Always Darkest For Dawn
By rutger5 Copyright 2016
“Oh, my, my. Mr. McCoy, she’s back again.”
“Huh, what’s that Louella? Who’s back? What are you going on about?”
“It’s poor Miss Johnson. She’s walking back and forth in front of the bus station and she’s carrying that suitcase again. Oh dear me, the poor thing.”
Mr. McCoy put down the merchandise he was marking with the price gun and walked over to the large plate glass window to look out. Sure enough there she was, pacing back and forth while looking around in all directions. Sighing to himself he headed back behind the glass and wood counter and picked up the telephone.
“I’m going to call her daddy and let him know that she’s there. It’s the least that I can do.”
“You do that Mr. McCoy. I’m going to see if I can get her to come inside and wait. Today is too hot to be out like that and she’s not wearing a hat or />
Without waiting for a reply Louella hurried out the door and crossed the sun baked street.
“Good afternoon Miss Johnson and how are you today?”
“Oh hello Louella, I’m fine and you?” she replied but it was clear that she was distracted. Though she stopped walking for the time being her blue eyes were as restless as ever as she scanned up and down the nearly deserted street.
“I’m well but it’s so hot this afternoon I declare that the devil himself might be uncomfortable. Now what are you doing out in the sun like this Miss Johnson without a hat? Your skin is far too fair to be exposed and if you’re not careful you’ll be getting heatstroke. Why don’t you come back with me and get something cold to drink. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Thank you Louella but I can’t. It is mighty hot but I’m waiting for someone. If I was to leave and he wasn’t able to find me I don’t know what I’d do. No, I have to wait.”
“Well I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you cross the street with me but you don’t have to go inside. You can sit on the bench out front where it’s much shadier than this side of the street. That way you can still see if someone arrives but you’ll be out of the sun, okay?”
Not waiting for a reply Louella took the woman by the arm and began to lead her. For a second she resisted but after a moment she allowed Louella to guide her across the street to the bench in front of the five and dime.
“Now you sit here Miss Johnson and rest while I go get you a nice cold glass of />
“All right thank you, it is much cooler over here.”
Louella headed inside but as she did she looked back and saw that although Miss Johnson had sat down she was perched on the edge of the bench and was still looking around anxiously. As she sat she reflexively smoothed out the skirt section of her summer dress again and again as if she needed to do something with her nervous energy.
“Well did you get hold of Mr. Johnson?” she asked Mr. McCoy as she headed to the luncheonette counter located in the back of the store.
“Yes I did, he says to keep her here and everything will be taken care of. It’s a shame, I remember her before this all happened. Back when she was in high school everyone expected so much from her. She was homecoming queen and so beautiful that everyone said she should be in the movies. Then she went off to college and things went bad. Such a terrible waste.”
“I know,” replied Louella as she walked toward the front of the store carrying a large glass of lemonade, “she was only four years behind me in school. My youngest brother was in her graduating class and I remember her winning homecoming and she was also the prom queen that year. She still looks great for her age, I wish I’d kept my looks and figure half as well as she has but to what end? It’s a pity when someone’s mind goes like that. There but for the grace of the Lord above.”
Louella went back into the afternoon heat and sat down next to Miss Johnson and handed her the glass of lemonade and watched as the woman daintily took a sip.
“Now isn’t that refreshing Miss Johnson? Nothing better on a hot, summer day.”
“Yes it does hit the spot I must say. Thank you Louella, you’re very kind.”
be silly, that’s what neighbors are for – to help each other out.”
The two women sat there silently after that for Miss Johnson seemed lost in her thoughts and Louella was at a loss of what to say. When a Cadillac Coupe de Ville pulled up in front of the store and the driver climbed out Louella made her exit.
“Well it’s been nice visiting with you Miss Johnson but I have to get back to work before Mr. McCoy has a fit. You take care, you hear.”
Miss Johnson didn’t reply but instead watched as the man from the car approached her. He was an older, heavyset fellow wearing a dark, rumpled suit and tie and he mopped his brow with a handkerchief as he walked.
“Well, well Dawn. Now what are you doin’ here? I figured you’d be home at this time of day. They’ll be serving supper soon unless I’m mistaken,” he said in a booming voice.
“Hello Doctor Howard,” she replied in a voice barely above a whisper.
With a loud sigh he sat next to her causing the bench to creak from his weight.
“Now you haven’t answered me child. What you be a doin’ here and does your daddy know where you are?” he asked as he patted her knee.
She shrank away from his touch before answering him.
“I’m waiting for someone. I don’t know if Daddy knows where I am. Why does it matter? I’m a grown woman, I can go where I want, can’t I?”
“Of course you can Dawn, no one’s telling you that you can’t. But you have to remember I’m not only your physician but an old family friend as well. You know I only have your best interests at heart, I wouldn’t steer you wrong. Now who are you waiting for? I see you have a suitcase, are you going />
“Yes I’m leaving and I’m never coming back to this awful town again. Do you hear me? I’m never coming back!!”
After her outburst she burst into tears as her body shook with sobs and she buried her face in her hands. The doctor looked at her with a plainly uncomfortable expression on his face for a few minutes and it wasn’t until she had somewhat calmed down that he attempted to speak with her.
“Now there was no need getting so upset with me Dawn. You know I’ve known you since you were knee high to a boll weevil. I’m not trying to keep you from doing anything but just looking after your health. So I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. I’m going to drive you home so you can get out of this infernal heat. If anyone comes looking for you they can come to your house, okay? Now be a good girl and do as I say.”
Dragging himself to his feet the doctor took her by her hand and tugged on it gently. Dawn shook her head no but when he persisted in his efforts she reluctantly stood and allowed him to lead her to his car. He opened the door and after she sat he leaned in to fasten the seatbelt around her. He held his breath and his hand shook a little as the thin fabric divided her full breasts while he adjusted the seatbelt. Finally he finished and as his hand pulled away it grazed her thigh causing her body to start.
A half hour later found Doctor Howard trudging down the grand, semi-circular staircase where a tall, gray haired man anxiously waited for him at the bottom.
“Well Doc, how is she?”
resting comfortably now, I’ve given her a />
“All right. Would you like a drink? I know I need one,” the man said as he pulled a stopper from a decanter and poured himself a generous amount of bourbon. Without waiting for a reply he drank it down rapidly before pouring himself another and turning toward the doctor who was shaking his head.
“Now Henry, you better watch your drinking. Take it easy, won’t you.”
“Bah! Always the doctor. Now you never said if you wanted one or not?”
“Of course I want one but unfortunately I have to take a raincheck. I was about to go visit a bedbound patient right before you called and now I really need to go see him. And Henry, yes I’m your doctor and with your heart in the shape it’s in you have to be careful about how much you drink.”
“Hrrmph, I suppose that means you won’t be staying for dinner either. Do me a favor then, whenever you’re through making house calls stop by tonight. We have to talk about Dawn, its />
“Fine Henry, I’ll let myself out and I’ll see you later.”
As Doctor Howard left the house Dawn lay upstairs sleeping while Novalyne, the longtime family maid, hovered nearby watching like a hawk. The sleep seemed far from peaceful however with Dawn moving about restlessly beneath the sheet and murmuring under her breath causing Novalyne to pray to the Lord above for her mistress’ well- being.
1972 Auburn University, Alabama
be wicked Tanya, you know everybody. You have to know who he is,” Dawn said to her sorority sister as she tried to subtly glance in the direction of the man she was asking about.
“Dawn I’m telling you I don’t know but he sure is mighty handsome. It’s a good thing for you I’m going steady with Bob or you’d have competition, that’s for sure. And he’s looking this way again but I wouldn’t get your hopes up. No doubt he’s looking at me and wondering if he has a chance.”
“Oh my God Tanya, you are terrible. If he comes over and talks to you I will so tell him that you’re taken and I’ll tell Bob too.”
“Oh you know I’m just kidding Dawn. But don’t worry I have a plan, I’m going over there to talk to Betty Sue and if she doesn’t know who he is which I find hard to believe because she really does know everyone, then she can find out for us. Plus if he keeps looking your way after I’m gone then you’ll know it’s you he’s interested in, as hard as that is for me to believe,” Tanya teased her friend.
“Gee thanks,” Dawn replied as her friend sauntered away.
No sooner did Dawn peek back in the direction of where he’d been standing then she noticed he was no longer there. As she debated whether to look for him discreetly or to be the true southern lady and never do such a forward thing he suddenly appeared at her elbow.
“Excuse me Miss, but I couldn’t help noticing that you didn’t have anything to drink so I brought you some punch if you’re />
“Why I declare that is very gentlemanly of you sir,” Dawn answered in an exaggerated Southern drawl, “but going by your funny accent I have to assume you’re not from around here. In fact if I’m not mistaken you sound just like a Yankee.”
“Guilty as charged ma’am, but I have to say in my defense that it’s you that has the funny accent though you make it sound wonderful. And I also thank you because most of the time I’m told I sound like a damn Yankee. For a while I thought it was one word.”
She laughed and nodded. “Well around these parts that is how your kind is spoken of, but you seem to be an exceptionally polite one. So thank you sir, I will have that glass of punch now for I feel parched from explaining things to you.”
“And here you’re complimenting me on my manners,” he said as he handed her the glass, “and I forgot to properly introduce myself, though I maintain it was your beauty that made me forget. Beautiful girls tend to have that effect on me.”
“Well you can never go wrong in complimenting a lady on her looks. I thank you sir.”
“The pleasure is all mine. But before I forget again my name is John, John />
“I’m pleased to make your acquaintance John Carroll. I’m Dawn Johnson of the Tennessee />
He took her proffered hand and shook it and as he did Dawn felt her knees go weak for a second.
‘Get hold of yourself girl’ she thought before wondering if that was what love at first sight felt like.
“So John, where are you from and what made you decide to attend college at Auburn?” she asked after regaining control of herself.
a funny story,” he said as he pushed his dark hair away from his eye where it had fallen, “I’m actually from Auburn, Auburn New York that is.”
“Really, you don’t say. I never knew there was such a place.”
“Most people don’t, it’s not so big. Around thirty thousand people, I guess. Closest city to it you might have heard of is Syracuse. It’s also right next to one of the Finger Lakes.”
“I’ve heard of those and Syracuse too. So because you’re from Auburn you decided to go to school at Auburn?”
“Not exactly, it was really because of my guidance counselor in high school. He knew I didn’t have the money to attend college and he had a cousin who had gone to Auburn on a football />
“So you play football? I don’t remember seeing you at the games and I think I would have remembered because you’re so good looking,” Dawn said without thinking after which she felt herself blush with embarrassment.
He smiled at her compliment prompting her to look at her feet as she mentally kicked herself. He paused a moment before replying as he was enjoying her self-conscious reaction.
“Well I did play football in high school but I wasn’t good enough for a scholarship or anything. I did get a partial one from the National Honor Society though by itself that wasn’t enough for />
“So, you’re a scholar as well as an athlete. That is something to be proud of.”
“Well I guess, I just realize I have to work hard at everything if I’m going to get anywhere in life. My family doesn’t have the money to help me so I was lucky that Mr. Parker was willing to leave no stone unturned. Maybe he played up me being from Auburn, I’m not sure, but somehow he was able to get me a scholarship here. What about you? Do a lot of students from Tennessee come here?”
“I don’t know about a lot though our states do border one another. The reason I came was because my Mama had, not only the school but this sorority also, so I guess you could say I’m following in her />
“She must be very proud.”
“I don’t know, she died when I was seven. I’d like to think she’s watching me from above.”
“I’m sorry />
all right, it was a long time ago. It would have been nice to talk to her about things as I grew up but what can you do. So what year are you now, I’m a />
“I’m a junior myself.”
“I see and are you enjoying this little soiree my sorority is />
“It’s gotten a lot better in the past five minutes, that’s for sure. I have to remember to thank my friend Clyde for bringing me. It’s not every day I have a chance to socialize, especially with such a charming young lady.”
“Well thank you. I hope your lack of a social life isn’t because you’re being ostracized due to your Yankee />
“No, nothing like that. In fact I’ve made good friends here and for the most part everyone is willing to overlook my being a Yankee,” he said with a self-deprecating grin. “But between assignments, studying and other school work I’m kind of busy. Plus I have a couple of part time jobs so that doesn’t leave me much free time.”
“But I thought you were here on scholarship, why do you need to work so hard?”
“That only pays for tuition and room and board. I need money to spend and to tell the truth my car is a big drain.”
“You have a car?”
“Yeah, a ’69 Mustang and its always thirsty for gas as well as maintenance. That’s how I travel between here and New York.”
“Ooh, my friend’s cousin Beau has one of those. He likes to drag race some of his friends with it. They’re pretty fast, aren’t they?”
“They can be, especially in a straightaway. They’re not called muscle cars for />
During the conversation Tanya and another member of the sorority passed behind John and as they did they made faces directed at Dawn but she ignored them while continuing to listen avidly.
“Do you think you could give me a ride sometime? That is when you’re not too busy of course. Do you have it here? I’d love to take a look at it.”
“I’d be happy to give you a ride but unfortunately it’s not here so you’ll have to wait.”
too bad. There’s a beautiful moon out tonight and there isn’t much nicer than a moonlit drive.”
“Umm, I can’t help there but do you want to go on the front porch to look at the sky?”
“I do declare that I would enjoy that very much John. Sometimes it gets quite stuffy in here.”
“Well let me refill our glasses first.”
“All right but make sure to scoop it from the bottom. It tends to be stronger there.”
“Okay, be right back.”
No sooner had he left then Tanya made a beeline for her friend.
“So, how goes it Dawn?”
“Wonderful. He’s very nice despite being a Yankee. We’re going to look at the moon so I’ll see you in a smidge.”
A few minutes later found them standing outside staring up at the starry night sky. Almost without realizing it Dawn found herself leaning back into his athletic body. He said nothing at first, just enjoyed the closeness of her to him, the scent of her perfume and shampoo wafting up to his nose while the faint sound of music from the party came to his ears. Finally he had to speak.
“Yes, what is it?”
“I have to ask, do you have a />
“No, no I she replied and she was never happier over that reality than at that moment, “I haven’t had a serious boyfriend since high school.”
“Then I’d like to ask you out. What do you say? May I take you to dinner?”
She turned to face him before replying and to him her eyes were sparkling brighter than the heavens above.
“Yes John, I’d love to.”
The two stood like that for a minute, saying nothing but just staring into each other’s eyes until he couldn’t take it anymore. Leaning down he kissed her softly on her lips. She returned the kiss, her lips parting as she did so. His hand brushed against her shoulder length blond hair as it sought her face. After a minute they stopped to collect themselves.
“That was nice, you’re a good kisser John Carroll. Did you learn how in New York?”
“I guess,” he replied with a shrug, “would you like to take a walk?”
She just nodded in reply and the two began walking. They spoke much of the time though on occasion they were silent but either way they enjoyed each other’s company. Soon after they started their hands found each other and clasped with neither mentioning it though it felt natural to both, as if their hands fit perfectly together. More than once they stopped and kissed before continuing as they lost all track of time. Whether it was an hour or many they couldn’t have honestly said for they were so into each other that all else felt like a dream. So it was that they were caught unaware as dark, storm clouds rolled in blocking out the moon and stars and it wasn’t until raindrops began to fall on them they realized it.
“Come on,” he said as he began to run while the rain pelted them.
She clutched his hand tightly as she ran while the heavens opened up. They had wandered so far afield that they became soaked long before making it back to her sorority house but this didn’t dampen their mood at all. In fact much of the time they laughed aloud as they ran prompting more than one passing observer to look at them as if they were nuts.
Finally they arrived back at the house soaked to the skin. They must have been gone longer than they thought for though the party was still going on some people were leaving as they arrived. They stood on the front porch dripping as they caught their breath.
“Dawn, I had a great time and I hate to end it but I have to work early tomorrow. I don’t want to wait until next weekend to see you again, so let me ask. Can we go out some night during the week? I’m free Tuesday and Wednesday nights.”
fine John. Either night works for me.”
“Well let’s say Tuesday then. The sooner the better,” he said with a smile.
She smiled back at him. “Maybe we’ll see each other around on campus before that.”
“I’ll certainly be />
Unable to think of anything else to say he leaned in and kissed Dawn again as the rain continued to fall. More than once some departing partygoers made comments as they passed but neither of them took notice. Finally they separated and after staring at each other for a minute John finally turned to go.
“I’ll be here Tuesday at seven.”
“All right, I’ll be ready. Good night.”
She stood there and watched him walk away and twice he turned back to look at her until he rounded a corner. Even after he was out of sight she stood there for she just wished to savor the moment and she knew if she went inside she’d be besieged by her friends wanting to hear every detail when she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts.
Finally her wet condition prompted her to go inside but when she did no one was standing nearby allowing her to slip upstairs where she changed into her nightgown and climbed into bed. She was unable to sleep right away as all she could do for the next hour was replay everything that had happened from when he first came up to her but eventually she drifted off with a smile on her face.
When Tanya walked into the room Dawn was sitting at the vanity putting the finishing touches on her makeup.
“Well it looks like you’re getting ready. Going out with Johnny again />
“Mmm, hmm,” she replied as she nodded her head, her face beaming with undisguised happiness.
“How many nights is that this week, four?”
“No, it’s only three. I’d gladly go out with him every night if he didn’t work so darn much.”
“He probably has to work so much to afford going out with you Dawnie. It must be expensive trying to keep you in the manner you’re accustomed to.”
“Oh no,” she replied emphatically, “it has nothing to do with me. He doesn’t have to take me anywhere. I’m happy just taking a moonlit stroll around campus or sitting with him in his car.”
“I don’t doubt that. What exactly are you two doing in his car? Nothing I wouldn’t do, I hope. Testing the springs in his />
“I wish. Besides from what I’ve heard there isn’t anything that you won’t do or at least that’s what the Alpha Sigma fraternity says,” Dawn replied with a sidelong glance. “Though I swear Tanya I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I never thought I’d be the one climbing the walls from frustration, that’s supposed to be the boy. But lately I feel like if something doesn’t give and soon then I’ll />
the matter honey?”
“The problem is we have no place to be alone, I mean really alone where we won’t be disturbed. I can’t bring him to our room in the sorority house and his roommate is always studying in his dorm room.”
“He does have a car />
mention that Tanya, that car is one of the main problems. All the times we make out in it until I’m ready to let him do anything to me. He’s managed to make me feel, oh I can’t describe how good and all without taking off any of my clothes. His hands touch me in places while we kiss, including between my legs, making me want to scream. When I get like that I forget I’m a lady, I just want him to take me and I don’t care where or if the whole college was to know. But when I suggest we get in the backseat he tells me he wants our first time together to be special, not some quick time in a cramped car.”
“Well if you had let me finish what I was saying it wasn’t going to be to do it in the back though I’ve had some good times in backseats, if I do say so myself. I meant for him to drive someplace where you two could have privacy and being the great friend I am I think I can help.”
“Really? But how?”
“O ye of little faith. You know I’ve told you about my cousin Melanie who lives in town. Well, she’s going away to visit her sister and her family for a whole week. And since she has a cat she’s asked me to stop by to feed her and keep my eye on her apartment. Now if you promise to be good and not damage the furniture in your unbridled enthusiasm and not make so much noise that the neighbors call the police then I might be able to help by letting you use it. All I want in return is for Johnny to drive me there a few times to feed the cat. What do you say?”
“Tanya, you’re a life saver. Did I ever tell you how much I love and respect you?”
“You don’t tell me enough but that’s okay. I’m very magnanimous. So do we have a deal?”
“You know we do. When does your cousin leave?”
be leaving Sunday morning so you still have a couple more days of cold showers. And make sure to tell Johnny he’ll be driving me there when Bob can’t. Have fun tonight Dawn.”
“Okay I will and you have a good time on your date too.”
“Oh I will, Bob and I have a place to go,” she told her friend prompting Dawn to stick her tongue out at her.
“Oh I never thought this moment was ever going to happen. It’s like time has been standing still the past couple of days,” Dawn said as she turned the key in the lock.
With a triumphant cry she opened the door allowing her to step inside the dark apartment. Feeling around she found the light switch at which time John followed her in. No sooner had Dawn closed and locked the door then she launched herself into John’s arms. The two kissed passionately with her twining her arms around his neck while he wrapped his around her tiny waist. He easily lifted her in the air as they kissed and walked a little further into the apartment before putting her back down on her high heels.
When they came up for air she whispered “Pull down my zipper Johnny.”
He wasted no time though it took a few tries for his big fingers to get a proper grip on the tiny piece of metal. Once he’d worked it halfway down her back Dawn slipped from his grasp and danced across the room and as she did she slipped the mid-thigh length multi colored dress off her shoulders. As he watched with bated breath it cascaded down her body until it ended up pooled around her feet. Smiling at him she turned on the nearby radio before gesturing for him to come to her.
Moving forward his hungry eyes devoured her curvaceous body, clad now only in a bra and silk panties. They embraced in front of the sofa as their lips found one another again and they shared a deep kiss. His hands weren’t idle during this time but explored her body, traveling from her neck to her shoulders and from there down her smooth back until reaching her round, firm backside. They remained there for a time squeezing and kneading the supple cheeks until they moved back up to her bra. His fingers managed to unhook it after which he broke the kiss.
Dawn laughed when he raised his eyebrows suggestively as he slipped the straps down her shoulders freeing her large, full breasts and it turned to a moan when he swooped in and took one into his mouth and sucked. His hand then reached out and cupped the free one and squeezed it gently forcing Dawn to grab his shoulder to steady her suddenly trembling legs. His teeth gently closed on her hard nipple as his lips continued to suck on her breast. Her other hand ran through his dark hair while he continued to lavish attention on her bosom. After a while his mouth switched to her other breast but he didn’t ignore the first one, instead his thumb and forefinger tweaked the hard nipple sending waves of pleasure through her nervous system.
Dawn grabbed his dark hair and pulled his head up to kiss him and as their lips met they stumbled back onto the sofa. They continued to kiss for a bit until John moved his mouth to her neck which he feasted on causing Dawn to gasp and arch her back as her fingers continued to run through his locks. As his hungry lips continued to work their way down her body his hand began to stroke the soft skin of her thigh.
she managed to gasp out before she lost all control, “before we continue we should do />
He reluctantly pulled his mouth off her and met her eyes. he said, his voice hoarse with desire.
“This sofa turns into a bed and since you always said our first time shouldn’t be />
right,” he answered with a laugh before standing.
After she stood also they pulled the cushions off and dropped them to the wood floor then Dawn bent down to pull the mattress out but when John saw her bent over like that in front of him he couldn’t help himself. Dropping to a crouch behind her he pressed his face into her silken panties. There was already a wet spot and he could smell her aroused feminine odor as his nose and lips buried themselves into her covered crease.
she shrieked as she had to steady herself by resting her hands on the sofa so she didn’t fall forward, “just wait a minute.”
His hands were already grabbing ahold of the waistband and as he pulled his face back he yanked her panties down to mid-thigh. He paused for just a moment as his eyes drank in the glorious sight of her naked pussy for the first time before he again moved his face forward.
“Oh Johnny!” she gasped as he kissed her swollen lips for the first time and despite her wanting to pull out the bed she found herself unable to move except to slide her hips a little further apart. He passionately kissed her lower lips as she got wetter and wetter. When his tongue began to lick her, starting at her hooded clit and working its way up across her furrow before burrowing into her folds she’d had enough and had to speak.
“Wait Johnny, let me open the bed so we can get />
he replied but he relented after giving one final lick before rising and stepping back.
She then pulled the mattress out from the sofa and once it was in place she climbed onto the bed and lay on her side. Pulling her knees up she slid her panties and shoes off and dropped them to the floor. As John attempted to join her she held up her hand in a stop motion.
“And where do you think you’re going?” she asked as her blue eyes twinkled mischievously.
“On the bed with you,” he replied as he tried to move forward.
“Not dressed like that mister. Strip down and then we’ll talk.”
“Okay. Fair’s fair,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head.
Raising her head she watched as he undressed and after he began to work his pants down it was her turn to be naughty. Her hand reached out and fondled the large bulge in his briefs before she yanked them down. Once she did his erection sprang up to her delight and she wasted no time in grabbing hold of it. He let out a loud moan when she did and as he watched she ran her hand up and down the length of it.
“Do you like that Johnny?” she asked as she rolled onto her stomach as she faced him, “and how about this?” she said before kissing the head. “Now finish getting />
She released him and laughed as he frantically kicked off his sneakers and pulled his pants and underwear off. By the time he was naked and climbing onto the bed she had rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide. His smile was a mile wide as he crawled forward toward her. First his hand ran up her leg, stroking her thigh before his mouth joined his hand as he began to kiss his way from her knee up until stopping right before her dripping sex. Dawn felt his hot breath on her but he then started to kiss her other leg, this time working his way down until reaching her perfect little foot.
she groaned impatiently.
the matter, I thought we had all night,” he replied before his mouth began the journey back toward her glistening honeypot.
“We do, so there’s time for that later,” she said as she scooted her body toward him until her hand could circle his erection, “but for now we both have waited too long for this.”
He yielded to both their desires and positioned himself between her spread legs as she guided him to her molten sex. They both let out a cathartic moan as he entered her for the first time while her feet hooked around his legs. He collapsed onto her soft body as his thick length sank deep inside her and their mouths met in a kiss. Her hands then grabbed his ass as he began to slowly move in her, afraid if he went any faster he would lose it.
However despite his best efforts the long buildup proved too great for John to overcome. Within two minutes of him sliding into her very tight, wet pussy he felt the floodgates open. He barely managed to pull out before the first spurt of ejaculate shot from his head and landed on Dawn’s thigh. He groaned with pleasure as he fired multiple white drops onto her supine body until for the moment he was finished.
he said sheepishly as their eyes met, never happened to me before.
“Well you were never with me those times. What can I say, I’m too hot to handle, I guess.”
“It’s true no other girl comes close to you but being so worked up for so long had me on edge too. I promise to do better next time.”
“Make sure you do,” she said with a smile, “and I’ll hold you to your word.”
That was all she could say however for John didn’t pause a moment but immediately slid back inside her welcoming channel. He continued to go at a slow pace but after his initial orgasm his body was better prepared for the incredible feeling of filling Dawn. This time he also watched her face as he went in and out of her and seeing the enjoyment reflected there only added to the pleasure he was already feeling. As time went on John increased the pace of his thrusts, going faster and harder until he felt things start building so he slowed to where he almost stopped and then kissed her for a bit. While they kissed Dawn grabbed him by the waist and began to rock and rotate her pelvis into his, bringing them both pleasure as she did so.
After a minute of this he again began to pump his hips forward, his body sliding against hers. Dawn could feel her passion increase with every second as she continued grinding into him, their bodies crashing together. Wrapping an arm around his neck she began to murmur into his ear as he buried his cock in her.
“Oh yes Johnny, it feels so good! Don’t stop sugar, I’m so close. Yes, yes, yes!”
Her legs trembling she felt a wave of pleasure overwhelm her and she could feel her pussy let loose with a tsunami of honey which coated his driving rod. After another few thrusts his body stiffened as he began to shoot his sticky cum deep inside her. For a minute they remained like that as he slowly shrank until with a sigh he slipped out of her.
“I hope that was a little better,” John said before he kissed her.
“A little,” she said with a smile, “but I think it still needs more work. Practice makes perfect they say.”
“Give me a few minutes to recover babe and I’ll see what I can do,” he told her as he stretched out beside her on the sofabed.
While they lay side by side Dawn slipped her hand into John’s and he responded by giving it a little squeeze. Grinning ear to ear she hummed along with the music from the country station the radio was playing before she spoke aloud.
“I sure know where she’s coming from and I feel the same way.”
“Huh, what’s that?” he asked.
“The song silly, the Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A., it’s like she’s singing about me.”
“Oh, sorry. But if it was me that wrote it it’d be called the sexiest girl in the whole U.S.A. />
“Well thank you sir,” she replied with a giggle, “but you thinking that is just another reason why I’m the happiest girl.”
“Hmmm, let me see if I can give you another reason then,” John said he moved his body lower on the bed until his mouth was by her feet.
Taking one in his hand he began to kiss it making Dawn squirm but she began to tremble when his tongue started to lick its way up the bare skin of her leg. He paused at her knee and showered it with kisses, making sure his lips caught the sensitive back section, before his tongue resumed its journey up, now on the inner part of her thigh. When he reached the top he stopped as his eyes devoured her pink pussy but showing restraint he ignored it and moved down to her other foot.
He took a similar path on this leg, kissing and licking his way up until his mouth was but a couple of inches away from her holy grail. This time John kissed it and a second later his tongue extended to lick her swollen clitoris. Her hips bucked in the air as what felt like an electric charge traveled from her love button throughout her aroused body before they settled back down onto the mattress.
“Oh my God Johnny, you keep it up and I’ll be the most satisfied girl in the whole U.S.A.”
“Well I aim to please he replied before his tongue resumed licking her clit.
A minute later he slid a finger inside her as he continued licking and sucking her clit. While Dawn’s moans got louder his finger slid in and out of her juicy pussy helping to push her ever closer to orgasm. When his free hand ran up her body to squeeze her breast it sent her over the edge. Her legs thrashed around and his finger felt even more juices flow past as it drove deep as she came hard. His eyes met her and though he read their unspoken plea he continued what he was doing until he made her cum again with his mouth.
Only then did John move, first pulling his finger from her before moving his body between her legs. He was harder than ever as he again sank his rigid cock into her welcoming pussy as she wrapped her arms around him. Again his hips began to pump back and forth, filling her to her limit before sliding back out, their bodies slowly building to another crescendo.
The late April sun shone down on Dawn and John who were sitting on a bench in the student quad along with Tanya, Bob and a few more of their friends. While most of the students were excited and talking nonstop about going home for the summer and what they planned on doing or not doing there was one noticeably glum face.
“Come on Dawn, smile,” Tanya said to her friend, “just think no one telling you what to do and you can sleep as late as you want />
“And no Johnny for three months,” she spit out.
He squeezed her shoulder as she leaned against him before playing with her hair.
“Come on, be brave Dawn. Before you know it we’ll be back together for my final year here. I told you I have to go see my family, my grandfather isn’t doing well right now and we’re not sure how long he has. You know I told you that you’re welcome to come visit me for as long as you like.”
“I know and I’m sorry I’m being a baby. I have to go see my Daddy and spend some time with him as well. It just makes me sad the thought of not seeing you for so long. And you better stay away from any of your ex-girlfriends while you’re back home, you hear me mister.”
His hand took her by the chin and he looked her in the eye before kissing her.
“It’s you I love Dawn. Don’t worry and I tell you what. If I can I’ll drive down early to see you before school starts, I promise. We have each other’s phone numbers and addresses so we’ll talk all the time and before you know it we’ll be together again. Now don’t be getting all mopey and bringing your friends down and we still have a week left to, you know,” he said after which he nuzzled her ear.
She smiled a wan smile. “I know I’m being silly Johnny but there are times I get these premonitions about bad things happening. I had one before my Mama died even though I was young and it wasn’t the only time. There are times I feel like doom is hanging over our />
Not knowing what to say he just hugged her to him as her hand squeezed his arm. Still a few minutes later she was close to her normal happy self, joining in conversation with her friends. Despite that in the back of her mind Dawn couldn’t shake the nagging unease that had been bothering her.
Tennessee, August 1992
The moonlight shone through the French doors illuminating the bed in its silvery glow as Dawn opened her eyes. For a minute she couldn’t remember where she was and began to panic but once recognizing the familiar surroundings she relaxed. She sat up and stretched while stifling a yawn as she looked around the room that hadn’t changed an iota in the past twenty years. Pushing away the sheet she moved her shapely legs off the bed and slid her well-formed feet into a pair of slippers and stood.
After answering nature’s call she returned to her room with the intention of going downstairs and getting something to eat for she felt famished after not having eaten since breakfast. She was in the process of slipping a sheer robe over her filmy white nightgown when from the corner of her eye she saw a shadowy shape pass outside the French doors. For a moment she was paralyzed with fright though she quickly recovered after which she hurried to the doors and unlatched them. Stepping outside into the humid night air Dawn looked down the veranda in the direction the figure had gone. She saw nothing at first for it was very dark in that section due to the nearby trees that cast their long shadows upon the old plantation house.
“Hello. Is anyone there?” she asked while walking forward.
Just then a shadow detached from the wall of the house and without a sound it moved swiftly down the stairs that led to the grounds below and though it was facing away there was something very familiar about it.
“Johnny, is that you?” she called out as she rushed forward. “Wait for me. Oh please don’t go, don’t leave without me, not again.”
Despite her plea there was no one in sight when she reached the staircase but she was undeterred. Hurrying as fast as she could Dawn reached the bottom where she looked around trying to ascertain in which direction the mysterious figure had gone. There was light coming from her daddy’s study and she thought she could hear the sound of voices. However it was in the opposite direction that she caught a glimpse of movement beneath the old oak trees. It was gone in a flash but she was already heading in that direction across the wet grass, her slippers and the hem of her nightgown soon damp with dew as mist from the nearby Hatchie River curled and writhed at her feet.
“I’m coming Johnny,” she said as she passed the first of the decrepit outbuildings that dated from before the Civil War.
After a minute Dawn reached the tree line where she paused for a moment before pressing on. Her feet soon struck a winding path that wound through the trees which she followed as fireflies danced around her. On either side of the trail were the shells of former slave quarters, roofless and filled with rank vegetation, now home to only bats and lizards, and as she passed her eyes scanned them for any sign of life but she saw none.
Just as she was about ready to give up and turn back she spotted a dark shape further down the trail but before she could get a good look it had disappeared. With a renewed sense of purpose Dawn hurried forward ignoring the humming mosquitos and low hanging branches that scratched her as she passed by. Once she arrived where she’d last seen the figure Dawn experienced a feeling of dread as she beheld another trail that branched off from the one she’d been following. It was even narrower than the trail she was on and was hemmed in on both sides by undergrowth while Spanish moss hung so low from the tree branches above that it appeared more like a tunnel than the outdoors. It wasn’t that however that caused Dawn to hesitate but something deep inside her, warning her not to go on. For a minute she stood there undecided, torn about what to do when love overcame fear.
“I’m coming Johnny,” she whispered as she stepped onto the trail.
Tennessee, August 1972
“I’m so excited I can barely contain myself,” Dawn said as she bounced around in her seat while playing with a french fry before dipping it into the cup of ketchup and slipping it in her mouth.
“I can see,” her friend Thelma replied, “you can barely sit still.”
“Can you blame me? I haven’t seen Johnny in three months and talking on the phone or getting a letter isn’t the same.”
“Well I know I can’t wait to meet him. He must be really something special for you to act like this Dawn. I don’t ever remember you being half as worked up over any other guy before.”
because no one else I’ve ever known can hold a candle to him Thelma. Don’t get me wrong, back when I was in high school I thought I loved Jeb and I was sorry when we broke up, especially after I’d let him have his way with me after the prom. But since meeting Johnny I realized I had no clue what love was before. You were lucky, you realized that you and George were right for each other from the get go and he knew it too. I guess I was lucky too in a way, because if Jeb had asked to marry me I would have probably said yes and we’d be engaged now. And I’d have never known what true love is. Oh my gosh, forgive me Thelma, here I am going on and on about Johnny and I’m ignoring you. I know you’re always so busy these days that even when I’m home we don’t get enough chances to just sit and talk like before. How is George doing and what about darling little Timmy?”
Thelma just looked at her friend and smiled for she had to admit whether it was this Johnny fellow or just going away to college something had happened to mature Dawn from the flighty, somewhat spoiled girl she had known. Maybe it was just getting away from her overprotective father for the past two years while attending Auburn.
good, Timmy is teething now like I told you the other day and that’s no picnic but it is part of life.”
“Sometimes I can’t believe my best friend is a wife and mother. It seems like only yesterday we were playing with dolls. Where does the time />
Without warning Dawn stopped speaking in the middle of the sentence as she nearly leaped to her feet in her eagerness to stand. As Thelma watched with a bemused expression Dawn rushed forward and embraced a young man carrying a bunch of roses who had just entered the diner. He handed them to her and after showering his face with kisses she took him by the hand and led him back to the booth where Thelma sat waiting.
”This is my oldest friend in the world Thelma,” Dawn began when Thelma interrupted her.
“And you must be the famous Johnny I’ve been hearing so much about. It’s a real pleasure to make your acquaintance. By the way what Dawn meant was that we’ve been friends since kindergarten not that I’m old because she’s actually two months older than I am. ”
“All true I’m afraid, Johnny. Sit down, do you want anything to eat? I wasn’t expecting you this early or I would have waited.”
“Hi Thelma, nice to meet you. Any friend of Dawn’s must be good people. I made better time than I thought I would. Maybe I drove faster than I should have but it’s been so long since I saw you babe that I couldn’t help it. I only stopped twice the whole way. The first time I caught a couple of hours of sleep at a rest stop in Ohio and a couple of hours ago I had to stop to get something to eat so I’m good.”
“Aww, you missed me,” Dawn replied as she kissed his cheek.
“You have no idea how much.”
“Oh I think I do, probably half as much as I missed you,” she teased. “If I’d known you were going to be here before tonight I would have arranged for you to have dinner at my house and gotten it over with. Let me warn you Johnny, my Daddy is very unhappy about us.”
“Just stand your ground Dawn and he’ll be forced to accept it the same way you did about going to Auburn,” Thelma interjected.
“I know I have to. If I let him have his way I’ll be an old maid living at home the rest of my life. But I’m hoping once he meets Johnny and sees how much we’re in love he’ll change his mind. I know it’s been tough on him since Mama died and all. Me being the spitting image of her hasn’t helped either I think. It’s like he feels if he keeps me close he still has a piece of her.”
“Well you have to make him understand you’re your own person and you have to live your own life.”
John had sat and listened and waited until there was a lull before speaking.
“Well, all I can do is be myself and not give him any reason to doubt my sincerity about you Dawn. In the long run it’s up to him to accept that you’re an adult now and sooner or later he needs to let go. How he deals with that will determine how you two get along. Even if I wasn’t in the picture he has to realize you’re not a child />
one hundred percent right,” Thelma said with a smile, “I like him. He’s not only as good looking as you said but he has a level head on his shoulders which is more important in the long run. Well I’ll leave you guys alone, I really should be getting back home to the baby and start fixing supper. It was nice meeting you Johnny and I hope to see you again. How long are you staying here for?”
“I booked for two nights at the motel and if things go good I could extend it I guess but I’ll be leaving Wednesday at the latest. I need to get down to Auburn and see about finding work for the upcoming semester. Gotta earn that money.”
“All right, have fun guys,” she said before kissing Dawn on the cheek and leaving.
Once Thelma left Dawn snuggled up against John and rested her head on his shoulder. His big hand squeezed her thigh before he brought it to his mouth to stifle a yawn.
“You haven’t seen me in months and I’m already boring you,” Dawn kidded.
“I’m sorry babe,” he replied sheepishly “but I’ve been driving like nine hours almost nonstop and I’m a little tired.”
“No, it’s alright. What you’re going to do is get a good night’s sleep tonight and meet me first thing in the morning so you can go to church with me. Then I’ll show you around town and later we can have Sunday dinner with my Daddy.”
“But we haven’t seen each other in so />
“And one more night won’t kill us. No, my mind is made up. This way I can work on Daddy tonight and you can be at your best when you meet him. Besides I plan on wearing you out tomorrow night so first you need to rest yourself up. Come on, you can drive me home,” she said as she stood.
Ten minutes later found them making out while parked along the long, tree lined drive that led to her house. More than once he shifted in his bucket seat as he became more and more worked up until he didn’t think he could take it anymore causing him to pull away.
the matter?” she asked huskily.
“I knew this wasn’t a good idea. It’s been so long since we’ve been together that I’m going to explode in my pants just kissing you. Why don’t you let me drive us back to the motel?”
She giggled at the thought of him cumming in his pants without being touched before she got a serious look on her face.
“I’m sorry Johnny but if I was to go back with you to the motel right now then the whole town including my Daddy would know before I left. I promise tomorrow we can and I’ll tell you what,” she said as she looked around in all directions before looking back at him, “at the least I can help you out and tide you over.”
Her hand rubbed his trapped swollen member briefly before she undid the button of his jeans and pulled down the zipper. He groaned with pleasure as he raised his hips off the seat allowing her to tug his underwear down enough to free his raging erection. She wasted no time but leaned down and took him into her hot, wet mouth. She continued moving her head down until his swollen head reached her throat entrance at which time she wrapped her hand around the part that didn’t fit inside her mouth.
“Oh damn that feels so good Dawn,” he grunted as she began to bob her head up and down taking as much as she could handle each time.
John pulled her hair to the side so he could watch as she pleasured him, her cheek hollowed as she sucked on his cock and a look of utter determination in her blue eyes. Dawn then began using her agile tongue to lick him while continuing to slide her lips up and down driving him ever closer to orgasm. When her free hand started to caress his cum laden balls at the same time it all proved too much for his body to handle.
“Oh my God! I’m gonna cum,” he gasped as he threw his head back while his hand gripped her blond hair tightly.
Though Dawn kept her mouth on him and attempted to swallow his cum the torrent that erupted from his discharging cock proved too much for her to handle. Some of the thick white fluid ran down the shaft while some escaped her lips and dripped onto his lap, not that he cared. All John knew was that he was back with her and she’d given him an incredible orgasm. When nothing more came from his cock she pulled her mouth off him with a popping sound and smiled up at him.
“Wow, it looks like you were building up three months for that. Did you like that sugar?” she asked before scooping a liquid pearl off his shaft and sucking it from her fingertip.
“No, I loved it baby. Thanks and when can I return the favor,” he said before opening his mouth and wriggling his tongue at her.
“It will have to wait until tomorrow though I doubt I’ll be able to sleep now thinking about it. Now drive me to the front of the house before I forget myself.”
The engine roared to life when he keyed the ignition and a minute later he stopped in front of the antebellum mansion. She kissed him one more time before climbing out at which time she leaned into the window. “Be here to pick me up at 9:30 sharp so we can make church by 10:00. I love you Johnny, see you />
“Love you too,” he replied and he waited to drive away until she had climbed the steps and entered the front door.
The next morning all went well for the young couple. After the service Reverend Mills approached them and introduced himself to John.
“So when you two finish school do you think I’ll be seeing you here for a special day?” he asked while looking back and forth between them.
“Oh Reverend please, it’s too soon to be talking like that,” Dawn said as she felt her face redden.
“Oh I don’t know,” John replied with a thoughtful expression on his face, “I’m not going to contradict Dawn but you might be on to something Reverend. I know these past three months without her have been the longest in my life. So you never know if in a couple of years I’ll be back.”
For the next twenty minutes they mingled in the front of the little white church and no matter how many times John was asked variations of the same questions about his Yankee roots or their future plans he smiled and was pleasant as he answered. Finally they managed to escape and climb inside John’s Mustang where Dawn breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh my gosh. I thought that never was going to end. I’m sorry you had to go through that Johnny. I doubt you’ve ever been grilled like that before but you know how people in a small town are, wanting to know everyone’s business. And I hope you don’t think I said anything to Reverend Mills to make him ask that.”
“It was all cool Dawn, I didn’t mind. Probably isn’t every day that a stranger comes to church especially with you on his arm.”
“Johnny, can I ask why you answered the Reverend the way you did.”
“I just told the truth. I know we’ve never spoken about it before but we love each other so if things continue the way they’re going, well let’s just say I see us having a long future />
“Oh wow! You sure know how to make a girl she said and after that she didn’t speak for a minute though that could only last so long for someone with such a bubbly, outgoing nature. “I just wanted to say one more thing, do you remember that older silver haired lady, Miss King, who I introduced you to?”
“Sure, I />
“Well she taught me in Sunday school when I was little and she whispered in my ear that even though you’re a Yankee that we were the cutest couple she’s ever seen. It’s almost like things are going too smoothly with everyone liking you but that won’t last too much longer. I didn’t mention it earlier before church but my Daddy is being impossible. If he had his way you wouldn’t be coming to dinner but I told him if you weren’t coming then I wouldn’t either so he backed down. But we still have a few hours before that and I want to enjoy them so if you like you can drive me around town and I’ll show you where and how I spent my youth.”
To say her words were prophetic would be an understatement. That Sunday dinner was the worst two hours for Dawn since she’d lost her mother. Her father barely acknowledged Johnny when she attempted to introduce them and things only went downhill from there. Though he spoke to her on occasion he was very curt and he drank more than he ate. For the most part Johnny was silent since the few times he’d spoken her father had ignored him. Dawn was distraught with the situation for it seemed that the two men she loved most in the world wouldn’t be able to co-exist in the same room and she didn’t know what to do. Finally the meal was over and as the young couple prepared to leave Dawn’s father appeared at the door of his study.
“Dawn, I need to speak with you. It’s very important so could you say goodbye to your friend for now and come see me,” he said before going back in.
“After the way he treated you he has the nerve to ask anything from me,” Dawn fumed, “I have half a mind />
John said trying to calm her, “I understand what you’re saying but it won’t help. This must be tough for him so we have to try to stay positive. I’ll head back to the motel and wait for your call and remember I’m only a few minutes away. Now give me a kiss.”
“You always know what to say Johnny. Okay I’ll do it your way but remember I’m going to visit you tonight no matter what and then we’ll make up for lost time.”
The two lovers kissed then Dawn walked him to the front door and said goodbye before watching him drive away. A few minutes later after he’d parked he was headed toward his motel room when he noticed that the door to the adjoining room was open and there was a woman standing at the threshold. She was a tall, sultry brunette wearing a pair of denim short shorts and a halter top with a plunging neckline revealing two of her ample charms. When she saw him approaching she smiled his way and flicked her long, curly, dark hair.
“Pardon me sir, I hate to bother you but it appears we’re neighbors so might I ask a favor of you?”
“Uhh, sure, all right.”
“I know this is going to sound silly to you, being a strong young man and all, but I have a bit of a problem I hope you can help me with. I was planning to take a shower when I noticed this enormous spider in the bathtub. That probably sounds funny to you but I’m terrified of those creepy crawlies and I was debating if I should go to the front desk to ask for help when I saw you coming. Do you think you could kill it for me? I’d be ever so />
“I guess I could.”
“Oh, you’re like my knight in shining armor,” she replied with a smile, “come right in.”
She moved to the side to allow him to enter though as he passed John could have sworn she thrust her large breasts his way causing his arm to brush against them in passing. The woman followed him inside shutting the door behind her. Once inside John had picked up a movie magazine off the bed and rolled it up as he headed toward the bathroom door.
“It’s in there so I closed the door so it can’t get out,” he heard her say right before he opened it.
He stepped inside and pulled the shower curtain to the side prepared for anything but all he saw was an empty tub with a slightly dripping faucet. He looked at the ceiling and saw nothing there either and after a pretty thorough search of the small bathroom he concluded it must have left or be hiding where he couldn’t find it.
“It’s okay Miss, it seems to have left on its own,” John said as he exited the bathroom when he stopped dead in his tracks and his jaw dropped.
Standing two feet away and wearing nothing but a smile was the woman and as he froze she moved forward, closing the gap between the two.
“Oh my hero,” she said as her arms reached out toward him, “and I know just how to thank you.”
not necessary,” he exclaimed as he backpedaled until he collided with the wall.
the matter sweetie, I’m not going to hurt you. You don’t have to run away.”
okay Ma’am, thanks but no thanks,” John said as he tried to figure out how to escape though he also found it difficult to take his eyes off her for she was very attractive with a body that Venus might envy and he was a healthy young man.
“My name’s Delilah, not ma’am, sweetie. What’s the matter, don’t you like girls? I think you do by how you’re looking at me. I’ll make you feel so good. Just give me half a chance.”
After saying that she placed a hand against the wall to either side of him and just like that he was trapped like a fly in a spider web. Her soft, nude body pressed up against him as she blew into his ear before her tongue licked his earlobe. He wanted to push her away but when his hands came into contact with her yielding flesh he found himself unable to. Almost of its own volition his hand moved up her body so it was cupping her full breast from underneath as she began kissing his neck.
John closed his eyes and let out a groan and just like that his fate hung in the balance. Delilah sensed that she had him right where she wanted and she moved in for the kill. Moving her right hand from the wall she reached down and placed it onto the rapidly growing bulge between his legs and squeezed it. His eyes shot open and without warning he did a spin move like he’d done many times on the football field to escape a tackler and just like that he was free from her grasp.
Not waiting a second he dove across the bed and rolled off the far side and without pausing he continued until he was opening the door to the room. Delilah had been caught so off guard by his actions that she had just enough time to turn around to see the door slam shut behind him. John didn’t stop until he was back in his own room, leaning against the locked door while breathing like he had just run a marathon.
John wasn’t sure what Delilah’s game was but he knew it was the thought of Dawn that gave him the strength to resist temptation for it was her face he had seen when he’d closed his eyes. He supposed it was possible that the woman had been simply looking to have sex and he happened to be there but either way it didn’t matter. Even if he wasn’t expecting to see Dawn later the thought of cheating on her disgusted him and he was thankful he’d been able to do the right thing. Walking into the bathroom he splashed cold water onto his face as his breathing returned to normal.
A little while later as he sat watching TV there was a knock on the door. After first making sure the chain was on the door John opened it a crack. Seeing Dawn there he breathed a sigh of relief before sliding the chain off and opening the door. She stormed right past him without a word though he could tell by her face that she was upset. She continued past the bathroom threshold before turning on her heel and stomping her way to the bed where she sat.
“You have no idea how mad I am right now! To do this to me and then to top it off he has the nerve to insinuate things about you. Right now I don’t know if I’m coming or going!”
John sat next to her and put his arm around her. Dawn rested her head on his shoulder and seconds later she began to cry. It started with a few tears rolling down her cheek and before she knew it she was sobbing like a baby. He cradled her in his arms and held her, not knowing what to say at first. Finally after what seemed like an eternity to him her tears slowed prompting him to speak.
“Dawn, I don’t want to pressure you but do you want to talk about what />
Still sniffling a bit she raised her head and wiped away the tears with the back of her hand.
“No, not yet Johnny. Later but I need something first. Tell me you love me.”
“You know I do, I love you more than anything in the world Dawn.”
“Then show me Johnny, show me,” she said as she moved onto her knees and straddled him while staring into his brown eyes.
He grabbed her head and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and a second later he was flat on his back with her body on top of his. They continued to kiss passionately, almost frantically, for Dawn was in a state he’d never seen before. When she felt him hardening beneath her writhing body she rolled onto her back while pulling him with her so he was on top. Her hands slid down his body until she reached his belt which she tugged at until it was undone. Her fingers continued working until his pants were unfastened and she’d pushed them down enough to free his raging erection.
“I need you Johnny, make love to me. Now,” she pleaded as her hand wrapped around his shaft and stroked it.
Sensing her urgency his hand pulled up her skirt then yanked her panties down to mid-thigh. Unable to move them down any further due to the position of his body between her spread legs he ripped the fabric and tossed it away as she guided him toward her wet and waiting pinkness. The head of his swollen cock brushed across her golden, downy ringlets leaving a trail of clear sticky fluid as it went until it reached the entrance of her paradise.
“Yes, oh yes!” she cried out as he slid partially inside her slick tunnel.
Grabbing his hips with both her hands Dawn pulled him to her until his full length was buried while at the same time she raised her legs then wrapped them around his waist. He groaned with pleasure from the sensation of being in her wet, clenching pussy as he shifted his weight onto his elbows. He started to slide in and out and once he’d built up a slow, steady rhythm Dawn moved a hand off his hip and slid it up his body. It continued until reaching his dark hair which she grabbed and used to pull his face to her own.
John crushed her soft lips with his and seconds later he forced his tongue into her mouth which she promptly sucked on. His hips rose and fell, filling her with every thick, hard inch he had as her hand continued pulling him to her.
“Oh Dawn,” he moaned after breaking their kiss, “I love you so much!”
“Yes, I love you too Johnny, I love youuu!” she cried out as the speed of his thrusting increased until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Ohh, yes, oh Dawn,” he gasped as he felt his balls release their load deep inside her.
“Yes Johnny, yes,” she whispered in his ear, it baby.”
A few seconds later they started kissing again but after a minute he stopped as he pushed his body up off her until his torso was upright. Looking down at her he pulled his shirt up and over his head and dropped it before twisting so he could push his pants down which caused him to slip from her, his still hard cock dripping. Following suit Dawn wriggled out of her dress then removed her bra freeing her pert breasts. John’s eyes widened when he saw them and as soon as he’d removed his pants and shoes he leaned in and attached his mouth to one and started to suck on it.
“Oh I like that Johnny,” she told him as her pink nipple hardened from the attention he was giving it, “and I see you’re still ready to go.”
Her hand squeezed his rigid flesh when she said this making him moan. Not waiting for an engraved invitation he knelt between her thighs and aimed for her waiting sex. He slid between her parted lips to the root then supported his weight on his hands. Once in place John began to thrust for all he was worth, jamming his thick meat in all the way before pulling back until only the swollen red head remained in Dawn before burying it again. This time she kept her legs bent at the knees while her feet rested on John’s legs as he sawed in and out of her soaked pussy. Her hands ran across his torso, sometimes lightly, sometimes digging her nails into his hot flesh while he continued to drive balls deep with every pump of his hips.
“Yes Johnny, that’s it! Don’t stop, oh I love you so much! It feels so good, yes!” she cried as she got closer and closer to orgasm with every thrust.
Her words inspired him to even greater effort, prompting him to somehow increase the speed of his thrusting. Their young bodies shone with sweat and the room echoed with the sound of their flesh slapping against each other as Dawn’s body was pushed past its limit. Her fingers raked his back and she let out a wail of pleasure as she came hard, her face flushed and her legs shaking from the intensity.
He had stopped moving so he could instead watch Dawn for he greatly enjoyed seeing her while in the throes of passion, her face red and contorted with pleasure. Somehow she never looked more beautiful to him than those times and the sight warmed his heart. Still, he wished to join her so after a minute he pulled out then rolled her over onto her front side.
“Dawn, can you get on your knees for me?”
“For you, anything,” she replied as she assumed the position, her big, shapely ass facing him.
Unable to help himself he leaned down and showered it with kisses before slapping it lightly. Dawn giggled in response before wiggling it side to side. After another few smacks he moved forward and started to rub his hard cock on the outside of her pussy lips.
“No, put it inside me,” she told him as her hand reached between her spread legs and took hold of it. It took but a couple of seconds to guide it where she wanted and once it was at her hole John drove forward. They both moaned as he slid deep inside her and he then grabbed hold of her full hips. There was no stopping him now, he pumped as fast as he could, enjoying the feel of her inner walls hugging him, pleasuring him, squeezing him until he couldn’t last any longer. His body stiffened and his member swelled as he began to inundate her pussy for the second time that day with thick, white cum.
When there was nothing left in him he slowly slid his softening cock from her and collapsed onto the bed. Dawn joined him, lying next to him while using his muscular chest as a pillow. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her even closer as their breathing returned to normal after their exertions. She ran her fingers up and down his torso until she reached his spent cock. Smiling to herself she wrapped her hand around it.
“Hello there, I’ve missed you these past few months,” she said with a giggle as she squeezed it gently.
After that she was silent for a time, content to just cuddle with John while listening to the steady beating of his heart. He knew something was bothering her but figured she’d tell him when she was ready so he just enjoyed the closeness of their bodies. Finally she screwed up her courage at which time she sat up and looked at him. Realizing it was go time he sat up also and gave her a smile.
“Johnny I don’t know how to say this so I just will,” she said before taking a deep breath and then continuing. “My Daddy is determined to break us up. He says you’re not good enough for me and that you’re just after my money, or I guess my inheritance since I have no money. I know that’s not true but I can’t convince him otherwise. He must have had you investigated because he has a file all about you and your family. Like I care where your family came from originally or what your father does for a living or how much money he makes.”
“I told you my father is an auto mechanic, nothing to be ashamed of in earning an honest living. Besides I learned about fixing cars from him and that always comes in handy. And so what I’m a mutt with all my grandparents of different ethnicities. This is America and it shouldn’t matter />
right Johnny,” she interrupted, “and I don’t care about any of that. Just because my Daddy can trace his family back to before the Revolutionary War doesn’t mean anything to me. He also tried to imply you’re cheating on me but I don’t believe him.”
John paused before replying as he now saw the incident with Delilah in a whole new light though he didn’t see how anything would be gained by telling Dawn that he suspected her father tried to set him up so she’d catch him.
“Since I met you Dawn it’s been only you. I love you and I don’t want anyone else and I’d never risk losing you.”
“I didn’t think so, he’s just trying anything to separate us. But none of that is the worst part. He said if I don’t break up with you that he’ll stop paying my tuition and I don’t have the money myself. So either we break up or we’re stuck in different states and we won’t see each other. I think he’s hoping while we’re apart that our love will fade. But he’s wrong, I’ll always love you Johnny.”
“You know if I could I’d pay your tuition but I can’t. He’s probably hoping that while I’m at school I’ll meet some other girl while he tries to work on you and set you up with someone more appropriate to his mind. But it won’t work. I’ll drive back here every weekend to see you Dawn. The only thing that can keep me away is if you decide you don’t want to see me />
“Well that’s not going to happen. I feel a little better but I’m still so mad at him Johnny. Still nothing I can do about that now but there is something I can do. Lie back with those pillows behind your back, there’s something I’ve been dying to try with you.”
Once John was propped up Dawn moved in. She crawled forward on her hands and knees until her legs were straddling him. She first kissed his lips and he responded eagerly but after a minute she broke the kiss then began to work her way down his semi-prone body. First his neck, next his chest, then his stomach, her wet lips left a trail until she reached his awakening cock. She took it with both hands and angled it upwards so she could kiss the head. He groaned appreciatively but she didn’t linger long but instead moved her hips forward while one hand kept ahold of his shaft.
Her hole was still slick with their combined juices letting him slide deep into her once she’d brought him to the entrance and lowered herself. Dawn sank all the way down until his balls were tickling her ass and his full length was buried to the hilt. Placing her hands on his shoulders she began to ride him, her body bouncing up and down on top of John. His hands grabbed her ass cheeks allowing him to pull her down with more force while his mouth was easily able to reach her full, swaying breasts.
He switched back and forth between them so both pink nipples were soon erect and wet with his saliva. John then took things up another notch when he started thrusting upward to meet her descending body. Her moans grew louder with each passing moment and they came closer together until she was making almost constant noise.
“Oh yes Johnny, it feels so good. Soooo good! Yes, oh yes!”
By this time the bed was shaking from their energetic coupling and the two young lovers were drunk with pleasure. John next took his right hand off her firm ass and began rubbing her clit with his thumb. This caused Dawn to slow her movement down but due to the sensations she was receiving from her nub her enjoyment had increased. By now her head was resting against his shoulder as she continued rocking her hips.
“Yes, oh I’m so close,” she cried into his ear as her face reddened from impending orgasm.
When he slammed into her a few more times it was enough to close the deal. She stopped moving as she came though John continued to thrust while also thumbing her erect clit to prolong and heighten her pleasure. With her spent body sprawled on top of him John kept it up, driving his hard cock to its limit each time but as was often the case it was him seeing her beautiful face that was the final straw for him. As John stared into her big, blue eyes he felt his balls tighten once again and a moment later he was discharging into her now well used pussy.
Within minutes the two young lovers were asleep in each other’s arms and that’s how they remained until waking the next day.
That Tuesday morning Thelma joined them at the diner for breakfast. Since she’d brought along her son Timmy the first ten minutes were spent oohing and aahing over the adorable baby but after Thelma gave him his bottle he ignored them and they were able to talk with no interruptions except for the waitress wanting to know how everything was. It was obvious that Dawn was despondent over the thought that John would be leaving the next day so Thelma tried to cheer her up with little success.
“You don’t seem to understand Thelma, this may be the last time I ever see him,” she said with her lower lip quivering.
not going to happen babe,” John said as he squeezed her hand.
“Oh I know I’m being silly but I have a bad feeling that if we part we may never see each other again. There are a lot of pretty girls there and you’ll get lonely and who knows. Maybe you’ll find one you like more. I don’t she said softly as her voice trailed off.
During this John and Thelma had exchanged glances but neither knew what to say. Suddenly John stood and kissed Dawn’s cheek.
“I’ll be right back,” he said before walking out.
“Ooh, I’m so miserable Thelma, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“I’ll tell you what you’re going to do Dawn. You’re going to stop wallowing in pity for one and upsetting the man you love so he doesn’t know what to say or do.”
“I know, I know. But right now all I can think is tomorrow he’ll be gone />
Thelma interrupted, “I got it. The solution is so simple and until now no one has thought of it.”
“Well tell me, don’t keep me in suspense,” Dawn said with a faint look of hope on her face.
“If you’re really serious then I’ll tell you what you can do. You should move to Auburn and find yourself a job. You may not be able to keep going to school for now though in the future who knows, maybe later you could finish earning your degree. That will show your daddy how serious you are about Johnny and maybe it will spur him to come around. If it doesn’t you’ll still be with the man you love and it’ll be good for you to work and struggle towards that goal.”
so right Thelma, thank you,” Dawn said as she hugged her friend. “I know people think of me as a spoiled princess and it’s mostly true but what good is having all the creature comforts in life if you’re miserable. I don’t care what I have to do, to be with Johnny I’ll scrub toilets if need be.”
So for the next ten minutes they discussed the future, trying to figure out what type of job she might be qualified for and where she could live. Dawn suggested that maybe her sorority friend Tanya’s cousin might let her stay with her for a short time until she earned some money. During this time John had returned with a little smile on his face and it became a big grin when they told him about Thelma’s plan.
“I don’t know why neither of us thought of it ourselves but thanks Thelma for coming through. The only thing I’d change is having Dawn just move to Auburn without things in place first. I think it would make more sense if for the next couple of months I work my ass off every chance I get and save every cent. During that time maybe your sorority friends could see about lining up some job possibilities for you. Then once I make enough money I can rent an apartment for the two of us and then I’ll come back and get you. Who knows, maybe once your dad sees you’re going to go no matter what then he’ll cave. All I care about is being with you and after I graduate then I can pay your way.”
After this they finished breakfast in a decidedly better mood than before. Later as they stood watching Thelma load Timmy into the car John took Dawn by the hand.
“Maybe after what we decided to do this is unnecessary and anti-climactic but I don’t think so. And after Thelma has been so cool and helpful it makes sense that she gets to share in it so here goes,” John said as he slipped to one knee while pulling a ring from his pocket. “May I have the honor of asking for your hand in marriage Miss Dawn />
“Oh my God, yes!” she shrieked as she bent down and hugged him so hard around his neck he had trouble breathing.
He managed to stand with her still clinging to him which permitted him to wrap his arms around her waist. For the next minute they kissed as Thelma stood watching until she finally cleared her throat. Laughing they separated with both beaming which also allowed John to slip the ring on her finger.
“Well let me be the first to congratulate you guys and I feel certain if there is any couple that’s right for each other it’s you guys,” she said before hugging and kissing both.
“Thank you honey,” Dawn replied, “and please do me a favor. Don’t tell anyone yet, even George. I’ll call you later and we can talk, okay.”
“Whatever you say, I’ll talk to you later,” she said as she climbed into the car.
worry Dawn, the ring I gave you is only a placeholder until I can afford a good one though who knows how long that will take,” he said as they walked hand in hand in the direction of the motel.
“Johnny, no ring can mean more to me than this one,” she said stopping and looking into his eyes, “even if another one cost a million dollars. But can I ask why you proposed now? I hope you didn’t feel pressured because of how I was />
“Well let’s say the situation prompted me to act fast. I don’t deny I wanted to reassure you that I’d be there for the long run but like I told you Sunday after church it’s where I see us heading anyway. Besides I have a feeling it will be a long engagement so you’ll have plenty of time to come to your senses and back out.”
She could see the twinkle in his brown eyes and knew he was teasing but she still punched his arm before resting her head against it as they started to walk again. Once they reached his room he practically tore her clothes off before tossing her naked body onto the bed.
“Since I’m leaving tomorrow morning I need to get my fill of you, as if that’s possible,” he told her as he stripped, “so don’t plan on leaving this room until then.”
Crawling between her legs he began to lick her already wet sex as she whispered encouragement.
The following morning found them in the parking lot as John prepared to leave for his drive to Auburn. Despite them being about to separate again they were both in good spirits with the prospect of being together soon.
“So we do it just like we planned,” he said as he threw his duffel bag into the trunk, “I’ll earn as much money as fast as I can while you see if any of the girls in your sorority can arrange for some job interviews or maybe even line up a job for you. I’ll call you regularly and if your dad tries to prevent that I have Thelma’s phone number or you can have Tanya contact me. I figure I’ll be here by Halloween at the latest so be ready.”
“I will honey, and don’t worry. The sooner the better but you know I’d wait for you forever if necessary. And though I won’t say anything right away I’ll work on Daddy and give him a chance to do the right thing. Either way we’ll be together soon, one way or />
When they kissed goodbye it lasted a long time but finally John pulled away and climbed into his car. The engine roared to life and he smiled and waved as his foot pushed down on the accelerator. Dawn stood there watching until the Mustang disappeared from view and though it was a hot day she felt a chill she couldn’t explain.
Tennessee, August 1992
Dawn’s feet made no sound as she walked along the overgrown trail though it was slow going. The further along she traveled the more the vegetation impeded her progress until she had to use her hands to push her way through. As time passed the ground began to gradually slope downwards and as it did it also became wetter to the point of being downright boggy in spots and now her slippers made a squishing sound when they contacted the soft earth. Then to make matters worse she came upon a fork in the trail forcing her to stop and ponder which branch to take.
The right path appeared to be the wider of the two and it seemed more level while the left hand trail continued sloping downwards and as her eyes shifted between the two Dawn felt a powerful sense of vu come over her. Wanting to understand why, she paced back and forth in the limited space as she wracked her brain trying to remember if she’d ever been there before. Unfortunately these days her mind was cloudy, her memories fragmented at best, and the more she attempted to remember the past the more her head hurt.
Suddenly there was a movement to the right and when she turned she saw two small yellow lights in one of the trees high above. Her heart pounding she took a step backwards while keeping her eyes locked on the lights when without warning they hurtled toward her. Stifling a scream she attempted to run when she tripped over a protruding root and fell heavily, her head bouncing off the ground. As Dawn lay there, stunned and prone, the horned owl glided past ignoring her as it searched the wood for prey.
She regained her senses a few minutes later and staggered to her feet. Though her head now had a dull throbbing pain centered where it had struck the earth her mind felt the clearest it had in ages. A grim expression showed on her face as she began to walk down the left hand trail with a determined gait. With every step Dawn took bits and pieces of disjointed memory flooded back to her, almost overwhelming her in their intensity. More than once she had to stop and hold onto a tree limb as she collected herself before she could go on.
The trail twisted in a serpentine manner as it sought out the drier ground and before long it stopped descending. After a few more bends it ran straight and true and as it did the trees around it began to thin. During this time it had gotten progressively darker due to clouds obscuring the moon but when Dawn entered a clearing the moon suddenly burst free of its vaporous bonds. It bathed all below in its silver glow, illuminating the landscape like something from an alien world. As Dawn stood and stared memories of this place became crystalized in her mind and as they did she began to tremble.
“No, it can’t be, it just can’t be. Sweet Jesus no!” she whispered to herself.
There on the far side of the clearing was the figure she’d been pursuing from her house, standing there motionless. Step by shaky step she crossed the clearing drawing ever closer. Despite the bright moonlight she still couldn’t make out any details, just a vague humanlike form. It was only when she was nearly on top of it that the veil was lifted prompting her reaction.
“No,” she screamed, “no Johnny no!”
Dawn turned in a panic and began to run back the way she’d come as fast as she could. First one slipper than the other came off her feet as she fled but she was unaware, all that mattered was getting away and escaping the past that gained on her no matter what she did. Taking a quick look back she lost her footing and slipped. She staggered unsteadily for another few steps before she ended up falling onto her knees.
Dawn frantically turned around but nothing was there, besides her the clearing was empty. Sprawling head down on the grass she began to cry hysterically, her body wracked with sobs. It was true, she now knew, it hadn’t been a dream or a nightmare but true.
Tennessee, October 1972
Dawn paced about her bedroom impatiently as her eyes shifted between her pink princess phone and the clock. Her suitcase sat on the bed, packed and ready to go, and she was as excited as she’d ever been in her short life. Her eyes glanced down at the simple gold plated ring on her finger and she smiled at the thought she was about to start her new life with Johnny. Now all she was waiting for was his phone call to let her know he’d arrived and she’d leave this little town in the dust without a backward look.
For a brief instant she felt a pang of sadness because it was all she’d known in her young life and most of the people she loved were there including her daddy but when she pictured the face of Johnny she smiled. In the future after they were married she could return triumphantly and she had no doubt that her daddy would be forced to accept it as a fait accompli.
Now what was taking him so long she wondered as she stared at the phone, willing it to ring. If he didn’t get there soon they’d never make it back to Auburn that night. I hope he didn’t get in an accident while driving too fast she worried, her mood suddenly changing. Unable to take it any longer she crossed the room and opened the French doors and stepped onto the veranda leaving them ajar so she could still hear the phone. Looking out at the grounds she saw her daddy standing below wearing his familiar seersucker suit and white Panama hat.
Dawn was about to call down to him for she didn’t want to leave on bad terms despite all that had passed when to her surprise she saw two men approaching him. She didn’t recognize either of them and neither looked like the type of man her daddy usually associated with. They appeared rough and unkempt with neither being clean shaven and one of them had on a dirty t-shirt along with jeans and boots while the other was sporting overalls and a flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off.
Her daddy walked forward to greet them and after they exchanged handshakes they stood together and talked. More than once her daddy gestured in the direction of the woods beyond the house and after a couple of minutes they separated with the strangers heading in the direction of the woods while her daddy walked back to the house.
Now what could that be about she wondered. It was mighty strange her daddy meeting with such men though she shouldn’t concern herself with it. Whatever it was about had nothing to do with her for in a little while she’d be gone. That is if Johnny ever got there. Dawn walked back into her room and picked up the phone and called Thelma on the odd chance he may have called there for some reason. Thelma hadn’t heard from him either but she took the chance to again wish Dawn good luck when all of a sudden the sound of Timmy screaming loudly came over the line prompting Thelma to say she’d be right back.
As Dawn sat waiting she heard what sounded like a car approaching and from the loud rumbling she suspected it was Johnny causing her heart to race. ‘Come on Thelma,’ she thought, ‘get back on the phone so I can go.’ It took another few minutes for her to return and then Thelma had to say goodbye and she started to cry which made Dawn do the same. Finally she was able to end the call with the promise she’d be in touch once she was settled.
Grabbing her suitcase she headed downstairs as fast as she could. Instead of going to the front door she decided to say goodbye to her daddy first so she went to his study. After knocking she went in but the room was empty. Maybe Johnny will be willing to wait for me to say goodbye she thought as she now headed for the front door.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the Mustang sitting in the drive but Johnny wasn’t there. Shaking her head she wondered what was going on, no matter who she looked for she couldn’t find. Putting her suitcase down in the foyer she searched the ground floor for her daddy with no success. Seeing Novalyne in the kitchen she questioned her and to her surprise was told her daddy said he had to go out for a little while but he’d be back soon and even stranger was when she went outside there still was no trace of Johnny. Walking around the house she found neither hide nor hair until she began to get a really bad feeling.
she called out repeatedly as she began to walk further from the house. Remembering how her daddy had pointed in the direction of the woods while he’d been talking with those men and with nothing else to go on she started in that direction. It had been years since she’d roamed the woods as a girl but she remembered there were a number of trails in the area so she made for the closest one.
A minute later as she was hurrying along it she spotted a white handkerchief lying beside the trail. Bending down she picked it up and she could tell from the monogram that it was her daddy’s. Jamming it into her jean pocket she began to walk faster when she was faced with a dilemma for another trail branched off the one she was on. Trusting in fate she made a choice and took the new branch. It seemed to be the right one for as she traveled she saw clear signs of broken branches and trampled undergrowth along the edges spurring her on. As she did she called out to both Johnny and her daddy but there was no reply.
When a few minutes later the trail branched again Dawn didn’t hesitate but took the right hand path. She made good time for the trail was wider and soon it sloped up gently as she walked along it. The trees along its border were large and imposing, walling in the path as it continued to climb, now a bit more steeply. It was when Dawn came upon a bend in the trail that she discovered she’d made the wrong choice. There was a gap between the trees on her left allowing her to see the land below. There in the distance she saw what appeared to be a clearing and in it she could see two figures.
One of them was her daddy she was certain by how it was dressed and her heart leaped in her chest as she recognized the other as Johnny. Even this far away she could tell by how he stood and his perfectly proportioned form. A smile came to her lips and she paused a moment to savor the sight of him when she suddenly let out a strangled cry and began to sprint back from the direction she had come. For as she watched she noticed there were two more figures at the edge of the clearing and they were creeping towards Johnny from behind.
Dawn stumbled and fell twice as she ran down the hill at breakneck speed but both times she got back up and went on. She had to get there, no matter what, for she knew if she was there nothing bad could happen.
“Okay Mr. Johnson I’ve gone along with this up to now, so tell me what this is all about,” John said as he walked along with the man into the clearing.
“I told you boy that I didn’t want Dawn to hear this />
“I have a name, its John.”
“Fine, fine. Well John like I told you earlier I have an offer to make you, one that is very generous. All you need to do is leave my daughter alone.”
“Not interested so if that’s />
“You didn’t even listen to how />
“I don’t care how much.”
“I understand, you figure if you marry her you’ll get it all when I die so need to settle for part. But what you forget is that if I cut her off you get />
“No, it’s you that doesn’t understand me. I don’t give a fuck about your money. I love your daughter and I’ll provide for her in the future. If you’re so messed up that you’ll turn on your own daughter because you don’t like the guy she loves I don’t know what to say to you.”
“You think you’re clever I see and I have to give you some credit. For someone of your ill breeding you have remarkable control. I have to tell you that Delilah couldn’t believe that you resisted her charms. Not many men can do that I assure you. But even if you really love Dawn you’re simply not worthy of her. So I’ll try one last />
“Well I’m glad it’s the last time so I won’t have to tell you no again. I swear I have half a mind to tell Dawn all the shit you’ve pulled. If I don’t its only because I don’t want to hurt her, something you don’t seem to care about.”
“How dare you! What I’m doing is protecting her from her own poor judgement. In the future she’ll thank />
“Keep telling yourself that you sick bastard. Later,” John said as he turned to go.
When John turned he saw that there were two large men inching up on him. Once they realized he saw them they rushed forward.
“You left me no choice boy. Teach him a good lesson,” he heard Mr. Johnson say.
He barely had any time to react before the smaller of the two was upon him throwing a wild haymaker which he managed to block with his left arm. John countered with a straight right hand to his opponent’s nose and he felt satisfaction as it gave way beneath his fist and the man crumpled to the ground. Before he had a chance to do anything else the second one tackled him and John felt his breath knocked out of him as the big body landed on top of him.
The goon pushed himself up so he was straddling John at which time he began to rain down punches on the young man. He was able to raise one arm to cover his face which helped absorb some of the damage but he was still taking a beating and he knew he couldn’t take much more. Using his free hand he reached between the man’s legs and grabbed and yanked his testicles. The man howled in pain at which time John moved his hand away from his own face and managed to stick his thumb in the bruiser’s eye and gouge it.
Not having expected this kind of fight from a college boy the goon’s only thought was to put some distance between the two of them. He flopped away and rolled trying to get away but by this time John was in such a rage that he moved to attack. Getting to his knees he then launched himself on top of his larger opponent who was belly down and he managed to wrap his arm around his neck. John’s arm and shoulder muscles bulged as he applied pressure as the man frantically flailed beneath him. The man managed to push himself up so he was on his hands and knees but he couldn’t shake the enraged young man who was slowly strangling him.
By now the other goon had managed to get up with assistance from Mr. Johnson though he was still reeling with blood spurting from his nose. Seeing what was happening to his friend the man bent down and picked up a stone before rushing at John who heard him coming and half turned his head when the man swung with all his might. The stone crashed against John’s temple with a sickening sound and he toppled to the ground, his body limp.
“Roscoe, are you okay?” the man with the stone asked as he stooped to check on his companion.
“The bastard nearly choked me to death,” the man gasped as he rolled onto his back.
“I know, I think the motherfucker broke my nose,” Bobby said as he sank to his knees.
During the altercation Mr. Johnson had stayed well away but now that it was over he moved forward. Realizing that his hired muscle would recover he checked on John and when he did his face blanched.
“Boys, we have a problem. I think he’s dead. You weren’t supposed to kill him just beat him.”
“Oh shit! Mr. Johnson, you saw what was happening. If I didn’t stop him he’d have killed Roscoe. Damn, he fought like a maniac. You should have warned us what he was like. It’s not my fault.”
“Well let me think what to do, this is going to be a problem I dare say when the boy’s reported />
Roscoe had gotten to his feet while Mr. Johnson spoke and was prodding John’s motionless body with his foot when an anguished scream came from the edge of the clearing. They all turned to see Dawn standing there with her hand against her horror stricken face and a second later she ran straight towards them.
“Get away from him! Oh my God! Johnny!”
Her father tried to intercept her but she was too agile and evaded him and rushed to John’s fallen body. The two roughnecks looked at each other not knowing what to do as she threw herself next to her love and shook him. When she saw his crushed skull with the blood oozing out Dawn lost any semblance of sanity. Wailing like a banshee she rose and launched herself at the closest person who happened to be Bobby. Her nails scratched his face like talons and it was only good luck on his part that he wasn’t blinded for she had gone for his eyes in her fury.
He attempted to seize her arms but she was so wild he only managed to grab hold of one of them when Dawn kicked at his groin. It wasn’t a direct hit but it was enough to hurt him and without thinking he backhanded her hard, sending her tumbling down where her head struck the ground.
“Be careful, that’s my daughter!” Mr. Johnson yelled.
“Well she’s a hellcat and she tried to pluck out my eye. God damn it for agreeing to this job! If I knew what was gonna happen I never would have agreed. Now what are we going to do? She knows what />
worry about her, I’ll handle that,” he said as he knelt down and checked on her.
Dawn was unconscious but breathing regularly, her chest rising and falling softly as Mr. Johnson cradled her in his arms. The hired muscle stood a bit back whispering to themselves as he thought about what he could do to extricate them from the mess they’d made.
“May God and Dawn forgive me,” he whispered before turning to them and speaking in a decisive tone. “I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. One of you is going to come with me and carry Dawn home. I have a friend who’s a doctor and he’ll help me with her. What you’re going to do is dispose of his body so it won’t be found, ever.”
no problem sir. The catfish and snapping turtles in the Hatchie will make short work of him.”
“Fine, fine. And you also need to get rid of his car that’s in my driveway but you need to do it in a smart way. No getting foolish and selling it. It can be traced back to him and therefore to us. Don’t get greedy. If you do this right you’ll have more money then you’ve ever seen but if we screw it up, well we’ll all hang together. Now let’s go.”
Tennessee, August 1992
Dawn walked like a zombie on the return journey, her eyes barely registering anything more than the path directly in front of her bare, muddy feet. She ignored the biting mosquitos and the vegetation that scratched her skin, her mind still reeling from what she’d seen and remembered. It was only after reaching the green lawn that surrounded the plantation house and seeing the light still on in her daddy’s study that she became more aware. She then crept forward with a crafty expression until she was crouching beneath the study window where the voices of Doctor Howard and her daddy came to her ear.
“Well what do you want me to say Henry? We’ve gone over every option and none of them are good. If I thought there was a way to help Dawn regain her faculties without her remembering the past I’d try it.”
“Doc, we have to do something. I can’t bear to see my baby like this anymore, I just can’t. It’s been twenty years of suffering for the both of us.”
“Well I’m open to suggestions Henry. How do you think I feel? I violated all my professional ethics and standards because of this damn situation. There are times I can’t bear to look at myself in the mirror because of what I’ve done. If the medical board knew of my actions I’d lose my license at the least and I deserve to. Having a young woman committed to an asylum under false pretenses and drugging her up for the past twenty years so she can’t remember is criminal and />
“What if you try cutting down on the medication again Doc?”
“We can try Henry but it’s not that simple. Every time I’ve tried before the nightmares return with a vengeance and you beg me to make them go away. And it’s getting tougher to medicate her safely because of her resistance building up over the years. It’s at the point she needs a strong dose to calm her down and an even stronger one to make her sleep and then she needs the pep pills in the morning so she’s not in a stupor all day.”
“I know, I know. But when she wakes up screaming with that look in her eyes like she’s remembering I don’t know what to do. Oh how I wish that I’d never gone down this path Doc. I’d do anything to undo what I’ve done.”
“Well so would I Henry but the past can’t be erased. Tell you what, I’ll come by tomorrow after my last appointment to see how Dawn’s doing and we’ll see about adjusting her dosage.”
“Thanks. Do you want a drink for the road Doc?”
“No, I think I’ve had more than enough. Good thing it’s late and there won’t be anyone on the road or I would probably hit them in the condition I’m in.”
“Let me walk you out Doc,” Dawn heard her daddy say at which time she rose and hurried for the stairs, just making it to her own room before the sound of the front door opening came to her.
The next morning she rose earlier than she had in years and after seeing the torn and stained condition of her nightgown and robe she stripped them off before rolling them into a ball and putting it in the waste basket. Walking nude into her bathroom she dispassionately studied her reflection in the full length mirror. She observed a number of scratches and bites marring her body from her nocturnal adventure but beyond that there was nothing one could find negative about her appearance.
Her breasts were still firm and rounded with barely a hint of sagging despite her forty one years. Her stomach was almost as flat as it had been back when she was prom queen and her derriere was as delectable as it had ever been. Her long hair though matted with mud was still silky with no trace of silver or white threads among the golden. Even her face was remarkably unchanged with nary a wrinkle except the faintest hint of fine lines by the corners of her blue eyes.
It was her eyes however that Dawn couldn’t bear to look at for they were haunted, haunted by all that they’d seen and this was reflected in them. Stifling a sob she turned away and turned on the water to as hot a temperature as she could tolerate before stepping into the shower. But no matter how hot the water was or how hard she scrubbed nothing she did could wash away the feelings she was having, it would need something much stronger than simple soap and water to purge.
After drying herself Dawn opened her medicine cabinet and stared at the different bottles sitting inside. A feeling of disgust overwhelmed her and she grabbed the bottles with the intention of flushing all the contents down the toilet when she changed her mind. No, she’d have need of them for one more day she decided. Filling a glass with water she swallowed down two of the uppers before taking the rest of the medication with her.
After dressing she sat in front of her mirror and brushed her long hair and applied her makeup before heading downstairs. Novalyne was bustling around the kitchen and was surprised to see her up and dressed so early, especially after how out of sorts she’d been the previous day but Dawn simply stated that a good night’s sleep had done her a world of good.
So while Novalyne cooked up a hearty southern breakfast Dawn slipped inside her daddy’s study. Knowing how late he’d stayed up and how much he’d drunk the night before she had no fears about him walking in on her. Sitting at his desk she began to open the drawers and search through them when in the second one she discovered something. It wasn’t what she’d been initially seeking but once she spotted it she removed it. The .38 Special Smith & Wesson revolver felt heavy in her hand as she examined it, turning it over in her hands before checking to see if it was loaded. Snapping the cylinder back into place Dawn raised the gun and pointed it before putting it on the desk and resuming her search. It was in the top drawer that she found what she’d been seeking. Slipping the bottle and the gun into her purse she headed back to her bedroom.
Twenty minutes later Dawn knocked on her daddy’s bedroom door before calling out to him. “Breakfast is ready Daddy, get it while its hot,” she said before going downstairs.
She was nearly finished with her light breakfast by the time he entered the dining room dressed in his robe and pajamas. He kissed her forehead in passing before sitting down and looking at his daughter with a quizzical expression.
“Good morning Baby,” he said while Novalyne poured his coffee, “how are you feeling this morning? You’re up early.”
“I feel fine Daddy,” she answered while avoiding meeting his eyes, “and I was thinking that I’d like to buy myself a new dress today. Do you mind if I do?”
“Of course not Baby. Get whatever you like and just put it on my account. I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”
“Thank you Daddy,” she said before wiping her mouth with a linen napkin and dropping it onto the table. “I’ll see you later.”
Dawn kissed his cheek on her way out the door but before leaving the house she went back into the study and returned the bottle to the drawer. Later that morning she found a dress she adored in the small boutique located on Main Street. It was a blue silk summer dress with a red rose pattern and it reminded her of happier times of the past. Dawn was so pleased with it that she wore it out of the store. She didn’t return home immediately but instead leisurely walked around town enjoying the hot summer weather. It wasn’t until mid-afternoon that she arrived home to find Novalyne preparing to put a chicken into the oven to roast. A little later Henry heard a knock on his study door then a few seconds later Dawn breezed in.
“Hi Daddy, how are you doing?” she asked as she absently looked at some of the books in his bookcase.
“Not so well Baby, I feel a bit off for some reason,” he said as he wiped some sweat from his face with his handkerchief, “but you seem chipper. Is that your new dress?”
“I feel right as rain Daddy. Yes it’s my new dress, do you like it?” she replied while doing a spin before walking over to his bar. “What you need is a nice drink to feel better and I’ll make you one. By the way Novalyne is making us a roast chicken for supper.”
He heard the clink of ice in the glass before seeing her pour in some of the amber liquid. She walked over and handed him the glass before perching herself on the corner of his mahogany desk and watching him greedily drink down the alcohol. Once he had she stood and slowly walked around the room, looking at things and rearranging a knickknack here and there. After doing a circuit of the wood paneled room she returned to stand by the desk.
“Gee Daddy, you don’t look so well,” she told him while touching his clammy forehead and that was true for he looked pale and was sweating profusely.
“My he began when Dawn interrupted.
“I’ll get you a glass of water, maybe you should take some of your heart medication Daddy.”
His hands fumbled at the drawer before he pulled out and opened the medicine bottle. He put one in his mouth then swallowed it down with the water she brought him. His heart was racing as he sat back and he hoped the pill would help but he didn’t see the point in taking any chances. He picked up the receiver to the phone and began to dial when to his surprise Dawn bent down and grabbed hold of the telephone wire with both hands and after bracing her foot yanked it from the wall.
“Were you going to call Doctor Howard, Daddy? Sorry but I can’t let you do that. I have to go see him about something myself and you calling him would only ruin that. By the way if I was you I wouldn’t take any more of that medicine either, I may have replaced your capsules with some of my mine. I don’t believe amphetamines are good for your weak heart, are they. And there’s no point in calling Novalyne either, I forgot to mention that I gave her the rest of the day off. It’s been so long since she visited her sister’s family that I thought it was only proper. She does work so hard taking care of us that she deserves a little break now and again.”
“Dawn, Baby,” he gasped, his breathing now ragged and labored.
“Well Daddy, I’d love to stay and chat but I need to go see the doctor. I do love you but I’m sorry, I can’t forgive you for what you’ve done to me. />
With that she kissed him one final time and without a backward glance left the study. Dawn stopped by the mirror in the front hall where she fixed her lipstick before putting on a hat and checking to see how it looked. While she did she heard what sounded like a loud crash come from the study. She adjusted the hat one final time and seemingly satisfied exited the house.
Twenty minutes later found her sitting in the waiting room of Doctor Howard’s office exchanging small talk with his receptionist Carol. She smiled in the woman’s direction after the doctor appeared at the door and gestured for her to come in.
“Now what can I do for you Dawn? I have to say I’m surprised to see you here after how you were feeling yesterday. I had planned on going to see you this />
“Well it looks like I saved you a trip Doctor,” she said as she sat in the chair across from him and crossed her legs and as he watched the dress shifted up until it had bared half her thighs.
His eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he stared at her shapely legs prompting Dawn to laugh.
“Well I see you haven’t changed any Doctor. Ever since I can remember you’ve looked at me like that. I know you usually try so hard to be subtle but a woman always notices these things. Do you like what you see?”
“Umm, aah, Dawn what are you getting at, I mean what’s gotten into you?”
“Maybe the devil’s gotten into me Doctor,” she said as she stood up and approached him, “and perhaps what I’m getting at is it’s time to let Carol run along. That is so there’s no one around to disturb us while we do things, bad sinful things.”
Dawn leaned down and whispered into his ear and when she did she made sure he had a good view of her creamy white cleavage while she promised him all his heart desired.
“But Dawn, I’m a good friend of your daddy as well as your physician, it wouldn’t be proper,” he protested weakly.
“What Daddy doesn’t know won’t hurt him. This will be our little secret Doctor. No one has to know. The same way no one knows how long you’ve wanted me and lusted after me. Maybe even before you should have, but don’t worry, I never told. That is if you still want me. If you don’t I suppose there must be some men in town who will,” she said as she straightened up and walked to the closed office door. it going to be Doctor, am I walking out of here or am I getting comfortable? You choose.”
Though seeming to struggle for all of thirty seconds with the decision it really was a foregone conclusion.
“No, don’t go,” he said in a hoarse voice, “sit down and I’ll be right back.”
Dawn smiled and a minute later she heard Doctor Howard’s voice telling Carol that since Miss Johnson was his last patient of the day and he’d be driving her home and having dinner with the family that she could leave early. They discussed tomorrow’s office business for a minute until he could manage to hustle her out of the office. When he returned Dawn was standing next to the desk in her lingerie and heels and she had a half full glass in her hand.
“Here, have something to drink,” she told him as she pressed the glass into his hand, “and then get comfortable. I got it from your secret hiding spot in the bottom drawer behind the files.”
Taking the glass he attempted to kiss her neck but she eluded him and slipped to the far side of the desk.
“No, have your drink and get comfortable first, then the fun starts.”
He removed his jacket and placed it on the chair before taking a large swallow then pulling at his tie. A minute later found him sitting in his boxers and socks as Dawn poured another drink and handed it to him.
“Wait, don’t drink it yet,” she said while reaching into her purse which sat on the chair she’d vacated earlier, “have it with these.”
She slammed a bottle of pills onto the desk then watched him. He picked it up and read it before looking back at her.
“Dawn I don’t understand, this is your />
“Well its simple really Doctor. I’m giving you a choice and I’m betting you take the one on your desk. Much less painful than this choice, wouldn’t you say?” Dawn said as her hand emerged from her purse.
After she said this Doctor Howard found himself staring down the barrel of a revolver pointed straight at him.
“Dawn, you don’t mean this, you must be confused and not well. Please let me help you,” he said as he began to rise.
Dawn moved her arm to the right a few inches and pulled the trigger with the bullet shattering a framed diploma on the wall behind the doctor before ricocheting off in another direction.
“Sit down or the next one won’t miss,” she said as she again trained the gun on him, “surely you remember my Daddy taught me how to shoot when I was fourteen and what a natural I was. Now sit down.”
With his body shaking and his ears ringing he complied with her order.
“Now open the bottle and take all the pills like a good boy.”
“But why are you doing this Dawn?”
“You know perfectly well why Doctor. Yours isn’t the original sin but she said as she wiped away a tear with her free hand. “I’m being merciful you know. I don’t have to make it so easy for you, I could make you suffer, like I’ve suffered all these years, but no. You can just take these pills and go to sleep but if you don’t it will be much more painful the other way,” she told him as she pulled back the hammer, “and I always figured you for someone who doesn’t like pain.”
“All right, all right,” he said as his trembling hand opened the bottle.
He washed a handful down with the booze and made a face as it burned its way down his throat while she watched impassively.
“Okay, are you />
“Hardly. There are still plenty left to take. Don’t try my patience. I still have a little time left but I won’t tell you again. Take them all.”
Seeing no other way out he did as she ordered, swallowing down every last pill.
“Please Dawn, it’s not too late. If you let me I can help us />
“No, you’re wrong there Doctor. Its twenty years too late and you know it. Now we’re going to wait until they take effect and don’t get your hopes up. In that first glass you drank I had already given you a strong enough dose to incapacitate you. So you see we just have a little time left,” she said as she sat down, making sure to keep the desk between them and the revolver aimed at his chest.
The sun was starting to sink in the western sky when the ticket agent saw a woman approaching. He remembered it clearly for his first thought when he saw her was how pretty she was. Blond hair, blue eyes, a body to kill for and a million dollar smile. He couldn’t say what she was wearing exactly, beyond that it showed plenty of cleavage and leg but he knew she looked like she didn’t have a care in the world.
“Yes Miss, can I help you?”
“Hello, I hope so. Can you tell me when the bus from Auburn will be />
“Auburn? I don’t think there is one. Let me check, yes I was right. What you probably mean is the bus from Opelika Alabama which is the closest to Auburn and that’s not a direct run. One would have to transfer in Memphis />
“Okay, if someone took the bus from Opelika and transferred at Memphis, when would that bus arrive?”
in luck Miss, that bus comes through town in around a half hour on its way to Nashville. Are you expecting />
“Yes, my fiancé is on it. We haven’t seen each other in a long time.”
“Well he’s a lucky man to have you waiting for him.”
“Thank you for all your help, have a good night.”
“You too,” he replied as he watched her walk away, her hips and ass swaying provocatively with every step.
Sam Rogers swore under his breath as he shifted gears. Damn that woman for claiming her baggage was damaged and making him late again. That was just what he didn’t need with his supervisor already breathing down his neck to begin with. He hoped there’d be no more pickups on this trip so he could make up some time and not be too late to Nashville. As he approached the town he glanced down at his watch when out of nowhere something blue and yellow darted on the road in front of him. He slammed on the brakes and he heard them squeal and screech but it was too late.
He felt as much as heard the sickening thud of the steel as it met flesh while his foot continued pressing down on the brake. It took a bit longer for the bus to come to a complete stop and as soon as it did he threw it into park. Multiple passengers were already screaming and yelling as he opened the door and rushed off the bus.
‘Oh my God,’ he thought as he hurried toward the fallen woman, for he could see that was what he’d hit, ‘oh my God! Where the hell did she come from? A second earlier there was nothing there. Why Lord, what was she />
“Call an ambulance, hurry!” he shouted at a couple of men who were standing a bit further down the road and had come to investigate the commotion.
She lay there at the side of the road as he approached and by a twist of fate he saw that though her body was broken by the collision and the subsequent process of her body hitting the asphalt her face was unmarked and still beautiful.
move Miss, help is on the way,” he said as he knelt by her side, “just hang on.”
Fighting to maintain a semblance of calm he took her hand as he thought of his wife and daughter back home and he said a silent prayer that they were safe. Her eyes opened and she turned her head to look his way but he felt that she wasn’t seeing him at all but rather looking through him to something far beyond.
she gasped in a weak voice, “Johnny I’m so cold. But I told you Johnny, I told you that I would. I’d wait forever if I had to and />
Dawn coughed then and some blood oozed past her freshly painted lips onto her pale cheek.
“You came back for me Johnny like you promised,” and as she said this she squeezed his hand for an instant and then let go.
Her eyes remained open but he knew she was gone. He began to sob as he heard the wail of sirens in the distance.
Comments welcomed
story by: Rutger5
Tags: fiction blowjob consensual sex male/female romance death murder gothic sex story
Author: Rutger5
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