It was a cold wintery evening. The twilight faded into nothing earlier than usual. Cold uniquely imprinted snowflakes started to decent lazily from the night sky. Thick clouds up above blocked any view of the constellations that made up that night. I was heading towards the main Street 47 that lead me home, which was about 4 blocks away. I always walked home from school and this was the last day of winter session.
20 days of winter holidays, good little pornie pornie time. Hope they leave for vacation soon. I thought.
The thick snow started rising. The lazy floating down flakes turns to a light blizzard.
I can make it before it could devour me.
3 blocks left. Now the coldness was killing me. It became unbearable. The light blizzard turns violent. The white fluff of angry winds of snow cuts through my hair, lifting it and throwing it around. I try to walk forward but the wind's too strong, and I'm freezing to death.
Think, you must do something to increase your body heat… Think!
I thought for a second.
Wait… Adrenaline! of something horny. High blood pressure can heat you up. I said to myself.
I noticed a small lane that lay a few feet before me.
Better take shelter there. The wind tends not to cut through there. Safer there than here.
I shivered.
I straddled across the thickening snow to the safer lane. It's a small lane which connected two big office buildings and had a couple of garbage dumps, big ones around. The view towards this lane was mostly blocked due to its narrow section and also because of the garbage dumps. Plain white featured the grounds here as well but not as thick as how it was on the roadside paths.
I've barely walked a few feet before I saw a pair of legs popping from behind the second dumpster. I hurry to the spot to investigate it out of curiosity.
A woman! She was definitely in her mid-30s and haven't worn any warmers in this weather. She was either asleep or knocked out.
A robbery? Rape victim? She didn't look hurt.
I slowly felt her ice-cold neck for a pulse.
She's still alive.
I tried to wake her up but to no effect. My mind was going haywire. Just moments ago, I was thinking about those plump double DD women from the magazines to keep me highly BPed, and she would've been a perfect model now that I think. I fantasized her in a tight kinky bikini that barely covered her imagined nipples and a possibly hairy cunt that is barely covered – tightly though. A g-string swallowed by her heavy muscular/fat ass and her pubes peeping out of her covered vagina. Her huge tits pulled up by the thin, yet strong, nylon bikini that only covers her nipples. I imagined all this in the few seconds with her (dying?) body.
It isn't the time to think such thoughts.
I neglected the swelling bulge inside my pants, I looked inside the clutch she had on her hand; 100 bucks, a lipstick and a gun. I was smart enough not to touch it. She wore a tight skin fit party wear without sleeves. It only covered from her thighs to her breast. The way she laid, her legs were slightly parted revealing a dark object of covering underneath, and a closer inspection revealed she did not wear any bra as her nipples tried to pierce through the black shiny party dress.
I squat there not knowing the next step. I remembered something. She needed to be kept warm or else she didn't have much time left. Quickly, without any hesitation, I opened my warmer and lay near her, touching her, body to body. I hugged her tightly, cuddling you could say.
That wasn't enough. I slowly felt around her thighs. Her dress wasn't too tight to be lifted. I did that. felt her ass. A small knead once. Twice. Thrice. I felt at it again. The dress was irritating. I zippered the dress down at the back and slowly removed it.
The snowfall had slowly receded by now.
She didn't wear any bra like I imagined. As the dress came sliding off her soft cold skin, I noticed the dark pantie she wore. It was actually a velvet violet shade pantie with floral frills. Her pubes didn't pop out like expected but I felt her vagina lightly. It was the best feeling in a long time. It's been around a few weeks since I touched one and it was a totally ugly and hairy one; it belonged to that wretched whore of a music teacher. That is a story for another day.
I cuddled her now. It felt like cuddling a dead body but I knew she was alive then.
I too removed my clothes except for the thick spoken warmer I had one to keep the heat from dissipating. Now we touched skin to skin. Breast to the chest. My bulged shaft with her matured, experienced neatly trimmed cunt that kept inviting me in. The floral velvet rubbed against my tip and it only turned me on more.
I slid it down her legs to reveal that juicy cunt of her. It spilt of her love juice like an overflowing arc. It glistened in the white background of the evening. I couldn't help but slowly slid my left index finger down to feel the mature juice, and worth it, I must say it was.
Her unconsciousness never stopped her from shutting down her juice factory. I lifted it up to smell it and while doing so, slightly rubbed against her imperfectly round, plump, and thick tits. It smelled of heaven and my mouth watered as if asking – begging – to taste that natural juice from her insides.
Slowly, looking at the unconscious face, I slid my fingers into my mouth. Her sticky cum with my gooey saliva, one for one. It tastes better than I expected.
Now I felt her tits, the nips with the same cold wet fingers. Her body sends some reflex motion. Her muscles twitched.
She moved. There's still hope. I'm more excited now.
I knead her tits and slowly stick my shaft into her wet dark hole. It slid in without any hesitation. No friction. All wet, lubed for me.
The outside white cold seemed like nothing when I felt her insides with my penis. The tip of my medium sized shaft dug into her.
In smooth, slow, patient movements, I started to fornicate her. We were one then. Me inside her. Her breasts barely inside my huge fists. I couldn't hold it for more than 5 minutes. I jizzed my millions of children into her. Inside her. Her hot, wet, steaming pussy is now filled with my cum. All heating her up. Restarting her cold body.
I noticed a single bead sweat on the side of her neck. In the cold climate, it seemed like an elixir of life filled with salt and minerals from her insides. I bend my head to get closer to her neck and touched that bead of sweat with the tip of my tongue.
I was still horny. My penis is now back to that big boy shape and is in need of more of this hot matured body. I dug it into her again. The same place where I came earlier, now a creampie about to drip. My penis pushed it back and deep into her and I came in her again after a few minutes. This time she orgasmed and that woke her up with a gasp.
She opened her eyes, confused and tired. Now more sweat dripped from her neck and forehead. I sucked at it all with my dick still inside her pussy filled with my penis from one end and all of my cum on the other, waiting to move into her ovum.
She looked at me once I raised my head, confused. I explained to her she was near death and I couldn't find any other way to save her. I expected her to freak out or maybe reach for her gun and shoot me. But she fainted again. This time she was breathing heavily. I could send her health almost back to normal. I pulled her pantie up fixed it tightly against her cunt so as to let the cum stay and leak out. After fixing her dress up, I covered her with my warmer and went left her there knowing full well she was going to alright soon enough. The cold blizzard had died down, so I haven't any need for my warner. She needed it more than me. I took my stuff and ran home. Luckily there weren't anyone to find us in that 'tight' spot due to the cold weather.
A week later, I was home relaxing. My dad and his friend skipped town for some 'guys' fun time. I didn't expect him to return home. But in less than a week he returned. He opened the front door and barged in.
'Hey, Jake. I'm home.' He shouted from downstairs.
'I thought you said you won't be back before next week.' I asked from upstairs as I decended down the stairs.
'Well, some urgent work at Jim's office and Pat's kid fell down and broke his arm. Can you imagine? Both happened simultaneously! Anyways, meet my new girlfriend.' As I took my last step she walked in behind my dad. I nearly flipped seeing her. It was that woman from the alley!
story by: Spacey Jones
Tags: fiction young mature male / older female sex story
Author: Spacey Jones
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