A surprise for brother 4

sex stories

A worried look came over my face. "What if he tells somebody what happened here and my husband finds out?" She asked. I told her not to worry about it and explained to her that the mailman is married so he had just as much to loose as she did if someone found out. "Besides all that, do you think I would want my brother to find out that I was fucking his wife? How would he react if he found out that I was able to make you cum more intensely than he ever did?" I asked.

Thats when she shocked the shit right out of me. She said to me with a devilish grin, " Guess what I figured out while I was hiding in the bathroom." I asked her what it was. "I figured out who my husband has been cheating on me with." As a cold chill went down my spine I asked her who it was and what was in the bathroom that helped her to figure it out. "I just got to thinking about things and put two and two together. Once I did that, it was easy to see who it was." I got really nervous and was almost trembling when I asked her, "Who is it?" She said, "Well, Remember when I told you I had smelled womens perfume on him?" "Yes" I said. "And how I told you about when I went down on him that time and his cock tasted different?" Again I replied with a simple, "Yes." I was so freaked out by where this was going that I'm sure she could see the guilt in my eyes. "Are you going to tell me or not?" I snapped at her.

"I'm getting there!" She said in a sarcastic tone. "IT'S YOU! You've been fucking my husband!!! I started to cry and began apologising to her. I told her how ashamed I was for the things I had done with him. "Tell me how you figured it out." I said between sniffles. "When I came over here, I caught a wiff of your perfume and it was the same fragrance I smelled on him but, I thought, I'm sure that many women must wear that particular perfume." I told her, "Thats true, many women do but, how did you know it was me?" She said that she didn't know at that point. "I knew for sure that it was you the very instant that I licked your pussy juices off of your fingers. It tasted exactly like my husbands cock did when I went down on him. I'm sure that not all womens pussies taste alike. After all, yours tastes differently than mine."

I was so ashamed of myself that I couldn't look her in the eye. After all, not only was he her husband, he was my own brother! I then asked her, "If you knew before you came out of the bathroom, why did you act like nothing was wrong and go ahead and finish what we had started before you went in there?" Her answer shocked me yet again. "FINISH??? Believe me girl, we're not even close to being finished! I still get my turn at finding out what its like to have a cock and to fuck the living daylights out of an extremely sexy woman!" I just looked at her all dumb founded and bewildered. "You aren't mad at me? How could you not be pissed and want to kill me?" I asked. "To be honest with you, when I thought he was cheating on me, I was extremely pissed but, I didn't know at who. When I figured out it was you, I fingered myself to a mindblowing orgasm in the bathroom before I came out." I was left speechless. She then took my hand and placed it between her legs and told me it was alright. "But how is it alright for your husband, my brother, to be cheating on you with me of all people?" I asked. She said, "I have a confession to make, I am completely turned on by the thought of you and your brother fucking. I have fantasized for years about fucking and sucking my brother but never knew how to go about it and was too afraid he'd think I was a freak if I tried."

Her pussy was getting extremely wet and her breathing was getting heavier as I fingered her while she gave her confession. She spread her legs wide apart and I knew then what she wanted. I slipped two fingers deep inside her dripping love hole. She started to buck against my hand with each thrust of my fingers. I slipped another finger into her and she let out a loud moan. She was gyrating her ass in a circular motion as I slipped in a fourth finger. With that she let out a scream and her cum squirted out and around my fingers and sprayed in every direction, like when you put a finger in the end of a garden hose with the water turned on. I asked her if she wanted me to stop and she told me, "NO!" I then slipped my thumb in to her as well. I now had all five fingers in her and she was fucking on them for all she was worth. She the spread her legs wider than I ever imagined she could and my hand slipped easily inside of her. I was fingering my own hot fuck hole while i thrusted my fist in and out of her. She opened her eyes long enough to look into my eyes and say to me, "I want to eat your pussy!" When she said that I had a mind blowing orgasm of my own. When I came back to my senses, I turned around, my fist still inside her, and straddled her face. I lowered my hot dripping wet pussy down on her face and came again instantly with the first flick of her tongue across my clit.

When she had enough of eating my pussy, she stepped into the strap-on and with an evil grin she said to me, "It's my turn to be YOUR man and for you to be MY bitch." She was serious too! She bent me over and rammed her newfound cock so hard and fast into my begging pussy that when I screamed I didn't know if it was from the pleasure, or the pain. She fucked me like no man has ever fucked me before! I found it hard to believe that she had never done this before. She fucked me to the most intense orgasm I have ever had! It took me nearly 30 minutes to catch my breath afterward.

When we were finally finished we both sat on the couch and talked. Neither of us bothered to put our clothes back on. She started off by asking me, " So…Has my husband ever fucked his sister near as good as I just did?" I was so embarrassed but, I answered her with, " Nobody has ever fucked me as good as you just did." She asked me what on earth possessed me to fuck my own brother. "Possessed me?" I asked. "You said that you yourself had fantasized about fucking your brother. What possessed you to do that?" I asked in return. "I've wanted to fuck him every since I was thirteen years old when I walked in on him jacking off in the shower. He had the biggest cock that I have ever seen to this day!" I asked her if he had seen her when she walked in on him. "Yes, but when I seen he was looking at me staring at his enormous rod I ran out and hid in my bedroom. I was so ashamed but yet so excited at the same time. I felt something in my pussy that I had never felt before." "And what was that?" I asked. "I felt a tingling sensation and I noticed when I walked, It was feeling kind of slippery down there so I put my hand inside my panties and put a finger in my slit. I couldn't believe it, my pussy felt so wet that I actually wondered if I had pissed myself." I laughed my ass off when she told me that. "After about 20 minutes or so, I was laying on my bed when my brother walked in and just stood there looking at me. I was red faced as hell and I asked him what he wanted." She told me that all he said to her was, "Don't you think you owe me something?" She asked him what it was that he thought she owed him. "Since you seen me naked and taking care of business so to speak, I think it only fair that I get to see you naked, dont you?" She told him that seeing him like that and doing what he was doing was a complete accident and that she was sorry. "Besides, you are 18 and I"m only 13. Isn't that a little sick?" He then asked her, "Did you like what you seen?" She told me that she said, "Well, thats the first time I seen a boy naked and yes, I guess I did like it a little but, why does that mean that you have to see me naked?" He told her that it was only fair and that if she lem him see her naked that he would let her see his cock again if she wanted to.

"I finally agreed to let him see me without my clothes on so I stood up in front of him and pulled my shirt off over my head and then I undid my pants and let them fall to the floor. I was standing there in just my bra and panties and I could see the bulge in his boxers growing larger." He told her that now he had proof that she liked what she had seen in the bathroom. "How can you tell that?" She asked him. "It's obvious that your panties are wet in the crotch and you cant take your eyes off of the bulge in mine." Continuing on, "I removed my bra, exposing my budding titties with erect nipples pointing straight at him. At that moment, His enormous rock hard cock jumped out through the fly hole in his boxers and pointed right at me as though it was taking aim at me. I was so nervous but, I went ahead and pulled my panties down to my knees and let them drop to my ankles." As she was telling me this story, I realized that both her and I were fingering ourselves rather vigorously. She went on to say, "When I stood up and stepped out of my panties, I was about two feet away from him. When he caught his first glimpse of the light smattering of hair on my pussy I noticed his breathing changed and I could see a clear liquid oozing out the tip of his dick." I shit you not… Right then I let loose with an orgasm that completely soaked the cussion that I was sitting on. Both of out faces turned red and we giggled a little. Then she said, "I know… I have had many orgasms with that memory." We giggled some more. "He then asked me if I would like to touch his cock. I hesitated a little and said, I guess so. He took my hand and put it on his cock. I wrapped my fingers gently around it. I didn't want to hurt it. After all, this was the first time I had seen a penis, let alone touch one. He told me to squeeze it. As I tightened my fingers around it he started moving back and forth and told me not to let go. I kept my grip as he made about three more back and forth movements. I was completely horrified when a hot, creamy, white, sticky substance shot four or five heavy streams all over my chest, belly, and between my legs. It was />
By this time I was laughing hystericly and told her I couldn't take it anymore. I told her that there was only one thing left for her to do. "Whats that?" She asked. "GO FUCK YOUR BROTHER YOU DUMB ASS!"

story by: lickable_chick

Tags: bi-sexual cheating true story incest toys oral sex sex story

Author: lickable_chick

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