her cries intensified, becoming more animal, and less She arched right back, and began to draw and thrust , pulling her hand almost all the way out, and then thrusting it firmly back in. I enjoyed every moment of it. I stroked her ass, dribbled more lube onto her, slid a couple of fingers into her open vulva, feeling the movement of her hand on the other side of the wall… And then, catching her breath, she held it for a moment, exhaled slowly, and drew out her hand all the way, at the same time. Once her arsehole had widened fully around her fist and begun to close again, it seemed only natural that I would replace her emerging fingers with my own.
“Oh fuck… Alan… oh yes… that’s it…” She murmured thickly as my thicker digits held her open, and the three within the sphincter stretched apart. Into the dark space I squirted more lube, until it was dripping out of her. I made the special cone with my hand, and kneeling behind her, I began to ream the cone into her arsehole. I placed a hand on the small of her back, and felt her trembling slightly, while the other dug and twisted powerfully at her back door. I was trembling too. I’d been wanting to do this for so long… Though I had fisted quite a few women vaginally, none had succumbed to my urging to try it the other way. Now Nina was literally begging me to fist her voluptuous, succulent arsehole!
god… yessss… more… open it up… oh Alannn… I want your fist inside me soooo much!!” She gibbered, swaying back onto my thrusts, squirming her arse hard against my widening hand.
I wondered about this incredible, sexy woman, who had obviously in her short life explored sexual horizons that would shock and perhaps even disgust many of us. As my hand turned slowly in the encroaching tightness, my fingers deep in her rectum, I offered up a prayer of thanks that life had sent Nina my way!
“Oh shit… ohhhhhh… good… another like that… my god…. It’s sooooo biggg!! /> With a howl, and an urgent thrust of her hips, Nina speared her arse on my hand, and at last the rim began to slide over my wide knuckles. I edged forwards carefully while Nina let out a high-pitched squeal and then jerked her hips at me. Once I had passed the apex, the rest of my hand slid in with a satisfying squelch. I turned it over as it sank, eyes unblinking to enjoy to the full the sight of the first time my hand had penetrated a female fundament. It felt glorious on my skin. Hot, moist, so slippery even in the amazing, clinging tightness of it. I could feel her inner shape, the hollow of her bowels as my fingers explored. And her moans, now soft, quiescent, sweet. She yelped when I probed too hard, cooed when I got it right. Her elbows were resting on the sofa, and she began to sway to the rhythm of my hand.
Soon myy fingers were able to curl in, and I made a fist inside Nina’s arse, a hard, masculine fist that I proceeded to fuck her with.
yessss…. I’ve got… a man’s fist… in my bottom!” Gasped Nina, with a gurgle of delight.
“Yes, you’ve got my fist in your bottom,” I confirmed, giving it a thrusting twirl that took me deeper into that fabulous heat. She squirmed hard onto me, gasping, quivering, her arse tightening, relaxing, tightening, relaxing, while she mewed like a cat on heat. I had never felt such perfection.
“And now my fist is going to fuck your arse, Nina, it’s going to fuck it until you cum, and then it’ll carry fucking /> “You say… the most… wonderful… things!” Nina panted, and now her arse had learned something of my hand, she began to ride it, slowly at first, moving her hips, arching and bending her back as she sought the best angles. I kept fairly steady, and let her use my fist as she thought best. I felt privileged to be with her, to be her instrument of lust, to see, hear and participate in this exquisitely perverse, strangely natural celebration of desire. Feeling her need growing, I began to fist her harder, forcing her towards her limits, noting the hoarse cries and the wildness in her eyes as she slipped over the edge again into her fisting world. The more intensely I fucked her, the more she lurched back onto me, almost frightening me with the power of her fist-hunger. Her left hand reached between her legs, caressed my wrist briefly, and then settled on her clit, rubbing, in a blur. I lengthened my strokes, drawing back so that her sphincter was stretched in a fine line around the thickness of my hand, then plunging back in, until I found that I had bored out an incredible tunnel through her, and to keep it that way, I reamed it again and again as I felt her body gather itself for orgasm. She threw her head back hard, eyes staring in a rictus of mad rapture.
“HRRRRRR!!! HURRRRRR!!!! She shrieked. My hair stood on end, her cry pieced my soul, and I wept with joy as she came. Body wrenching spasms flinging her onto me until I was scarily deep. I felt incredible rippling convulsions inside her, tensing and jolting along my forearm. It was as if my life had led only up to this point.
I fucked her through it, wincing with pain from her rectal contractions. She was weeping too.
“I love you Nina.”
“I love you Alan!”
Four hours ago Nina had been an annoying employee, admittedly attractive, but only in my fantasies, no more than that. We were now inextricably joined, and not just by my slowly pumping fist in her now softened, trembling anal tunnel. With a sob of sorrow and joy that it had to happen, I came, thrashing my cock, spurting up her back, over her arse, into her hair, such was the force of it. My cum was thin, almost clear, but despite having so little time to replenish, I still soaked her.
She moaned with such tenderness as I gently extracted inches of forearm, and then my hand from her arse. I held her open for a few moments, gazing enraptured into my lover’s body, Then I drew out my fingers, and watched the stretched out hole slowly closing, while Nina just rested, panting, chuckling with glee.
“I don’t think I’ve ever looked this far into to girl before,” I husked, impressed.
A final clenching pulse eventually hid her interior from my view. I sighed, happily, and lifted her onto the sofa.
We fell asleep amidst the funk and mess of our coupling, brand new lovers, resting only so that we could do it all over again as soon as possible.
She never came back to work for me again, but she moved in that same weekend.
story by: ubiquit2s
Tags: fiction anal romance oral sex fisting sex story
Author: ubiquit2s
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