A family's time. part 2.

sex stories

“ What are you looking at this time pervert”! Kay, asked

with a laugh. Bring David out of his coma like state he picked up speed and came

and sat with his family. “ Not your ugly mug, that’s for sure”! Kay made a

childish face at her brother. Kay, continued to drink her coffee but also looked

over at her brother’s hairy chest. She liked what she sow but like, David, Sue

knew it was wrong but at the same time erotic. “ Hey, Dave! Did you glue those

hairs on your chest or are they real?” Kay, laughed. David suddenly realised

that he’d forgotten to put on his t-shirt and was exposing his chest to his mother

and sister. A little embarrassed, David went a little red. “ Don’t listen to your

sister, David.” Spoke his mother. “ Would you like me to get you your cereal for

you?” “ Yes, mum….if you would please.” “HA! You never get me mine mum!

What’s so special about him!” Kay shouted! “ Jan gave her daughter a stern

stare. “ Act your age, Kay, just for once!” Kay leaned back in her chair in a

strop. Mike watched his daughter in her tight nightie and was thinking how

wrong is this. David watched his mother rise and turn away from the table. His

mum’s nightie was also very short and tight fitting showing of her big bum.

David’s father noticed the look on his son’s face but couldn’t blame the kid as to

what was on show. Jan gave a quick look at her husband as to whether, David

had noticed how little she had on. All, Jan had back was a slight nod with a faint

smirk across her husbands face. He’d won the bet but that wasn’t really

bothering her. What was bothering, Jan was that her son was watching her.

Scary thing was thou, she was liking it. Getting her son cornflakes from the top

cupboard and pouring the milk ready on the kitchen counter, David’s mum

tuned around and returned to the breakfast table. “ Here you are, David”. David

watched his mother’s breasts cascade forward as she bent over with his bowl of

cereal. David’s mother watched the expression of her son’s face with a strange

warmth. Mike was staring at each of them with a look of concern. What was

happening here, Mike thought. “ Jan returned to her seat with a bounce making

her breasts jump. David being nervous dropped his spoon to the floor. “ Hey!

What’s wrong with you nerd! Do you want mammy to go pick your spoon up

and feed you with it too?” Kay said with sarcasm. David, looked over to his sister

with anger “ Why don’t you just shut up! Dad, will you sort her out!” “ Will

both of you just pack it in! Dave, just pick up that spoon and ignore her.” Mike

stormed back. David gave his sister a glance as she smirked back at him. David

went down under the table to reach his spoon only to come face to face with his

mother’s triangle of thick blond pubic hair. David’s cock became instantly

erect. His sister’s legs were closed tight. “ Hey! Pervert, what are you doing

down there?” David quickly grabbed his spoon and returned to his seat. Unable

to make eye contact with his mother, David started to eat his cornflakes. The

kitchen suddenly fell silent. Jan, knew exactly what her son, David had seen and

why he was glowing red. Jan’s pussy was becoming wet. Jan knew this situation

wasn’t right but just couldn’t control this new sexual urge for her son. Kay

started to stretch raising her arms above her head and pushing her chest out at

the same time in a yawn. Kay’s father couldn’t help but look at his daughter

massive chest with her erect nipples showing through her silk nightie. Kay

noticed her father’s long stare at her breasts and found it strange but sexy.

Kay realised for the first time that her father wasn’t a bad looking guy. He had a

little bit of stubble and bushy type of hair. Looking down she too could notice

stray strands of hair poking through his half open dressing gown. Seeing this

made Kay feel a little light headed and rather hot between her legs. “ I think I’ll

get some water.” Kay said a little shaky. Nobody answered. Kay pulled her chair

out, rose and tuned towards the kitchen sink. Mike watched his daughter’s big

round bum sway side to side. Reaching for a glass from one of the kitchen units

lifted Kay’s nightie to show the lower half of her bum cheeks. Mike was totally

mesmerised. Kay reached for a random glass, closed the cupboard then turned

towards the sink and poured herself a glass of water. Mike just sat there for

several minutes watching his daughters shapely behind and lusting after her

body, his penis had started to harden. Hell, Mike! She’s your daughter for

heavens sake! Mike’s thoughts were battling against his emotional lust for his

daughter. Not being able to take it any longer, Mike decided to get up from the

table. Standing up, Mike tightened his dressing gown and started collecting

various dishes from the table. His wife was slowly sipping away at her coffee,

while David was taking his time eating his cornflakes. Kay swallowed her water

whiles staring out the kitchen window. Her thoughts were on her father looking

at her body. It should have made her nervous but quite the opposite. The more

she thought about it the more her head started to spin. First she had had sexual

thoughts about her brother this morning and now her father. Was this part of

growing up or was it something more? Confused, Kay rested the glass on her lips

only to spill some water down her front and on to the kitchen floor. With a gasp,

Kay reached for the dish cloth and wiped away her front. Looking to her feet,

Kay bent over and started to wipe away the small pool of water when she felt

some one walk straight in to her behind.

Mike with his back to his daughter reached for his empty cereal bowl, plate and

cup turned around and quickly walked right into his daughters behind. Unable

to move from the shock of his lower body pressed against his daughters large

bum, Mike just stood there while his mind went completely blank and his penis

stiffen. Kay frozen in the same position felt a little dizzy from the experience that

either her brother or father was in fact pressing their erection against her bum.

Slowly turning her head to her right side sow that is was her father with a totally

stunned expression on his face just looking back at her. Kay, feeling a little

confused but also sexual aroused changed her expression to a sly smile and

winked seductively at her father returning her head to face forward again. Kay

started to rub her large bare behind against her fathers erect penis. Mike totally

out of his mind just stood there holding dishes in both hands like a statue as he

felt his daughter rub and push herself more against his penis. Getting some sort

of mind control back, Mike placed the dirty dishes on to the near by counter next

to a silver microwave not moving his body from his daughter’s inviting behind.

Slowly, Mike opened his dressing gown showing that he too had under dressed

this morning by just having a green pair of boxer shorts on. Slowly getting into

some sort of rhythm with his daughter, Mike placed his hands on the tip of her

silk nightie and pulled it up some more to show off just how large a behind she

had. Mike’s eyes lit up at that those two big white cheeks rubbing against him.

Kay looked around again to notice that her father had opened his gown. Making

her sly grin more complete, Kay’s big blue eyes widened at how much hair her

father had on his chest. Returning to eye contact with her father, Kay gave him

anther seductive look and returned to face forward pushing much harder into

her fathers penis. Mike, in total satisfaction gripped both his daughters bum

cheeks and started to massage them in a gentle rotating way. On doing this to his

daughter he heard her let out a quiet moan making, Mike feeling even more

pleased to know his daughter was enjoying what he was doing. Suddenly, Mike

had negative thoughts enter his head as to what was going on. This is incest! But

the thought quickly left his head as his sexual emotions took over. On hearing a

noise behind him it brought, Mike out of his trance like state to realise that his

wife and son were in the same room! Slowing down his gentle massage of his

daughter’s bare bum he slowly turned his head in the direction of his wife and

son wondering what expression was on their faces as to what was taking place

with his own daughter in front of them. Mike was shocked!!

Looking down into his cornflakes bowl, David heard his father start clearing up

the dishes to be washed. Still too scared to make eye contact with his mother,

David just poked around with his cornflakes when all of a sudden he felt a foot

rub against his bare leg. Not just any foot, his mothers foot! Seconds past still

unable to look at his mother, David lifted his right foot and slowly touched his

mother’s smooth leg and started to rub up and down. On doing this action his

mother’s foot became a little faster against his hairy leg. Still looking down into

his cornflakes, David raised his foot a little higher to his mothers knee then

realising that his mothers legs were still wide apart extended his leg out long so

his foot was rubbing against his mother’s thick triangle of blond pubic hair.

David’s mother let out a gasp in unexpected joy. Rubbing his toes deep into his

mother’s hairy pussy, David Slowly made eye contact with his mother. Jan

looked at her son staring at her and gave, David a smile of satisfaction back.

David still very much confused at the situation smiled back. Jan, sitting back now

and raising up her pussy to, David’s inviting toes takes her sons foot and rubs

hard and deeper into her warm hairy pussy. Letting out quiet pants, Jan is

totally ignorant as to what’s happening behind her back. Slowly, Jan removes

her son’s foot from her wet pussy and gets up from her chair to go sit by her son.

David watches as his mother walks around the table with her brown eyes fixed

upon her son’s big bright blue eyes. Sitting down, Jan begins to stroke her son’s

still developing hairy chest with her soft hands. David feels his penis stiffen even

harder making it strain against his boxer shorts. Jan notices the effect she is

having on her son. Still stroking her son’s chest, David looks to his mother’s low

cut nightie with sexual urge! Using his right hand, David pulls down the neck

line of his mums nightie to free one of his mother’s amble breasts! Jan getting a

little breathless to her sons actions stops stroking his manly chest and softly

brings her son’s head down to her free hanging breast for him to feast upon.

David opens his mouth and starts to lick his mother’s large areola sucking too on

his mum’s erect nipple. “ Oh, David, darling.” Jan quietly spoke under her

breath. Closing her eyes, Jan is in heaven as her son sucks and pulls at her large

nipple. With her son licking and sucking at his mother’s boob, Jan is pulled back

to reality by some moaning coming from her right. Remembering then that her

husband and daughter are in the same room. Jan opens her eyes and looks to her

right to see her husband looking back at her with a totally shocked face. Looking

at her husband up and down, Jan notices that Mike’s dressing gown is open

revealing that he is only wearing a pair of boxer shorts with his body pressed

against their daughter’s bare bum. After a few minutes of trying to get some

control back, Jan spoke. “ Mm, Mike. A little under dressed this morning aren’t

we”. With a sly smile, Jan leaned her head back and pressed her son’s head

harder in to her bosom Making, David suck just that little bit harder. “ Oh!

That’s right David, Just what your mummy wants”! Mike watched on in shock

but confused lust, suddenly smiled and watched as his own son sucked and licked

his own mother’s breast quite expertly. Kay in the mean time had turned her

head around to watch and listen in amazement as to what was happening with

her brother and mother. Kay, stunned at first watched her brother doing a very

good job on her mother’s nipple. Catching her brother’s eye contact. “ Hey, bro!

Looks like mummy is feeding you again”? Kay shouted with seductive eye

movement. Realising his mother’s nipple leaving his mother’s areola glistening

with his own saliva David responded “ looks like dad’s going to come down hard

on you today.” Kay looked up to her father replied. “ I do hope so.” With yet

another seductive wink at her father. David returned to his mother’s breast in

total harmony. Mike watched his son begin licking his mother’s large areola

again as he felt his daughter move away from his erect penis. Turning back to

his daughter, she was now standing up facing him with a look of total

seductiveness on her face.

Kay with a look that make would any man crumble squatted down in front of

her father and started to stoke her fathers hard erect penis through his boxer

shorts. “ Oh, daddy! Your so hard” Mike looking down at his daughter squatting

in front of him with her legs wide apart and thighs showing was too much to

handle. Kay, fondled her father penis inside his boxers for a little while just to

tease her. Deciding that she had let her dad wait long enough gripped the elastic

of his boxers and pulled them down making her fathers 7inc penis spring out

hitting his own body. Mike raising his feet to completely remove his green boxers

was also watching the expression on his daughters face as her big blue eyes

widen in amazement. Kay, shocked at the thickness of her fathers penis and

large hanging balls with thick dark pubic hair surrounding, reached out with her

small hand and gripped her fathers penis gently. Angling her dad’s penis

straight towards her face, Kay started to stroke the fore skin up and down

exposing her father’s wet purple tip. Continuing for a short while to play with

her father’s foreskin decided to stick her tongue out and lick her father’s purple

head. Feeling the impact of his own daughter’s tongue touch his penis made,

Mike quiver with sexual excitement. Mike still looking down at his daughter

had noticed that her left hand, which had been holding his right leg, was now

hidden underneath her nightie fondling her pussy. Watching his daughter

sucking his penis deeper and leaving a trail of her own saliva was nothing that he

ever expected to experience. Kay was sucking faster on each thrust pressing her

face tight against her fathers pubic hair, he tasted so sweet, licking and spitting

on her father’s penis every so often. Mike was in heaven as he watched and

listened to his daughter slurp up and down his penis making seductive movement

with her eyes.

Jan sat quivering as her son sucked and licked away at both her amble breasts

having released her other boob for him. Looking away from her son’s face, Jan

noticed that her daughter was now squatting in front of her father giving him

what looked like an amazing blowjob! Between the sounds of her own son

sucking her breasts and her daughter slurping on her husband’s penis, Jan could

feel her pussy dripping honey. Slowly moving her son’s reluctant head away

from her glistening breasts, she now needed to pleasure her son. “ David,

darling. Has any woman ever sucked your penis”? David, with a flushed face

replied. “ No, mum. I’ve never ever been with a woman.” A little embarrassed at

his last comment, his mother looked into his eyes. “ Don’t worry, darling. I’ll

teach you. Stand up for me, David.” David did as his mother instructed. Jan now

eye level with her son’s black boxers, gently gripped both sides and pulled them

down realising her son’s straining erect penis. Jan was excited to see that her son

had developed very nicely with also thick pubic hair. Stroking and fondling her

son’s hairy balls and penis, Jan watched her son’s head roll backwards while

panting under his breath. “ Mummy is going to suck on your penis now, David,

alright, darling”? Looking down at his mother saucer wide brown eyes looking

up at him, said. “ Yes, Please, mum”! Instantly, Jan wrapped her lips around her

son’s thick penis using both her hands to support her on each of her son’s

legs. Using her lips and tongue like a pro started to deep throat her son crushing

her face against her son’s sweating musky pubic hair. Cupping both hands

around his mother’s tangled blond hair, David started to thrust forward

watching his mother’s boobs bounce over her nightie neckline. “ MUM, I’M

CUMMING”! Watching his mother looking up at him winked her right brown

eye and kept sucking faster than before. Shaking and quivering, David shot his

white sperm deep into his mothers mouth. “ Ahh! Mum.” Jan sucking every last

drop out of her son’s penis released it with a pop. Looking at her son’s still hard

and erect penis standing tall in front of her face, stood up and pushed her son

back on to the kitchen table, breathlessly saying. “ Oh! David, I need you inside

me.” Pushing her son down flat on the table, Jan climbed on top of the table and

squatted over her son’s still erect penis. Quickly throwing her short dressing

gown to the floor, Jan gripped the end of her nightie and pulled it over her head

bouncing her large breasts into view. David looked on with heart racing as his

mother angled his penis up straight toward her meaty hole surrounded by think

pubic hair. “ I’m going to insert your penis into me now, darling”! Without

waiting for, David to reply, Jan pushed down onto her son. “ Ooh! MUMMY!”

Kay, still sucking wildly on her father’s penis was distracted by the sounds

coming from behind her father. Releasing her fathers penis from her wet mouth,

Kay took one look behind her dad to see that her own brother was lying across

their kitchen table with her mother bouncing up and down on top of him.

Watching her brother was making her pussy extremely wet. Mike too couldn’t

believe as he watched his wife bounce up and down on his on son’s penis. His

wife was in bliss as she rolled her head side to side making her long hair fly

about. Looking back down at his daughter, Kay said. “ How about I give you

some of that”. Mike’s eye’s widened but still couldn’t speak from the shock of it

all. Kay standing up pressed her lips to her father’s and kissed, inserting her

tongue deep into her father’s mouth. Mike feeling his daughter press her body

against his wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately back.

Releasing her mouth from her dad’s, Kay instructed her dad to lie down. Taking

off his dressing gown and dropping it to the floor, Mike went down onto the

kitchen floor between his daughter’s legs. Kay, looking down at her father

squatted over his penis. Watching his daughter squatting down and lifting her

nightie up exposed her hairy pussy to him. A pubic triangle of hair looked as if it

had never been trimmed made, Mike’s sexual urge even greater. Kay holding her

nightie up a little bit gripped her father’s penis and inserted it in to her wet

pussy. “ Oh, Kay!” Kay letting go of her nightie rested her small hands on her

father’s chest as leverage. Watching his daughter thrust up and down was

making her breasts shake violently underneath her nightie. “ Ooh, dad! This

feels so great!” Kay said, breathlessly. Hearing his daughter made, Mike meet

his daughter’s thrusts. “ Kay, please take off your nightie and show your dad

your beautiful body!” Mike asked, breathlessly. Kay slowed herself down and

gripping her nightie bottom pulled it over her head to reveal a nice set of amble

breasts bouncing in front of him. Mike looking down his daughter’s body to her

wild tangled mess of pubic hair couldn’t control himself no longer. “ KAY! GET

OFF ME NOW, I’M CUMMING”!! Breathlessly, his daughter replied. “ Don’t

worry dad, I’m using mums pregnancy pills!” with that final word, Mike shot his

warm sperm deep into his daughter’s pussy leaving Kay collapsing onto her

father. “ Sorry, honey, I just couldn’t control it, then” Out of breath Kay looked

at her father and said. “ Don’t worry dad, you were great! Giving her dad a

quick kiss on the lips, Kay slowly standing up watched her father’s semi erect

penis slide out of her. Kay, still in need of satisfaction looked over to her brother

and thought. MMmm, I have an idea. Watching her mother still bouncing up

and down on her brother looked over to his face and said. “ Hey nerd”! David,

looking over at his sister standing there completely nude made him thrust harder

up into his mother’s wet pussy. “ I think I have the cure to stop you from bad

mouthing me”! Kay making seductive eyes at her confused brother quickly

climbed up on to the kitchen table and squatted over her brother’s face. David’s

view was now a tangled mess of sweaty pubic hair even more than his mum had.

Reaching out to hold his sisters hips, David thrust his tongue into his sister’s

sweaty hairy wide, wet pussy taking in all the musky scent there was. “ Ooh,

Dave! You going to make you sister orgasm soon”! Mike, still lying down on the

kitchen floor was mesmerised at the scene in front of him. “ Mm, Kay, your

pussy tastes so sweet.” Hearing her brother say that was making her feel so

horny. “ Shut up and just lick me, Dave”! David commenced licking deep into

his sister’s pussy, licking and sucking her clit, too. Jan watching her own

daughter sitting on her brother’s face caught eye contact with each other. Giving

the other a little smirk both daughter and mother learned forward and kissed

and licked each other’s lips. David not being able to help control himself shot hot

sperm into his mother’s pussy as he increased sucking his sister’s clit more

rapidly. Releasing both their lips from each other, screamed! “ YES, DAVID!

David lay there just quivering as his mother slowed down to a halt in exhaustion.

Kay was breathless from having her first orgasm by the hands of her father and

brother. Jan, looking down at her husband still lying on the kitchen floor gave

him a smile and said. “ You and me next, darling.” Mike looked at his wife with

a warm delight. Kay lifting herself of the table to come stand next to next brother

, leaned over him and said. “ Your mine next.” Kissing him lightly on the lips.

The End.

story by: dark123

Tags: fiction sex story

Author: dark123

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